3rdHand Association

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Tretaroka, društvo za reciklažne in kreativne projekte
Celovška 127, SI-1000 Ljubljana

Established in 2005, the 3rdHand Association (Društvo Tretaroka) is an organisation of quite a diverse and elusive character. It runs a multi-disciplinary and socially engaged programme that reflects the collective's backgrounds in design, art, cultural politics and social sciences. Proactive in setting up collaborative, educational and experimental platforms, the association is responsible for the Independent Biennial and Design Biotop.

Design Biotop 2015 Brainstorming at Kino Siska Photo Barbara Pocek.jpgDuring one of the editions of Design Biotop the participants, coming from the public administrations, were joined for workshops by selected designers, artists, and entrepreneurs. Pictured here at Kino Šiška, 2015

Main projects

The Independent Biennial (also called the Biennial of Slovenian Independent Illustration) is a platform for the promotion and development of the illustration scene in Slovenia. That said, the biennial recognises this as a very wide phenomenon, featuring not only book illustration, caricature, comics, design illustration, commercial logotypes and graffiti, but also the more "dynamic" creations such as animation, multimedia interventions, and interactive websites, and many other formats.

Design Biotop shares the former's openness in that it strives to connect design methods and a creative mindset with systemic interventions for societal change. Facilitating open knowledge exchange, this "experiential conference" consists of lectures, workshops and discussions, addressing not only those involved in design itself but also various types of public policy makers, private enterprises and artists.

Independent Biennial 2015 design detail Photo Ales Rosa.jpgA detail of a design composition by Ana Baraga, presented at the Independent Biennial, 2015


The 3rdHand Association has worked with numerous NGOs and galleries, various private enterprises as well as several state bodies and public cultural institutes, among them, Kino Šiška Centre for Urban Culture, the Museum of Architecture and Design, the Biennial of Design (BIO), the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Ljudmila Art and Science Laboratory, SPIRIT, the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport.

International projects

The association established an ongoing collaboration with Aalto University from Helsinki, with whom they realised a series of projects (Face2Face, Marmelada, Emotional Window, Design Biotop).

In 2015, the Independent Biennial travelled to Washington, D.C., as a part of the European Month of Culture programme. There were two exhibitions set up, one in the premises of the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Washington and the other in the gallery space of New York University (NYU). The exhibitions presented authors who participated in the biennial between 2007 and 2013, altogether more than 80 of them with about one hundred works. In 2017, they once again exhibited at the Clayton Center for the Arts, Maryville, and at the Arts & Culture Alliance, Knoxville.

This "travelling biennial overview" also stopped in the summer of 2015 in Finland, where around 50 visual works were featured in a screening exhibition at Merkillinen – visual poetry exhibition at Gallery Aila Seppälä Lahti, organised by Sanakuva Collective.


The 2014 Design Biotop was awarded as the best accompanying event of the BIO 50:NOW.

See also

External links


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Tretaroka, društvo za reciklažne in kreativne projekte +
Tretaroka, društvo za reciklažne in kreativne projekte +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Celovška 127 +
Established in 2005, the 3rdHand Association (Društvo Tretaroka) is an organisation of quite a diverse and elusive character. +
Established in 2005, the 3rdHand Association (Društvo Tretaroka) is an organisation of quite a diverse and elusive character. +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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