Senzorium Institute for Sensorial Theatre and Research


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Senzorium - senzorialno gledališče in raziskava, zavod za organizacijo in izvedbo kulturnih projektov in prireditev
Kavčičeva 4, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 31 880 483

Established in 2001 by Colombian theatre practitioner Gabriel E. Hernandez and Slovene actress Barbara Pia Janič, Senzorium Institute for Sensorial Theatre and Research is a pioneering institution for sensorial theatre and research. Led by Barbara Pia Janič since 2006, Senzorium's productions highlight the economy of the senses and experience in contemporary society and are known for employing interactive performance formats. Senzorium collaborates with actors, painters, sculptors, architects, writers, and designers, and organises various workshops for all age groups which deal with sensory language, creating characters, and inhabiting time and space.


The Senzorium Institute has produced several performances Walker of Sins [Sprehajalec grehov] (2002), City of Silence [Mesto tišine] (2003), To Be or To Have [Biti ali imeti] (2004), Midnight Margareta [Polnočna Margareta] (2005), Unveiling [Odstiranja] (2006), City of Sighs [Mesto Vzdihljajev] (2008), In Vino Veritas (2009), all of which stimulate active participation of the individual spectator in the labyrinths of the senses.

Recent production

The 2008 event City of Sighs [Mesto vzdihljajev], evoking Slovenian national archetypal figures and featuring some legends of Slovene music (Laibach, Siddharta, Pepel in kri, Avsenik Ensemble, etc.), took place in different locations at the Ljubljana Castle, while the 2009 performance In Vino Veritas took the visitors on a journey of processing grapes into wine, helping them in a Dionysian manner to uncover the truth about themselves in wine and wine in themselves. The performance was part of an exhibition at the Slovene Ethnographic Museum, which was also the co-producer of the performance along with B-51 Cultural Society.

In 2010, Jenič directed a multimedia event, a bow to spiritual affinity, the power of love, and faithfulness among friends, An Evening with Mila Kačič [Večer z Milo Kačič] (Mila Kačič - the late Slovene actress and singer), which included the actresses Ivanka Mežan, Štefka Drolc, and Iva Zupančič, and other singers, dancers, and interpreters. The event was co-produced with Slovene National Theatre Drama Ljubljana in partnership with Festival Ljubljana Public Institute.

International cooperation

The Senzorium Institute has toured to Columbia, the UK, Denmark, Mexico, Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, and Germany, and has frequently been presented in Italy.

External links

Senzorium - senzorialno gledališče in raziskava, zavod za organizacijo in izvedbo kulturnih projektov in prireditev +
Senzorium - senzorialno gledališče in raziskava, zavod za organizacijo in izvedbo kulturnih projektov in prireditev +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Kavčičeva 4 +
Established in 2001 by Colombian theatre practitioner Gabriel E. +
Established in 2001 by Colombian theatre practitioner Gabriel E. +
+386 / 31 880 483 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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