Union of Slovene Journalists

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Sindikat novinarjev Slovenije (SNS)
Vošnjakova 8, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 426 0366

The Union of Slovene Journalists was established in 1990. It is a representative professional trade union whose purposes and goals are stated in its constitution: free flow of information and ideas; compliance with the provisions of the national collective agreement for professional journalists; protecting the material, social and cultural interests of journalists; protecting the autonomy and integrity of journalism; protecting the rights of employees, including proper wages, social and health conditions; strengthening solidarity among union members; and participating in the creation of editorial policies and decisions relating to human resources, proper conditions for professional development and further training.

The Union represents its members in dealings with media management and owners, state institutions and other organisations, providing free legal assistance and support to its members in disputes between employees and employers, and negotiating on behalf of its members on the basis of the Union’s constitution and the general rules of trade unions, measures and programmes adopted by the Union of Slovene Journalists, and on the basis of the collective agreement for professional journalists. It monitors compliance with the collective agreement by media enterprises and immediately takes action if breaches of the agreement occur, organises mutual assistance among members and organises labour strikes, if necessary. They also offer free legal assistance to its members if needed.

The Union of Slovene Journalists collaborates closely with the Slovene Association of Journalists in the joint management of the Journalists’ Ethics Council (Novinarsko častno razsodišče). They are also collaborating on the establishment a new Slovene Journalism Centre.

See also

External links

Sindikat novinarjev Slovenije (SNS) +
Sindikat novinarjev Slovenije (SNS) +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Vošnjakova 8 +
The Union of Slovene Journalists was established in 1990. +
The Union of Slovene Journalists was established in 1990. +
+386 / 1 426 0366 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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