BISTRA Scientific Research Centre, Ptuj



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Znanstvenoraziskovalno središče BISTRA Ptuj
Slovenski trg 6, SI-2250 Ptuj
Phone386 (0) 2 748 0250

The BISTRA Scientific Research Centre in Ptuj developed out of the Bureau for Strategic Technological Development (the abbreviation is BISTRA), which was established in 1994 to meet the planning and management needs of developing the local community and the region. One of its basic tasks is the connection and transfer of knowledge from universities and institutes into the economy and small enterprises, as well as co-operation in creating development ideas of enterprises and transferring them into research institutions.

Mission and activities

The Centre was established by the former Municipality of Ptuj and the Slovene Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology (today part of the Ministry of Culture). Institutional development and the needs of the area led to the creation of new research fields, particularly in the humanities and social sciences. These endeavours were supported by the Scientific Research Centre (ZRC SAZU), Slovene Academy of Science and Arts, a co-founder of the new institution. In 1998, after supplementing its activities in the fields of humanities and social studies, the Bureau’s name changed to BISTRA Scientific Research Centre, Ptuj. Today it is an institution for interdisciplinary research and development. The results of its work are directed to the creation of a development vision and strategy for the local community and the establishment of its national and international position. The Centre’s work, connected with research, experimental development, consulting and educating, focuses on applied developmental research projects, commissioned by various customers both at home and abroad. These projects aspire to connect the natural, technical and humanistic with social sciences and arts. The concept of the Centre’s projects is to connect traditional knowledge and wisdom with modern technology. Its work is permanently orientated to the stimulation of various forms of creativity and to constant popularisation of ‘science for development’ among different social strata. Among its most important long-term goals is the inclusion of Ptuj on the map of university cities.

See also

External links

Znanstvenoraziskovalno središče BISTRA Ptuj +
Znanstvenoraziskovalno središče BISTRA Ptuj +
SI-2250 Ptuj +
Slovenski trg 6 +
The BISTRA Scientific Research CentreThe BISTRA Scientific Research Centre in Ptuj developed out of the Bureau for Strategic Technological Development (the abbreviation is BISTRA), which was established in 1994 to meet the planning and management needs of developing the local community and the region.loping the local community and the region. +
The BISTRA Scientific Research Centre in PThe BISTRA Scientific Research Centre in Ptuj developed out of the Bureau for Strategic Technological Development (the abbreviation is BISTRA), which was established in 1994 to meet the planning and management needs of developing the local community and the region.loping the local community and the region. +
+386 / 2 748 0250 +
SI-2250 +
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