University of Nova Gorica


University of Nova Gorica 2015 Main building Photo Miha Godec.jpgUniversity of Nova Gorica, main bulidnig, 2015.

The University of Nova Gorica, the fourth university to be founded in Slovenia, was established in 2006 on the foundations of the former Nova Gorica Polytechnic. The latter grew out of the School of Environmental Sciences, the first international graduate school in Slovenia, which was founded in 1995 by the Municipality of Nova Gorica and the Jožef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana.

Undergraduate programmes at the University of Nova Gorica are carried out by six schools: the School for Viticulture and Enology; the School of Engineering and Management; the School of Arts; the School of Environmental Sciences; the School of Sciences; and the School of Humanities. The graduate school offers doctoral study programmes in the fields of Cultural Heritage, Environmental Sciences; Humanities, Cognitive Science of Language; Karstology; Physics; Materials; and Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology.

The university's various laboratories and centres are hubs of lively research activity.

International cooperation

The University of Nova Gorica has been very internationally oriented since its founding. As such, the university employs a high percentage of foreign experts and hosts international students from all over the world, with the percentage of international students being slightly over 50 per cent in the 2019/20 academic year. The university offers numerous possibilities of international cooperation and mobility programmes to its students and staff members. At present, it is an active member of Erasmus+, CEEPUS, Erasmus Mundus and has numerous bilateral agreements with universities abroad. Moreover, the university also offers study programmes with the opportunity of a double diploma with renowned universities abroad (Cultural Heritage, 3rd level; Slovene Studies – orientation Linguistics, 2nd level; Environmental Sciences, 1st level), and one international joint study programme – the European Master in Migration and Intercultural Relations (EMMIR).

The university's research activities also have a significant international character, as the university cooperates with many foreign research institutions and scientific collaborations.

The university is also the co-founder of the Primorska Technology Park in Šempeter pri Gorici and the University of Nova Gorica Foundation.

See also

External links


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Univerza v Novi Gorici +
SI-5000 Nova Gorica +
Vipavska 13 +
The University of Nova Gorica, the fourth university to be founded in Slovenia, was established in 2006 on the foundations of the former Nova Gorica Polytechnic. +
The University of Nova Gorica, the fourth university to be founded in Slovenia, was established in 2006 on the foundations of the former Nova Gorica Polytechnic. +
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