Capuchin Monastery Library, Krško



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Knjižnica kapucinskega samostana Krško
Cesta krških žrtev 26, SI-8270 Krško
Phone386 (0) 7 490 4000

The Capuchin Monastery Library, Krško is one of the few old libraries that has remained in situ until today. Before the Second World War there were more than 4,000 units kept in the library collections, out of which some 1,500 units have been preserved. The library was formed soon after the establishment of the Capuchin Monastery in Krško 1640.


In 1640 a monastery was built for Capuchin monks in Krško, a region with a strong Protestant tradition, in order to strengthen Catholicism. Subsequently the monks acquired a great deal of literature to support their preaching activities, including dogmatic and philosophical works, Latin and German Bibles with commentaries, breviaries, preaching books, and commentaries. During the Second World War Germans destroyed much of the library's holdings; surviving books came into the custody of local people, who returned the books to the convent after the war. In 1986 the 300-year-old Baroque library of the Capuchin Monastery was opened to the public. It presents a good example of historical bibliographical method preservation; most books are in Latin, German, and Italian, but a few are in Slovenian.


The Capuchin Library in Krško contains around 1,500 units dating from the 17th century, bound using a method typical of the Capuchin or Franciscan order with the owner's sign (signature) and still arranged in the alphabetical, field, and format order prescribed by the catalogue of 1695 (Folios 4, 8, 12). The most precious items are Janez Svetokriški's Sacrum Promptuarium, Father Rogerius's Palmarium Empyreum and Schönleben's Carniola Antiqua et Nova. The library also preserves some early Ljubljana prints from the 18th century. As the Capuchin monks engaged in education and medicine, the library also contains several old books on medicine and pharmacy. Some of the library's incunabula are stored at the National and University Library (NUK) in Ljubljana, including Dalmatin's Bible and Valvasor's The Glory of the Duchy of Carniola.

See also

External links

Knjižnica kapucinskega samostana Krško +
45.965 +
Knjižnica kapucinskega samostana Krško +
15.486 +
SI-8270 Krško +
Cesta krških žrtev 26 +
The Capuchin Monastery Library, Krško is one of the few old libraries that has remained in situ until today. +
The Capuchin Monastery Library, Krško is one of the few old libraries that has remained in situ until today. +
+386 / 7 490 4000 +
Krško +
SI-8270 +
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