Theatre Study and Research


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8 search results for Theatre Study and Research

Pocar Homestead Mojstrana 2007 Stove.jpg
Foto: 2007
Tiled stove in the main dwelling, Pocar Homestead, Mojstrana
21 March 2024 05:25:41
Museum of Puppetry 2015 interior.jpg
Opened in 2015, the Museum of Puppetry is a joint project of the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre and the Ljubljanski grad Public Institute, supported by the Municipality of Ljubljana.
28 April 2021 08:10:35
Zarkolom Tadej Droljc Lunchmeat Festival 2020.jpg
Let's take a ride on the term experimental music, which currently mainly defines certain more fringe musical practices, across the expanses of various musical plains, styles and genres.
9 March 2023 18:22:38
Nukleus Film Slovenia is a film production company.
16 July 2021 23:24:38
The Consulate of the Republic of Croatia in Maribor is a representative body of the Republic of Croatia in Eastern Slovenia.
8 June 2021 00:27:55
The Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in Slovenia provides consular, economic, and cultural services.
8 June 2021 00:25:03