Comic Art Festivals Worldwide
See below the list of comic art festivals that featured also authors from Slovenia.
The data source is the database of worldwide events, collected since 2010. In case you miss the festival or author(s) presented abroad, please let us know (data required).
Click on a country name to get the list of literary events taking place in that country.
Click on a festival and check who was presented at particular festival edition(s).
- Austria: BuchQuartier Book Fair for Independent and Small Publishers 1 event
- Austria: Buch Wien Book Fair 1 event
- Austria: nextcomic-Festival 1 event
- Croatia: MaFest Comic Book Festival 1 event
- Croatia: OHOHO Comic Book and Street Art Festival Zagreb 1 event
- Czech_Republic: FRAME Prague Comics Art Festival 1 event
- Czech_Republic: LUSTR Festival 1 event
- Finland: Helsinki Comics Festival 1 event
- France: Festival Formula Bula 1 event
- Germany: Comic Invasion Berlin 1 event
- Germany: COZI Festival for Contemporary Comics and Zines 1 event
- Germany: Frankfurt Book Fair 1 event
- Germany: International Comic Salon 1 event
- Germany: Internationales Literaturfestival Berlin 1 event
- Germany: Lumbung of publishers: Sharing practices, strategies, tools and publications 1 event
- Germany: The Millionares Club Comics & Graphics Festival 1 event
- Hungary: PRIMANIMA World Festival of First Animations 1 event
- Hungary: Ukmukfukk Zinefeszt 1 event
- Italy: Bologna Children's Book Fair 1 event
- Latvia: SĀBRS Zine and Small Press Festival 1 event
- Montenegro: Herzegnovski Strip Festival 1 event
- Netherlands: Striptember Amsterdam 1 event
- Portugal: Festival Internacional de BD de Beja 1 event
- Portugal: RAIA Festival 1 event
- Romania: Anim'est, International Festival of Animated Film Bucharest 1 event
- Romania: Sit+Read Artbook Fair 1 event
- Spain: Gutter Fest 1 event
- Spain: Tenderete Festival de autoedición gráfica y sonora por excelencia de Valencia 1 event
- Sweden: AltCom Comics Festival Malmö 2 events
- Sweden: Stockholm International Comics Festival 1 event
- Switzerland: Fumetto Internationa Comix Festival 1 event
- United_Kingdom: International Alternative Press Festival 1 event
- USA: ComiCon San Diego 1 event
Consult also the interactive map of comic art events.