Legal Information Centre Maribor (PIP Maribor)



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PIP Maribor - Pravni in informacijski center Maribor
Gosposvetska cesta 83, SI-2000 Maribor
Phone386 (0) 2 234 2146

Legal Information Centre Maribor (PIP Maribor) is a private non-profit institution providing free legal advice and information for individuals and NGOs related to student status, studies abroad, social benefits etc, developmental assistance to NGOs, and implementation of youth-oriented projects. It has closely co-operated with the Legal Information Centre for NGOs (LIC) in Ljubljana. Initially iz was run by University of Maribor's Student Organisation with branch offices in Murska Sobota and Ptuj.


Regional NGO Hub for Podravje

Since 2008, Zavod PIP has been developing a supportive environment for Podravje region’s non-governmental organizations through the Regional NGO Hub for Podravje. The purpose of establishing the Regional NGO Hub in Podravje is to strengthen the informational, organizational, professional and advocational capacities of NGOs as well as contributing to the greater role of NGOs in preparing local and regional policies and strengthening cross-sectoral integration and cooperation to address local needs in the fields of education, healthcare, employment, environmental protection, social services, cultural assets, etc.

Active Maribor Youth

The Active Maribor Youth programme responds to the identified needs of youths by enabling them to strengthen their competences through different methods: obtaining new knowledge and communications skills through non-formal learning, stimulating the creativity and experience-based learning through various workshops, provide professional assistance and support with which young participants can obtain relevant information and knowledge about employment and career development.

Europe Direct Podravje Info Point

PIP Maribor serves also as the regional information point about the European Union. It promotes thinking and debating about the EU on the local level and provides responses to current affairs to European Commission Representation in Slovenia.


SocioLab project is aimed at establishing a comprehensive ecosystem for enhancing the potential of individuals, initiatives and communities. The project promotes, supports and expands the operation of social enterprises and cooperatives in the Podravje region.

They are also part of the Active Citizens Fund in Slovenia programme and Housing for all project.

See also

External links

PIP Maribor - Pravni in informacijski center Maribor +
PIP Maribor - Pravni in informacijski center Maribor +
SI-2000 Maribor +
Gosposvetska cesta 83 +
[[Legal Information Centre Maribor (PIP MaLegal Information Centre Maribor (PIP Maribor) is a private non-profit institution providing free legal advice and information for individuals and NGOs related to student status, studies abroad, social benefits etc, developmental assistance to NGOs, and implementation of youth-oriented projects.implementation of youth-oriented projects. +
Legal Information Centre Maribor (PIP MariLegal Information Centre Maribor (PIP Maribor) is a private non-profit institution providing free legal advice and information for individuals and NGOs related to student status, studies abroad, social benefits etc, developmental assistance to NGOs, and implementation of youth-oriented projects.implementation of youth-oriented projects. +
+386 / 2 234 2146 +
Maribor +
SI-2000 +
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