The Hoax Program


The Hoax Program

The Hoax Program is a Slovene band that successfully merges elements of hardcore, rock 'n' roll, and stoner music. The band was formed in 2007 and features all former members of Low Punch, one of the most influential 1990s Slovene hardcore bands, and a member of a still active melodic hardcore band, Real Life Version. The current line-up therefore includes Dean Gnezda (vocals), Jani Jež (guitar), Ivo Lozej (bass), Radovan Lozej (guitar), and David Stibilj (drums). Other associated music acts by the members of The Hoax Program are the no longer active Elodea, Kill the Routine, Minotaver, Summer's Gone, Up John, and the still active Iamdisease.


Low Punch was an old-school hardcore band, which was formed by high school friends from Ajdovščina in 1997. The band was known for their intense and energetic live shows in Slovenia and across Europe, which often featured band members' high jumping and crowd surfing. The year before disbanding in 2001, they released the album Act.Revolt.Live. In 2005 the members reunited and performed at a hardcore reunion show at Mostovna, along with other influential 1990s bands from areas around Ajdovščina and Gorica. The band decided to open a new chapter and started working on new material. They upgraded their old known hardcore sound with rock 'n' roll, new wave of British heavy metal, and stoner rock, and consequently changed their name to The Hoax Program. In the following years, the 4-piece band gained an extra guitarist. The interweaving upbeat melodies of two guitars, fat bass lines, fast drumming and stronger, less shrill vocals affirm the band's maturity and explain the reason behind changing the name. In 2011 they were selected among perspective alternative acts on Club Marathon, organised by Radio Študent (RŠ).


So far The Hoax Program has released 2 albums, a self-published Lost Songs, Forgotten Melodies (Storm Inside Records) in 2008, and a second album, simply titled as II (ZARŠ Records) in the end of 2011. The last album is a product that moves even further from the hardcore melodies and shows quality musical arrangements, where musical experience and non-preoccupation with music genres is evident. In just 28 minutes the band serves us with fast and rousing guitar melodies that deserve the attention of all who love "out of the box" rock 'n' roll music. The album also manages to impress visually, with beautifully detailed artwork, which was drawn and designed by their bassist, Ivo Lozej.

See also

External links

The Hoax Program on Bandcamp

... more about "The Hoax Program"
The Hoax Program +
The Hoax Program +
The Hoax Program is a Slovene band that successfully merges elements of hardcore, rock 'n' roll, and stoner music. +
The Hoax Program is a Slovene band that successfully merges elements of hardcore, rock 'n' roll, and stoner music. +
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