Cankarjev dom, Film Programme


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Filmski program Cankarjevega doma
Prešernova 10, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 241 7100

The Film Programme is an important part of life at Cankarjev dom (CD), if perhaps a less prominent one than music and the performing arts in terms of day-to-day programming. CD's film events generally take place in Linhart Hall (capacity 562) and the smaller Kosovel Hall (capacity 170), although other spaces are occasionally used.

Through its film department, CD also operates as an independent, non-commercial film distributor, and buys theatrical rights for several art films every year. These films are then premiered at LIFFe, and later screened in its own venues as part of the Liffe po Liffu (Liffe After Liffe) series or in other independent art cinemas around the country. It is a founder member of the Slovenian Art Cinema Association.


With Ljubljana well-served elsewhere by arthouse and world cinema, the Film Programme is free to specialise in the organisation and hosting of festivals. It has organised Ljubljana International Film Festival (LIFFe) since the first edition in 1990 (since which time the festival has become CD's largest and most well-attended annual event), and is also responsible for organising Ljubljana Documentary Film Festival, which span off from LIFFe in 1998. The two festivals take place in November and March, respectively. Since 2007, CD has co-hosted the Mountain Film Festival, which has grown to become one of largest and most highly regarded mountain film festivals in the world.

Since 2017, the film department has organised and hosted a series of premieres of major Slovenian films in collaboration with the Slovenian Film Centre. The Naši filmi doma (Slovenian Films at Home) series aims to promote domestic cinema production, and give the general public a chance to attend a gala premiere prior to a film's general release, usually in the company of the producers, directors and actors.

International activities

Cankarjev dom has been a member of the Fédération internationale des associations de producteurs (FIAPF) since 1992 and of the Coordination européenne des festivals de cinéma (CEFC) since 1998. It is also a member of the Europa Cinemas network.

See also

External links

Filmski program Cankarjevega doma +
Filmski program Cankarjevega doma +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Prešernova 10 +
The Film Programme is an important part of life at Cankarjev dom (CD), if perhaps a less prominent one than music and the performing arts in terms of day-to-day programming. +
The Film Programme is an important part of life at Cankarjev dom (CD), if perhaps a less prominent one than music and the performing arts in terms of day-to-day programming. +
+386 / 1 241 7100 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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