Dragon Award

From Culture.si


The Dragon Award (previously called Golden Reel Award) is a public award bestowed each year at the Ljubljana International Film Festival (LIFFe). Any film screened at the festival is automatically in the competition for this award. The award is granted to the film that gets the highest average mark (everyone who buys a ticket also receives a ballot with numbers from 1 to 5; viewers mark the ballot accordingly after seeing the film, and the numbers are calculated). The winning film is then purchased for the distribution in Slovene cinemas.

See also

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Nagrada Zmaj +
Nagrada Zmaj +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Prešernova 10 +
The Dragon Award (previously called Golden Reel Award) is a public award bestowed each year at the Ljubljana International Film Festival (LIFFe). +
The Dragon Award (previously called Golden Reel Award) is a public award bestowed each year at the Ljubljana International Film Festival (LIFFe). +
+386 /1 241 7147 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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