Logos Cultural Society (KUD Logos)

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Kulturno-umetniško društvo Logos
Maleševa 8, SI-1000 Ljubljana

Logos Cultural Society (KUD Logos), established in 2001, joins Christians of various creeds (Evangelical, Orthodox, Catholic) with a view to creating an environment which fosters a coexistence of different spiritual, ethical, and intellectual identities, in turn, developing and stimulating meaningful dialogue, discussion, and debate not limited to any one institution or denomination.

Publishing activity

KUD Logos publishes books on philosophy, spirituality, and art, written by Slovene and foreign authors, for example, Plato, Ellul, Coli, and Gorazd Kocijančič. Slovene and translated literature also feature in their publishing programme, which comprises such prominent names as Rilke, Hugo, and Hölderlin. Logos Cultural Society has won EU funding for Literary Translation several times. Works are available in their online bookshop.


Also published by KUD Logos and freely accessible through their website, Logos Journal is an international multilingual journal for culture and spirituality. Since 2019 the Journal has not appeared, due to lack of financing, it should restart publishing when financing is guaranteed again. Some articles are nevertheless published online.

Other activities

In the past KUD Logos hosted a series of evening debates on philosophy entitled Philologos, the proceedings of which were subsequently published. They have several ongoing online projects about Vladimir Solovjev, Master Eckhart and Nikolaj Kuzanski. It also organises an array of events, presentations, lectures, and symposia.

See also

External links

Kulturno-umetniško društvo Logos +
Kulturno-umetniško društvo Logos +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Maleševa 8 +
Logos Cultural Society (KUD Logos), esLogos Cultural Society (KUD Logos), established in 2001, joins Christians of various creeds (Evangelical, Orthodox, Catholic) with a view to creating an environment which fosters a coexistence of different spiritual, ethical, and intellectual identities, in turn, developing and stimulating meaningful dialogue, discussion, and debate not limited to any one institution or denomination.ed to any one institution or denomination. +
Logos Cultural Society (KUD Logos), establLogos Cultural Society (KUD Logos), established in 2001, joins Christians of various creeds (Evangelical, Orthodox, Catholic) with a view to creating an environment which fosters a coexistence of different spiritual, ethical, and intellectual identities, in turn, developing and stimulating meaningful dialogue, discussion, and debate not limited to any one institution or denomination.ed to any one institution or denomination. +
KUD Logos spodbuja sožitje različnih duhovnih, etičnih in intelektualnih identitet. Razvija in spodbuja dialog, in izdaja knjige ter revije o filozofiji, umetnosti in spiritualnosti. +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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