Depot:Dharmafilm Society


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Dharmafilm - društvo za film in video produkcijo
Obirska 11, SI-1000 Ljubljana

FF600 - 2009 - 06.jpgPress stand at 6th FF600 Film Festival, in two festival days more than 40 short films from 20 countries were screened. 2009

The Dharmafilm Society for Film and Video Production is a non-profit and non-governmental organisation established in 2003 which organised the annual FF600 Film Festival up to 2010.


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Dharmafilm - društvo za film in video produkcijo +
Dharmafilm - društvo za film in video produkcijo +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Obirska 11 +
FF600 - 2009 - 06.jpgPress stand at 6th FF600 Film Festival, in two festival days more than 40 short films from 20 countries were screened. +
Press stand at 6th FF600 Film Festival, in two festival days more than 40 short films from 20 countries were screened. +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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