Lesce Brass Orchestra

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Pihalni orkester Lesce
Žirovnica 97, SI-4274 Žirovnica

The Lesce Brass Orchestra was founded in 1955 in Lesce, a village in the Municipality of Radovljica. It numbers around sixty musicians who perform both locally and regionally and regularly attend international competitions. In 2005 the orchestra, conducted by Aljoša Defferi, won first prize at the International Brass Band Competition in Riva del Garda, Italy.

In celebration of its 50th anniversary, the orchestra released an album in 2005 featuring pieces composed by Slavko Avsenik and Slavko Avsenik jr. from the world-famous Avsenik Ensemble.

See also

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... more about "Lesce Brass Orchestra"
Pihalni orkester Lesce +
Pihalni orkester Lesce +
SI-4274 Žirovnica +
Žirovnica 97 +
The Lesce Brass Orchestra was founded in 1955 in Lesce, a village in the Municipality of Radovljica. +
The Lesce Brass Orchestra was founded in 1955 in Lesce, a village in the Municipality of Radovljica. +
Žirovnica +
SI-4274 +