Aksioma Project Space

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Aksioma projektni prostor
Komenskega 18, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 590 54 360

In 2011, the Aksioma Institute for Contemporary Art opened up the Aksioma Project Space, a new venue in Ljubljana dedicated to exhibitions and presentations of either its own art productions or those of various internationally acclaimed intermedia art projects.

Its programme focuses on artistic explorations of the social and political aspects of the "technological unconscious" and strives to deconstruct the "normality" of the media and other ubiquitous communication tools. The size of the exhibition space is ca 40 m².


The gallery can function as a white cube or can be used in different ways, such as for film screenings (Michael Madsen's Into Eternity in January 2012) or lectures. In 2011, Frederik De Wilde used it as a sort of laboratory for his Hostage, an artwork consisting of a nano-engineered material that absorbs all visible light. Julian Oliver and Danja Vasiliev presented Newstweek, a device for manipulating news on major news portals in the country. For the occasion, the gallery was turned into a press centre in which visitors could edit news (April 2012).

The exhibitions in the Aksioma Project Space are often accompanied by brochure (often bilingual) with an original text or interview reflecting on the exhibition, written especially for the occasion. The Paolo Cirio's exhibition Realityflowhacked, for example, was introduced by Bruce Sterling's Sculpting the Flow of Reality. The brochure series is available for free download or as print-on-demand via Aksioma's website.

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Aksioma projektni prostor +
46.053 +
Aksioma projektni prostor +
14.51 +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Komenskega 18 +
In 2011, the Aksioma Institute for Contemporary ArtIn 2011, the Aksioma Institute for Contemporary Art opened up the Aksioma Project Space, a new venue in Ljubljana dedicated to exhibitions and presentations of either its own art productions or those of various internationally acclaimed intermedia art projects.ionally acclaimed intermedia art projects. +
In 2011, the Aksioma Institute for ContempIn 2011, the Aksioma Institute for Contemporary Art opened up the Aksioma Project Space, a new venue in Ljubljana dedicated to exhibitions and presentations of either its own art productions or those of various internationally acclaimed intermedia art projects.ionally acclaimed intermedia art projects. +
+386 / 590 54 360 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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