Depot:Museum of Medicine, Institute for the History of Medicine



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Muzej medicine v okviru Inštituta za zgodovino medicine, Univerza v Ljubljana
Zaloška 7a, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 439 6240

Cease to exist

Archive Articles

The Museum of Medicine was originally established in 1945 as a modest medical history collection by Ivan Pintar, first director of the Institute for the History of Medicine. After an interruption which lasted several years Peter Borisov was appointed director of the institute and it moved to its present address. Until his retirement in 1991 Professor Borisov continued to collect a great variety of objects, documents, instruments, books, private archives, and photographic material, thus establishing the foundations for a Museum of Medicine within the Faculty of Medicine.

Today, working on behalf of the Institute for the History of Medicine, the museum collects and preserves objects connected with medicine and dentistry, including documents, pictorial and written material, and books and literature related to medicine. Interesting items in the holding include a collection of degrees, medals and medical photographs, an extensive collection of medical instruments, medical aids and hospital equipment, and a collection of rare medical specimens. The museum also looks after the institute's library of rare old medical books.

See also

External links

Muzej medicine v okviru Inštituta za zgodovino medicine, Univerza v Ljubljana +
Muzej medicine v okviru Inštituta za zgodovino medicine, Univerza v Ljubljana +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Zaloška 7a +
The Museum of MedicineThe Museum of Medicine was originally established in 1945 as a modest medical history collection by Ivan Pintar, first director of the Institute for the History of Medicine.Institute for the History of Medicine. +
The Museum of Medicine was originally established in 1945 as a modest medical history collection by Ivan Pintar, first director of the Institute for the History of Medicine. +
+386 / 1 439 6240 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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