Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia Auckland, New Zealand


Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in New Zealand 29E Kamara Road Glen Eden Auckland T: + E: plesnik(at) Mr. Robert Plešnik, Honorary Consul


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Konzulat Republike Slovenije v Aucklandu, Nova Zelandija
29E Kamara Road, Glen Eden, Auckland

Phone64 2 7700 8418

The Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia Auckland, New Zealand performs some consular services in New Zealand.

The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Australia that is responsible for general consular services is located in Canberra.

See also

External links

Konzulat Republike Slovenije v Aucklandu, Nova Zelandija +
Konzulat Republike Slovenije v Aucklandu, Nova Zelandija +
Auckland +
29E Kamara Road, Glen Eden +
The Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia Auckland, New Zealand performs some consular services in New Zealand. +
The Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia Auckland, New Zealand performs some consular services in New Zealand. +
+64 2 7700 8418 +