Bloke Skier Museum



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Bloški smučar, stalna muzejska razstava
Nova vas 4a, SI-1385 Nova vas
Managed byTIC Bloke

The Bloke Skier Museum opened in 2014 with a permanent exhibition, situated in the hall of the municipal building. The local community has collected skiing equipment, old photographs, old newspaper articles and other documentation in order to present the Bloke skiing tradition that dates back to at least 17th century. The attractive multimedia exhibition is dedicated to "the old Bloke skier who unknowingly started a new chapter of human activity and enabled a worldwide skiing movement".

The Bloke Plateau is the coldest place in Slovenia and the skis were used as a means of transportation. It was first mentioned in 1689 by the polymath Janez Vajkard Valvasor in his monumental encyclopaedic work Die Ehre des Herzogthums Crain (The Glory of the Duchy of Carniola). Even funerals were handled on skis. In the 1950s Boris Orel, the first director of the Slovene Ethnographic Museum, thoroughly researched the skis-related crafts and customs of this tradition.

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Bloški smučar, stalna muzejska razstava +
Bloški smučar, stalna muzejska razstava +
SI-1385 Nova vas +
Nova vas 4a +
The Bloke Skier Museum opened in 2014 with a permanent exhibition, situated in the hall of the municipal building. +
The Bloke Skier Museum opened in 2014 with a permanent exhibition, situated in the hall of the municipal building. +
Nova vas +
SI-1385 +