Maribor Is The Future podcast


Maribor Is The Future
Glavni trg 22, SI-2000 Maribor

Phone386 (0) 40 680 563
Founded byGT22
Managed byGT22

Maribor Is The Future podcast is an arts and culture podcast, established in 2016 in GT22. It produces podcasts about different subjects: film, theatre, visual arts, photography, local topics, urban gardening, ecology, sports and music. It features also a separate Abonma series, which comments live with guests on theatre plays, which are part of the Maribor Theatre Festival, Week of Slovenian Drama and Days of Comedy. The podcasts are recorded in Slovene, English and Croatian language and are also frequently aried at Mariborski radio Študent (MARŠ) on mondays at 10 PM.

See also

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