New media art support


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32 search results for New media art support


| status = ROBOT WRITING INFOBOX TOPROOFREAD NIFERTIK! | maintainer = }} {{Infobox

| name = Association of Radio Stations of
31 May 2010 09:49:35


| text = Brina, a Kinaesthetic Monument, a rotating, hologram-like sound performing object by
21 February 2021 19:08:55

| status = URL }} {{Photobox

|description=Archive image from Laibach Occupied Europe NATO Tour 1994–
Beli sladoled 2011 The Winner's Podium.JPG
The Winner's Podium, an installation that won first prize in OHO Group Award competition, by artists Miha Perne and Leon Zuodar, working as Beli sladoled [White ice cream], 2011
21 March 2024 03:25:22
The Slovene PEN Centre is the Slovene branch of International PEN, a worldwide association of writers founded in 1921 with the aim to promote literature, defend freedom of expression and work for peaceful coexistence between nations.
7 June 2021 21:26:28
Established in 1990, Mladika Publishing House specialises in youth literature, publishing a number of works by acclaimed Slovene authors, for example, Slavko Pregl, Vinko Möderndorfer, Lila Prap, and Mate Dolenc.
22 March 2021 13:11:01
new Ultrasonic-audio gadgets, supported by the [[Institute for Sonic Arts Research]],

| in = Singapore | country = Singapore | from = 8 May 2013 | to = 9 May 2013 | program = | category = Music

| category1 = New media
Nukleus Film Slovenia is a film production company.
16 July 2021 23:24:38
Predjama Castle 2006 medieval tournament.JPG
One of the most picturesque castles in Slovenia, Predjama Castle is built into an overhanging rock in front of a karst cave hall that is connected with a cave system underneath the castle.
30 May 2021 11:23:24
The Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in Slovenia provides consular, economic, and cultural services.
8 June 2021 00:25:03
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