Depot:Delavnica Institute of Art and Culture Maribor


Cease to exist.

Archive Article

In 2010 the Delavnica Association established the Delavnica Institute of Art and Culture Maribor to carry out international educational projects in the field of classical music, the Maribor International Orchestra 2012.

See also

External links

Kulturno umetniški zavod Delavnica Maribor +
Kulturno umetniški zavod Delavnica Maribor +
SI-2000 Maribor +
Ulica heroja Bračiča 18 +
In 2010 the Delavnica Association established the Delavnica Institute of Art and Culture Maribor to carry out international educational projects in the field of classical music, the Maribor International Orchestra 2012. +
In 2010 the Delavnica Association established the Delavnica Institute of Art and Culture Maribor to carry out international educational projects in the field of classical music, the Maribor International Orchestra 2012. +
Maribor +
SI-2000 +
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