You can browse the search results for Theatre festivals organisers below
101 search results for Theatre festivals organisers
| from = 1 January 2013 | to = 31 January 2013 | website = | website 2 = | website 3 =čnik | category = Music | category2 = | category3 = }}
{{residency | artist = Miha Šubic | artist2 =
| artist3| status = PHOTOBOX LOCALINFO }} {{Photobox |description = Prem Castle, 2020. |subject = Prem Castle |subject 2 =
|foto| category1 = top }}
{{worldwideEvent | text = You Catch! produced by the [[Ljubljana Puppet Theatre]] and co-produced by [[Konj Puppet Theatre]] at the International Festival of Puppet Theatre for Children - LUT Fest | festival =
| organiser[[Category:Theatre]] [[Category:Theatre event organisers]] [[Category:Event organisers]] [[Category:Theatre workshop organisers]] [[Category:Workshop organisers]]
[[Category:Theatre festival| festival = Banja Luka International Festival of Children's Theatre
| organiser