Institution for the Information Activity of the Hungarian National Community



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Zavod za informativno dejavnost madžarske narodnosti (Magyar Nemzetiségi Tájékoztatási Intézet)
Glavna ulica - Fő utca 124, SI-9220 Lendava-Lendva
Phone386 (0) 2 577 6180

Founded in 1993, the Institution for the Information Activity of the Hungarian National Community traces the demographic activity and trends of the Hungarian minority in the Republic of Slovenia, protected by the Slovene Constitution. As per the 2002 census data, 6,243 declared themselves as members of the Hungarian National Community and 7,713 persons stated Hungarian as their mother tongue.


The institution publishes Népújság (most readily translated as "Folk Newspaper"). It first appeared in 1956 as a supplement to the local newspaper Pomurski vestnik, but became an independent weekly magazine in 1958 run by an independent editorial board. It currently has 1,600 subscribers and a weekly distribution of 2,000 copies in Lendava. Népújság and its supplement IFI are cofinanced by the Slovene government.

See also

External links

Zavod za informativno dejavnost madžarske narodnosti (Magyar Nemzetiségi Tájékoztatási Intézet) +
Zavod za informativno dejavnost madžarske narodnosti (Magyar Nemzetiségi Tájékoztatási Intézet) +
SI-9220 Lendava-Lendva +
Glavna ulica - Fő utca 124 +
Founded in 1993, the Institution for the Information Activity of the Hungarian National Community traces the demographic activity and trends of the Hungarian minority in the Republic of Slovenia, protected by the Slovene Constitution. +
Founded in 1993, the Institution for the Information Activity of the Hungarian National Community traces the demographic activity and trends of the Hungarian minority in the Republic of Slovenia, protected by the Slovene Constitution. +
+386 / 2 577 6180 +
Lendava-Lendva +
SI-9220 +
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