Depot:Branch Unit II, Archives of the Republic of Slovenia (ARS)



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Arhiv republike Slovenije: Enota na Linhartovi cesti, Ljubljana
Kongresni trg 1, SI-1127 Ljubljana

Phone386 (0) 1 241 4291

The Branch Unit II of the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia, situated at Kazina Palace in Ljubljana, was formerly the Historical Archives of Central Committee of the Slovene League of Communists, which was annexed to the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia in 1990. The unit also houses part of the former Archives of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs, annexed in 1998, with records of the National Security Service. A reading room is available.

See also

External links

Arhiv republike Slovenije: Enota na Linhartovi cesti, Ljubljana +
Arhiv republike Slovenije: Enota na Linhartovi cesti, Ljubljana +
SI-1127 Ljubljana +
Kongresni trg 1 +
The Branch Unit IIThe Branch Unit II of the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia, situated at Kazina Palace in Ljubljana, was formerly the Historical Archives of Central Committee of the Slovene League of Communists, which was annexed to the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia in 1990.Archives of the Republic of Slovenia in 1990. +
The Branch Unit II of the Archives of the The Branch Unit II of the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia, situated at Kazina Palace in Ljubljana, was formerly the Historical Archives of Central Committee of the Slovene League of Communists, which was annexed to the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia in 1990.hives of the Republic of Slovenia in 1990. +
+386 / 1 241 4291 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1127 +