Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Oslo


Konzulat Republike Slovenije v Oslu
Lille Grensen 7, 0159 Oslo

Phone47 22 91 00 10, 47 992 32 200 (mobile)

The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Copenhagen is an official representative body of the Slovene Government to the Kingdom of Norway as well as the Republic of Iceland, Kingdom of Sweden, and the Republic of Finland.

In May 2016 the Slovenian government established the Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Oslo.

Other diplomatic representatives of the Republic of Slovenia in Scandinavia include consulates in Oslo, Denmark, Iceland, and Sweden.

See also

External links

Konzulat Republike Slovenije v Oslu +
Konzulat Republike Slovenije v Oslu +
0159 Oslo +
Lille Grensen 7 +
The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in CopenhagenThe Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Copenhagen is an official representative body of the Slovene Government to the Kingdom of Norway as well as the Republic of Iceland, Kingdom of Sweden, and the Republic of of Sweden, and the Republic of Finland. +
The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Copenhagen is an official representative body of the Slovene Government to the Kingdom of Norway as well as the Republic of Iceland, Kingdom of Sweden, and the Republic of Finland. +
+47 22 91 00 10, 47 992 32 200 .mobile. +