Karantanija Publishing House

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Založba Karantanija
Savlje 38, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 561 3319

Established in 1990, Karantanija Publishing House issues literature by Slovene and foreign writers for all generations of readers. In addition, it publishes handbooks, history books and a collection on Slovene literature authors. Slavko Pregl, Primož Suhodolčan, Janja Vidmar, Ivan Sivec, and Tone Partljič are some of the renowned authors that have collaborated with the publishing house.

Youth literature

The most prominent and popular collection of the Karantanija Publishing House is the Lastovka ("Swallow") collection that since the 1990s brings new literary works for youth by contemporary Slovenian and international authors.

Discount bookstores

Karantanija Publishing House also run discount bookstores in Ljubljana, Celje, and Nova Gorica, which offers a selection of books by Karantanija, as well as those by other publishing houses, at better prices.

External link

Založba Karantanija +
Založba Karantanija +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Savlje 38 +
Established in 1990, Karantanija Publishing House issues literature by Slovene and foreign writers for all generations of readers. +
Established in 1990, Karantanija Publishing House issues literature by Slovene and foreign writers for all generations of readers. +
Založba Karantanija izdaja literarna dela slovenskih in tujih pisateljev za vse generacije bralcev. +
+386 / 1 561 3319 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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