
From Culture.si

Klopotec is an independent music label, dealing primarily with jazz, improvised music and various folk enterprises, yet also with occasional classical pieces and pop-rock acts. Established in 2010, the label fast became one of the leading Slovenian alternative labels, publishing highly-regarded artists from abroad and garnering international acclaim.

Publishing programme

The label is a one-man-band, run by Iztok Zupan, a broad-minded music connoisseur. An avid music photographer, he is also a respected recording professional who recorded and mastered the better part of the recent releases on his label. Sometimes he records concerts at the behest of various festivals and publishes the recordings on his own label, as in the case of Jazz Cerkno Festival.

Releases by Klopotec feature, for example, the composer Milko Lazar, the versatile accordionist Marko Hatlak, the hypnotic folk of Širom, and a number of works by the renowned Slovenian drummer Zlatko Kaučič. Of the artists from abroad, one can mention Trevor Watts, Daunik Lazro, Joe McPhee, and Jasmine Choi.

See also

External links

... more about "Klopotec"
Klopotec +
Klopotec +
4244 Podnart +
Posavec 145 +
Klopotec is an independent music label, dealing primarily with jazz, improvised music and various folk enterprises, yet also with occasional classical pieces and pop-rock acts. +
Klopotec is an independent music label, dealing primarily with jazz, improvised music and various folk enterprises, yet also with occasional classical pieces and pop-rock acts. +
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