Depot:Association for the Research of History, Anthropology and Literature


Ceased to exist in 2014.

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Društvo za proučevanje zgodovine, antropologije in književnosti (ZAK)
Einspielerjeva 6, SI-1109 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 514 2459

Established in 1993, the Association for the Research of History, Anthropology and Literature (ZAK) is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation of researchers and authors who pursue research in the fields of history, anthropology, and literature. The core focus of their scholarly endeavours is the condemnation of all forms of totalitarianism and destructive impulses and the celebration of human development and creativity. The association also publishes books and the journal Borec.


Ilegalčki [Children in Illegality: Ljubljana during the war 1941–1995]; Trenutki odločitve [Moments of Decision: the performative, political and technological], art video, film and interactive multimedia works by Marina Gržinić and Aina Šmid, 1982–2005; Evropeana [Europeana: Short history of the 20th century] by the Czech publicist Patrik Ourednik; and Preživele smo in spomnimo se [We Survived and We Do Remember: Memories of Slovene women prisoners in the Ravensbrueck Camp] edited by Silvija Kavčič are some of the works ZAK has published in the collections Knjižnica ZAK, Eos, and Previharimo viharje.

The quarterly journal Borec focuses on contemporary quandaries of social reality through the interpretive framework of historical memory. The website provides access to English summaries of the contributions. In 2008 the association published a special issues of the journal under the name Oddogodenje zgodovine – primer Jugoslavije [The Uneventment of History – The case of Yugoslavia], comprising papers delivered at the international conference Oddogodenje zgodovine held at the Slovene Academy of Science and Arts.

See also

External links

Društvo za proučevanje zgodovine, antropologije in književnosti (ZAK) +
Društvo za proučevanje zgodovine, antropologije in književnosti (ZAK) +
SI-1109 Ljubljana +
Einspielerjeva 6 +
Established in 1993, the Association for the Research of History, Anthropology and Literature (ZAK) is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation of researchers and authors who pursue research in the fields of history, anthropology, and literature. +
Established in 1993, the Association for the Research of History, Anthropology and Literature (ZAK) is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation of researchers and authors who pursue research in the fields of history, anthropology, and literature. +
ZAK je nevladna, neprofitna organizacija raziskovalcev in avtorjev, ki se ukvarjajo z raziskavami na področju zgodovine, antropologije in literature. +
+386 / 1 514 2459 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1109 +
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