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Metelkova 6, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 432 7368

Established in 1987, within the framework of the feminist group Lilit as the first lesbian organisation in the former socialist Eastern European states, ŠKUC-LL deals with various ongoing projects related to lesbian politics, culture and society.


In 1988, ŠKUC-LL became an autonomous section within the ŠKUC Association, the Students' Cultural Centre, which is one of the leading organisations for the promotion of non-profit artistic activity in Slovenia, formed in 1972. At the end of the 1980s, lesbian activism marks a constituent part of the new social, civil-rights movements and alternative culture, oriented toward the establishment of modern political culture and civil society: on the one hand, it articulates political demands and on the other, it socialises forms of lesbian culture, gatherings and alternative thinking. This period is noted for intensive networking and making ties with related groups at the international and regional level, as well as breaking through into the media sphere, organising social and discussion evenings and art events (the 1988 Lesbian Film Week in Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana).

In the first half of the 1990s, the lesbian section ŠKUC-LL, which together with the gay men's group Magnus establishes the political association Roza klub, is a cofounder of various cultural and social projects: it launches the film festival, which grew into the annual Days of Lesbian and Gay Film in Ljubljana; it assists in establishing the gay & lesbian magazine Revolver and legendary Sunday disco nights Roza disko in club K4; it is a cofounder of LGBT info and the helpline GALfon.

Lesbo Magazine

Lesbo is a Slovene political, social and cultural quarterly. Its founder and publisher is the lesbian group ŠKUC-LL. Lesbo magazine aims at sharpening the critical and intellectual blades. It promotes politics, stories and views, arts and attitudes, practices and theories about the resistance and radical fights against homophobia and any other exclusive orientations. As such, it participates in wider civil, political, social and cultural efforts aiming at breaking the massive walls of civil apathy, political ignorance, ideological terror and mind exploitation.

See also

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... more about "ŠKUC-LL"
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Metelkova 6 +
Established in 1987, within the framework of the feminist group Lilit as the first lesbian organisation in the former socialist Eastern European states, ŠKUC-LL deals with various ongoing projects related to lesbian politics, culture and society. +
Established in 1987, within the framework of the feminist group Lilit as the first lesbian organisation in the former socialist Eastern European states, ŠKUC-LL deals with various ongoing projects related to lesbian politics, culture and society. +
+386 / 1 432 7368 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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