Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia St. Etienne



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Consulate of Slovenia in St Etienne
9 chemin de la Biératière - La Bottarie, 42400 Saint-Chamond
Phone33 4 7722 2654
Past Events
  • 23 Oct 2013


    25 Oct 2013

    France Lyon Théâtre des Célestins


    Damned be the traitor of his homeland! by O. Frljić, produced by Mladinsko Theatre, at the Festival Sens Interdits, in cooperation with the Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia St. Etienne

  • Show more

    The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Paris is the official representative body of the Slovene Government in France. The embassy provides consular assistance and promotes bilateral political, economic and cultural relations between Slovenia and the French Republic, together with the Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia St. Etienne.

    Cultural cooperation

    In 1993 the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Republic of France on Cooperation in the Fields of Culture, Education, Science and Technology was signed. In May 2011 Slovene and French ministers responsible for culture signed an agreement on cooperation in film production.

    The Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia St. Etienne has organised several programmes of cultural and educational (youth) exchange. In 2013 a group of students of the Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana were hosted by the L'Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture (ENSASE) in Saint-Etienne on the occasion of the exhibition and the colloquium on Jože Plečnik, while the French artists from the region exhibited at the Ex-tempore Piran - International Painting and Ceramics in cooperation with the Obalne galerije - Coastal Galleries

    See also

    External links

    Consulate of Slovenia in St Etienne +
    Consulate of Slovenia in St Etienne +
    42400 Saint-Chamond +
    9 chemin de la Biératière - La Bottarie +
    The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Paris is the official representative body of the Slovene Government in France. +
    The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Paris is the official representative body of the Slovene Government in France. +
    +33 4 7722 2654 +
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