Event | E69e234dd22761f29e210da1ae7a7b75edc09b7ef7cd3265d9bc42c70e763ee6 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Visual_arts]], [[Embassies]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Mark Požlep]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Tel Aviv]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Center for Digital Art]], [[Holon]], [[Israel]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-01-02 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-01-25 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Center for Digital Art]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Holon]] |
Country | [[Israel]] |
Url | http://www.digitalartlab.org.il/ExhibitionPage.asp?id=803&path=level_1 |
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Description | ''Homelands'', an art project by [[Mark Požlep]], supported by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Tel Aviv]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/01&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Event | 588f1fb364c08ef69165e46fca9033c6b811c6111132e2a79af53f5ed836b0b7 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Theatre]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Slovene National Theatre Maribor]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Zagreb Youth Theatre]], [[Zagreb]], [[Croatia]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-01-03 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-01-04 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Zagreb Youth Theatre]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Zagreb]] |
Country | [[Croatia]] |
Url | http://www.zekaem.hr/raspored-predstava |
Work_url | |
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Description | ''The Forest Ends Here'' and ''The Government Inspector'', produced by the [[Slovene National Theatre Maribor]] |
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Event | 7ed8109320dff656017dfe656af6ed6a0f448332a2dc1f227743fe93d99bdb41 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Film]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Rok Biček]], [[Triglav Film]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Palm Springs]], [[USA]] |
Festival | Palm Springs International Film Festival |
Start | 2014-01-03 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-01-11 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Organizer_url | http://www.psfilmfest.org |
City | [[Palm Springs]] |
Country | [[USA]] |
Url | http://www.psfilmfest.org/festival/film/detail.aspx?id=24698&FID=70 |
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Description | ''Class Enemy'', directed by [[Rok Biček]] and produced by [[Triglav Film]], |
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Event | 62e05b0f92c003fcdeb64e3894b32375ea822221480d45579f14f75967ea8cc5 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Theatre]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Mini Theatre]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Compagnie Yeyotheatre Abidjan]], [[Abidjan]], [[Ivory Coast]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-01-05 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-01-08 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Compagnie Yeyotheatre Abidjan]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Abidjan]] |
Country | [[Ivory Coast]] |
Url | http://www.mini-teater.si/client.si/index.php?table=articles&ID=3003 |
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Description | ''Sniper'' and ''Thumbelina'', co-produced by [[Mini Theatre]], |
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Event | 3cdaa7319ada164a184c8949af0ea359c892bf54cebe58f651a2fee4c1e52e26 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Dance]] |
Related | [[Matej Kejžar]], [[Pekinpah Association]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Teatro Renascença]], [[Porto Alegre]], [[Brazil]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-01-08 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Teatro Renascença]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Porto Alegre]] |
Country | [[Brazil]] |
Url | http://journalpetitenfant.blogspot.com/2014/01/20-mostra-de-danca-verao-abre-nesta.html |
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Description | ''Procedimento 2+1'', a dance performance by [[Matej Kejžar]] ([[Pekinpah Association]]) & Douglas Jung, at the Mostra de Dança Verão |
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Event | Aefe16aa929bdfe9175900fa4fb9884811b4b69bb3ce3c7b6298818f53554991 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Visual_arts]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Radovan Jenko]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Paris]], [[France]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-01-08 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-02-18 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Paris]] |
Country | [[France]] |
Url | http://www.fetedugraphisme.org/portfolio/celebrer-paris/ |
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Description | The poster exhibition ''Celebrate Paris'' also featuring work by [[Radovan Jenko]] |
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Event | F5c3edd97a19d76c49300359b3b8847b2c515bb48b3f498cc79c13d69b1d34ef |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Visual_arts]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Vesna Bukovec]], [[Ana Čigon]], [[Dunja Zupančič]], [[Miha Turšič]], [[Dragan Živadinov]], [[Delak Institute]], [[Zdenka Badovinac]], [[Moderna galerija / Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana plus Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Istanbul Modern]], [[Istanbul]], [[Turkey]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-01-09 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-05-08 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Istanbul Modern]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Istanbul]] |
Country | [[Turkey]] |
Url | http://www.istanbulmodern.org/en/exhibition/upcoming-exhibitions/neighbours_1290.html |
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Description | The joint exhibition ''Contemporary Narratives from Turkey and Beyond'' also featuring Slovene artists [[Vesna Bukovec]], [[Ana Čigon]] and the trio [[Dunja Zupančič]]/[[Miha Turšič]]/[[Dragan Živadinov]] ([[Delak Institute]]), and [[Zdenka Badovinac]], the director of the [[Moderna galerija / Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana plus Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova]], as advisor to curators, |
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Event | C5d282f0eaa83caf02db77351b6c8a2bcfec4a17cfd147849dd9d3c21aacaa75 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Architecture]], [[Education]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Jure Grohar]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Tel Aviv]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Center Academy Wizo]], [[Haifa]], [[Israel]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-01-14 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Center Academy Wizo]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Haifa]] |
Country | [[Israel]] |
Url | https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=388342151312668&set=a.319354141544803.1073741831.318330808313803&type=1&theater |
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Description | [[Jure Grohar]]'s lecture on the contemporary Slovene architecture, supported by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Tel Aviv]], |
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Event | 576c9bf48f4558bc90dec1be5c1fc517df999c66952621c3fe1e1868fab50b49 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Perpetuum Jazzile]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Basel Stadt Casino]], [[Basel]], [[Switzerland]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-01-11 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Basel Stadt Casino]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Basel]] |
Country | [[Switzerland]] |
Url | http://www.stadtcasino.ch/veranstaltungskalender.cfm?detail=1452 |
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Description | ''Vocal Ecstasy'', a concert by the vocal group [[Perpetuum Jazzile]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/01&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Event | 56c788f603983e72e501995f6f3090b1bcb944c399a060f0ea69d111d79ff9f2 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Theatre]] |
Related | [[Mini Theatre]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Zagreb Youth Theatre]], [[Zagreb]], [[Croatia]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-01-12 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Zagreb Youth Theatre]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Zagreb]] |
Country | [[Croatia]] |
Url | http://www.zekaem.hr/predstave/roberto-zucco/?id=78 |
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Description | The play ''Roberto Zucco'', directed by Ivica Buljan and co-produced by [[Mini Theatre]], |
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Event | 1804b9a7bde60e433d6022943ddc91aaef44c90aad53975df38e521fc39ef07f |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Architecture]], [[Embassies]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana]], [[Vasa Perović]], [[Bevk Perović Arhitekti]], [[Jure Grohar]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Tel Aviv]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs]], [[Jerusalem]], [[Israel]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-01-13 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-01-23 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Jerusalem]] |
Country | [[Israel]] |
Url | https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.392123017601248.1073741844.318330808313803&type=3 |
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Description | The exhibition ''X – Territorial: Slovenian Embassy in Israel - Israeli Embassy in Slovenia'', featuring architectural designs for both embassies, made in cooperation with the Faculty of Architecture of WIZO Haifa Academy of Design and Education and the [[Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana]], [[Vasa Perović]] ([[Bevk Perović Arhitekti]]) and [[Jure Grohar]], supported by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Tel Aviv]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/01&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Event | B313e7ed6fbc40715d64192e757719955488654ba7950a1003158e8faa1fa076 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Perpetuum Jazzile]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Jahrhunderthalle]], [[Frankfurt am Main]], [[Germany]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-01-14 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Jahrhunderthalle]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Frankfurt am Main]] |
Country | [[Germany]] |
Url | https://www.facebook.com/PerpetuumJazzileFanClubDeutschland |
Work_url | |
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Description | ''Vocal Ecstasy'', a concert by the vocal group [[Perpetuum Jazzile]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/01&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Event | Cb15d3c7c0634d93ee4af999a15c53c4d3c4c6c18bfc068916bed973a3208f54 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Visual_arts]] |
Related | [[Mitja Ficko]], [[Simon Kajtna]], [[Uroš Weinberger]], [[Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia Munich]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Museum für Abgüsse Klassischer Bildwerke]], [[Munich]], [[Germany]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-01-15 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-02-21 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Museum für Abgüsse Klassischer Bildwerke]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Munich]] |
Country | [[Germany]] |
Url | http://www.moderntools.de/abguss/docs/Slowenische_Kuenstler.pdf |
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Description | An exhibition by Slovene artists [[Mitja Ficko]], [[Simon Kajtna]], and [[Uroš Weinberger]], supported by the [[Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia Munich]], |
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Event | 703525e71939c8026e7799950a376d615b883879eeb34961a685ea8706a14d3e |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Theatre]], [[Music]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Slovenian Chamber Music Theatre]], [[Cankarjev dom, Cultural and Congress Centre]], [[Academy of Music]], [[Slovene National Theatre Opera and Ballet Ljubljana]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Dom hrvatskih branitelja]], [[Pula]], [[Croatia]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-01-16 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Dom hrvatskih branitelja]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Pula]] |
Country | [[Croatia]] |
Url | https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=631223280233424&set=a.449560218399732.98479.105417342814023&type=1&theater |
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Description | Niccolò Piccinni's opera buffa ''La Cecchina or The Good-Natured Girl'', co-produced by the [[Slovenian Chamber Music Theatre]], [[Cankarjev dom]], [[Academy of Music]], and [[Slovene National Theatre Opera and Ballet Ljubljana]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/01&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Event | D97807f1b18cb52a25574c20828ddd95514e7dc6c73bb5f82a0da674cff59285 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Design]] |
Related | [[Obalne galerije - Coastal Galleries]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Depot:A plus A]], [[Venice]], [[Italy]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-01-16 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-03-08 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[A plus A]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Venice]] |
Country | [[Italy]] |
Url | http://www.aplusa.it/singolo-post/?id=5122 |
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Description | ''Pop-up Home'', an open platform for presentation, exhibition, sales and development, featuring works by young Slovene designers, architects and artists, supported by the [[Obalne galerije - Coastal Galleries]], |
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Event | D52714add8f002fe2f551d7761abcbacecf2664e3406ea56e99b4ae65992e530 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Literature]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Boris Pahor]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Rome]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[La Feltrinelli]], [[Rome]], [[Italy]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-01-17 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[La Feltrinelli]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Rome]] |
Country | [[Italy]] |
Url | http://www.lafeltrinelli.it/fcom/it/home/pages/puntivendita/eventi/Roma/2014/Gennaio/Incontro-Con-Boris-Pahor.html |
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Description | A literary evening with [[Boris Pahor]], organised by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Rome]], |
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Event | A3341535086aa5adcb9453aa955970b15ce0afbb241ca202780581b80538c8a0 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Film]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Rok Biček]], [[Triglav Film]], [[Petra Seliškar]], [[Petra Pan Film Production]], [[Špela Čadež]], [[Dušan Moravec]], [[ŠKUC Association]], [[Vertigo]], [[Damjan Kozole]], [[Vertigo]], [[Vertigo]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Trieste/Trst]], [[Italy]] |
Festival | Trieste Film Festival |
Start | 2014-01-17 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-01-22 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Organizer_url | http://www.triestefilmfestival.it |
City | [[Trieste/Trst]] |
Country | [[Italy]] |
Url | http://www.triestefilmfestival.it/film/ |
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Description | ''Class Enemy'', directed by [[Rok Biček]] ([[Triglav Film]]), ''Mother Europe'', directed by [[Petra Seliškar]] ([[Petra Pan Film Production]]), ''Boles'', directed by [[Špela Čadež]], ''Damir Avdić: The Right Man for Capitalism'', directed by [[Dušan Moravec]] ([[ŠKUC Association]], Friendly production, [[Vertigo]]), ''Project: Cancer'', directed by [[Damjan Kozole]] ([[Vertigo]]), and ''An Episode in the Life of an Iron Picker'' and ''Circles'' co-produced by [[Vertigo]] |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/01&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Event | 5f577b0d9a3dc49441834ff7433d29b6dd9c875917e923e009faad79abccacee |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Design]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Klara Zalokar]], [[Klemen Zupančič]], [[OLoOP Design]], [[Dejan Pfeifer]], [[Tobias Putrih]], [[Samo Gašperšič]], [[Arne Vehovar]], [[Nena Gabrovec]], [[Kaja Lipnik Vehovar]], [[Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana]], [[Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[VUD]], [[Trieste/Trst]], [[Italy]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-01-17 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-02-08 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[VUD]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Trieste/Trst]] |
Country | [[Italy]] |
Url | http://unikatno.si/ |
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Description | ''The Links'', an exhibition of unique wood designs by [[Klara Zalokar]] and [[Klemen Zupančič]] (Handmade in Moste), [[OLoOP Design]], [[Dejan Pfeifer]] (Studio Drevo), [[Tobias Putrih]], [[Samo Gašperšič]], [[Arne Vehovar]], [[Nena Gabrovec]] and, [[Kaja Lipnik Vehovar]], as well as the students of the [[Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana]] and [[Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/01&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Event | 78a44bb6d13eec0753498da71048419cfc71a66da6cb761263f73fc7af17a2c0 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Visual_arts]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Nikolaj Pirnat]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Madrid]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Casa de cerventes Museum]], [[Valladolid]], [[Spain]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-01-17 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-03-16 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Casa de cerventes Museum]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Valladolid]] |
Country | [[Spain]] |
Url | http://museocasacervantes.mcu.es/jsp/plantilla.jsp?id=462 |
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Description | ''Don Quijote de La Mancha'', an exhibition of illustrations by [[Nikolaj Pirnat]], organised by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Madrid]], |
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Event | 7f2af8675bc8b7687159dc57b09c56e303a9eb4123b1fa7fa974f3e48d753a42 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Film]] |
Related | [[Rok Biček]], [[Triglav Film]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Angers]], [[France]] |
Festival | Angers Film Festival |
Start | 2014-01-18 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-01-19 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Organizer_url | http://www.premiersplans.org |
City | [[Angers]] |
Country | [[France]] |
Url | http://www.premiersplans.org/festival/en/horaires.php |
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Description | ''Class Enemy'', directed by [[Rok Biček]] and produced by [[Triglav Film]] |
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Event | C28be64581349a0d59df7b41741ba2f38d56b973bfb4aeab6fdb8ab1119704c5 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Visual_arts]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Irwin]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Rampa]], [[Istanbul]], [[Turkey]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-01-18 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-02-15 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Rampa]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Istanbul]] |
Country | [[Turkey]] |
Url | http://www.rampaistanbul.com/en/exhibition/irwin/ |
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Description | ''The Uninterrupted Production of the Object'', an exhibition by [[Irwin]], |
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Event | 3867be6e3d3b5955e86e45608e0a58dba9230ab56e4434992b07cf9eca5142e7 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Visual_arts]], [[Photography]] |
Related | [[Primož Bizjak]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Gregor Podnar Gallery]], [[Berlin]], [[Germany]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-01-18 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-03-08 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Gregor Podnar Gallery]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Berlin]] |
Country | [[Germany]] |
Url | http://gregorpodnar.com/primoz-bizjak-berlin-2014/ |
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Description | ''Hotel Bristol'', a photo exhibition by [[Primož Bizjak]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/01&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Event | F4cdd18fae8022eafa8b95f21d1990fb7d2128589189a87bac0762a066f7c246 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Visual_arts]], [[Museums]] |
Related | [[France Kralj]], [[Tone Kralj]], [[Božidar Jakac Art Museum, Kostanjevica na Krki]], [[Fran Tratnik]], [[National Museum of Contemporary History]], [[Ivan Vavpotič]], [[National Gallery of Slovenia]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Latvian National Museum of Art]], [[Riga]], [[Latvia]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-01-18 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-04-20 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Latvian National Museum of Art]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Riga]] |
Country | [[Latvia]] |
Url | http://www.lnmm.lv/en/lnmm/info/explore/exhibition/2014/the-european-capital-of-culture-exhibition-1914/ |
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Description | The exhibition ''1914'', organised in the framework of Riga - the European Capital of Culture, featuring works by [[France Kralj]] and [[Tone Kralj]] ([[Božidar Jakac Gallery, Kostanjevica na Krki|Božidar Jakac Gallery]]), [[Fran Tratnik]] ([[National Museum of Contemporary History]]), and [[Ivan Vavpotič]] ([[National Gallery of Slovenia]]) |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/01&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Event | 5afe77589c37f59073b231f278eaac5c26ce2dd6422d0999c996277a9206997d |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Theatre]], [[Puppetry]] |
Related | [[Maribor Puppet Theatre]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[UFFO Trutnov]], [[Trutnov]], [[Czech Republic]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-01-19 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[UFFO Trutnov]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Trutnov]] |
Country | [[Czech Republic]] |
Url | http://uffo.cz/program/porady/2014/01/back-to-bullerbyn/ |
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Description | ''Back to Bullerbyn'', directed by Jakub Vašíček and co-produced by the [[Maribor Puppet Theatre]], |
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Event | 6ffacc19db0b4d4ddb9ab654dc6ec7276f0a15d6f5b6975fa262bfaf9c12d646 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]] |
Related | [[Depot:Maja Osojnik Band]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Secession]], [[Vienna]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-01-23 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Secession]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Vienna]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
Url | http://www.secession.at/event/2014_salon_e.html |
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Description | [[Maja Osojnik Band|Maja Osojnik]] as one of the participating performers at ''Salon Klimbim'' in the framework of ''Utopian Pulse – Flares in the Darkroom'' |
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Event | 9ccf61e04b8736af93ca50da43d1a8d9dd9584736d987c87fcd591829cdad13a |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Film]] |
Related | [[Janez Lapajne]], [[Triglav Film]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Montgomery]], [[USA]] |
Festival | Montgomery Film Festival |
Start | 2014-02-24 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Organizer_url | http://www.montgomeryfilmfestival.com/ |
City | [[Montgomery]] |
Country | [[USA]] |
Url | http://www.montgomeryfilmfestival.com/ |
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Description | ''Who’s Afraid of the Big Black Wolf?'', directed by [[Janez Lapajne]] and produced by [[Triglav Film]] |
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Event | D61fc623c6597f3d5f9301288a6fec4de106e5581975b976f7d521c6470fab6c |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Theatre]], [[Dance]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[EnKnapGroup (EKG)]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Les Écuries - Charleroi Danses]], [[Charleroi]], [[Belgium]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-01-24 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-01-25 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Les Écuries - Charleroi Danses]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Charleroi]] |
Country | [[Belgium]] |
Url | http://www.charleroi-danses.be/index.php?option=com_flexicontent&view=items&cid=29%3Ahome-agenda&id=1901%3Aotteto&Itemid=1&lang=en |
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Description | ''Ottetto (Eight Swings for His Highness)'', produced by [[EnKnapGroup (EKG)]], |
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Event | Aed84ef4fd97e40e14875332c76545a5520e78204e982c43ba76a5897b0388f7 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Film]] |
Related | [[Matjaž Ivanišin]], [[Radio-Television Slovenia (RTV Slovenia)]], [[Petra Seliškar]], [[Petra Pan Film Production]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Rotterdam]], [[Netherlands]] |
Festival | International Film Festival Rotterdam |
Start | 2014-01-24 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-02-01 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Organizer_url | http://www.filmfestivalrotterdam.com/en |
City | [[Rotterdam]] |
Country | [[Netherlands]] |
Url | http://www.filmfestivalrotterdam.com/en/iffr-2014/films-a-z/ |
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Description | ''Karpotrotter'', directed by [[Matjaž Ivanišin]], produced by Studio Legen and co-produced by [[Radio-Television Slovenia (RTV Slovenia)]], and ''Mother Europe'', directed by [[Petra Seliškar]] and co-produced by [[Petra Pan Film Production]] and PPFP |
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Event | Bea945ab50a1208f6422fb820831c226485b54a3781f3d86d48a2feb9ace7aa8 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Dance]] |
Related | [[Forum Ljubljana]], [[Dance Theatre Ljubljana]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Balettakademien]], [[Stockholm]], [[Sweden]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-01-25 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Balettakademien]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Stockholm]] |
Country | [[Sweden]] |
Url | http://www.folkuniversitetet.se/Skolor/Balettakademien-dansskolor/Balettakademien-Stockholm/Scen-Studio-Fyra/In-Motion/ |
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Description | ''In Motion'', a performance produced by [[Forum Ljubljana]] and [[Dance Theatre Ljubljana]], |
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Event | 2c78058b76014c0504d0b1800aa505b7d5983a4a5d4258e5ece559935689a715 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Visual_arts]] |
Related | [[Sašo Sedlaček]], [[Aksioma Institute]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Haus der Kulturen der Welt]], [[Berlin]], [[Germany]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-01-27 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-02-02 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Haus der Kulturen der Welt]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Berlin]] |
Country | [[Germany]] |
Url | http://www.aksioma.org/jobless.avatars/index.html |
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Description | The video ''Jobless Avatars (The Real Curriculum)'' by [[Sašo Sedlaček]] ([[Aksioma Institute]]) at the Art Hack Day Berlin - Afterglow |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/01&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Event | 859cab030ea74a7b35975ff27b37d91a842437e73bd023b47cbf748a2892f738 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Film]] |
Related | [[Metod Pevec]], [[Vertigo]], [[Video Production Kregar Studio (VPK Studio)]], [[Televizija Slovenija]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Cineplexx Center Kaptol]], [[Zagreb]], [[Croatia]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-01-28 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Cineplexx Center Kaptol]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Zagreb]] |
Country | [[Croatia]] |
Url | http://www.moj-film.hr/novosti/pregled/premijere-i-red-carpet/laku-noc-gospodice-u-kinima-od-30-sijecnja/ |
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Description | The première of ''Good Night, Missy'', directed by [[Metod Pevec]] and produced by [[Vertigo]], [[Video Production Kregar Studio (VPK Studio)|VPK]], and [[Televizija Slovenija]], |
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Event | A29cc9dc53c15fa1bb894e927069291e86c21938cf019de485e3b8f81859e037 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Film]], [[Education]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Aleksandra Balmazovič]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia London]], [[London]], [[United Kingdom]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-01-28 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia London]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[London]] |
Country | [[United Kingdom]] |
Url | http://www.london.embassy.si/index.php?id=896&L=1&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=19860&tx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=895&cHash=6112cec00b2085b55c05c77dea67ac47 |
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Description | A networking event by THALIA Casting, led by Slovene actress [[Aleksandra Balmazovič]] |
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Event | Ef1bc4194817a76b7a07974ccc82d62db724258b2bbf6725a0aa42fd93f9d503 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Theatre]] |
Related | [[Slovene National Theatre Maribor]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste]], [[Trieste/Trst]], [[Italy]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-01-28 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-01-29 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Trieste/Trst]] |
Country | [[Italy]] |
Url | http://www.teaterssg.com/event/ |
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Description | ''Whoever Hopes Will Never Give Up'', produced by the [[Slovene National Theatre Maribor]], |
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Event | 71113449091361e9baaed5d96fc4dada23f77871a5d967519f5e4431461007be |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Film]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Rok Biček]], [[Triglav Film]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Gothenburg]], [[Sweden]] |
Festival | Göteborg International Film Festival |
Start | 2014-01-28 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-02-02 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Organizer_url | https://goteborgfilmfestival.se/en/ |
City | [[Gothenburg]] |
Country | [[Sweden]] |
Url | http://filmweb01.filmfestival.org/filmfestival/info/en/festivalprogram/programentry?date=19000101&programSectionId=0&cinemaId=0&countryId=183023&freeText= |
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Description | ''Class Enemy'', directed by [[Rok Biček]] and produced by [[Triglav Film]] |
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Event | 04d150ada452c7d89ecd7af11d1b80ee7fb8d466268b0e298ef884d1a977fc78 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]], [[Embassies]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Slowind]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Paris]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Theatre Dunois]], [[Paris]], [[France]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-01-28 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-02-02 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Theatre Dunois]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Paris]] |
Country | [[France]] |
Url | http://www.theatredunois.org/site/content/r-sidence-de-lensemble-aleph-session-2-0 |
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Description | [[Slowind]] quintet performing with Aleph, supported by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Paris]], |
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Event | 1db7e575c58672b6c6ecba3a673189b293979c147ea07a58f2ecec36e8813967 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Film]], [[Embassies]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Marko Naberšnik]], [[Arsmedia]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia London]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[EBRD Auditorium]], [[London]], [[United Kingdom]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-01-29 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[EBRD Auditorium]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[London]] |
Country | [[United Kingdom]] |
Url | http://us5.campaign-archive2.com/?u=f7edd923af231c239efdf895f&id=e5a49d7345&e=589f78b20a |
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Description | A screening of the ''Shanghai Gypsy'', directed by [[Marko Naberšnik]] and produced by [[Arsmedia]], followed by a Q&A session with the director, supported by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia London]], |
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Event | C77552d009de67f95207b6a9c41fddad61063689ea80d805670145d788e1452d |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Visual_arts]] |
Related | [[Lada Cerar]], [[Kolektiva Institute]], [[Maja Škerbot]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Berlin]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Joachimstrasse 11a]], [[Berlin]], [[Germany]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-01-30 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-01-31 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Joachimstrasse 11a]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Berlin]] |
Country | [[Germany]] |
Url | http://www.privateview.org/ |
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Description | [[Lada Cerar]] ([[Kolektiva Institute]]) and Anne Wölk in exhibition ''Hanani'' curated by [[Maja Škerbot]] within Private View platform, supported by [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Berlin]] |
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Event | 4d14a95f3e26cfb1540d7d452d576da60005c288f390fe12cc3f70710668d4d9 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Theatre]] |
Related | [[Koper Theatre]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste]], [[Trieste/Trst]], [[Italy]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-01-30 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Slovene Permanent Theatre]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Trieste/Trst]] |
Country | [[Italy]] |
Url | http://www.teaterssg.com/event/ |
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Description | ''Parole, parole'', by [[Koper Theatre]], |
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Event | Ab76d8684df57d38e063fae0fa1d3cc3d71c6abe52da655c875292660c45d047 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Visual_arts]], [[Education]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Igor Zabel]], [[Igor Španjol]], [[Moderna galerija / Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana plus Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Gallery Nova]], [[Zagreb]], [[Croatia]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-01-30 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Gallery Nova]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Zagreb]] |
Country | [[Croatia]] |
Url | http://www.igorzabel.org/en/news-detail/61_Igor+Zabel+Contemporary+Art+Theory+-+book+presentations+in+Croatia |
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Description | A presentation of [[Igor Zabel]]'s ''Contemporary Art Theory'' by [[Igor Španjol]] ([[Moderna galerija / Muzej moderne umetnosti Ljubljana plus Muzej sodobne umetnosti Metelkova]]) and Leonida Kovač |
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Event | 1cfd7d69d0e8be24ee4c5b46f85f3eb30b7e493621b1b281ef7f0c8323a989d7 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]], [[Literature]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Zagreb]], [[Vlado Kreslin]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Slovenski dom, Histrionski dom]], [[Zagreb]], [[Croatia]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2013-01-30 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-02-06 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2013]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Slovenski dom]], [[ Histrionski dom]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Zagreb]] |
Country | [[Croatia]] |
Url | http://zagreb.veleposlanistvo.si/fileadmin/user_upload/dkp_52_vzg/pics/2014/01/Presernov_dan_2014.PDF |
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Description | ''Prešeren's day'', cultural week organised by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Zagreb]], Slovenski dom in Zagreb and National Minority Council Zagreb, including literary evenings and ''Pojezije'', a musical and literary performance by [[Vlado Kreslin]] |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/01&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Event | 73015a580990434c35fd9901d3621ca4bb75675bd3e6aa25b96c14123a9ac01e |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Visual_arts]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Avgust Černigoj]], [[Slovenian Culture and Information Centre, Vienna (SKICA)]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Vienna]], [[Zala Gallery]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Slowenisches Wissenschaftsinstitut SZI]], [[Vienna]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-01-30 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-03-05 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Slowenisches Wissenschaftsinstitut SZI]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Vienna]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
Url | http://www.galerijazala.si/ |
Work_url | |
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Description | An exhibition by [[Avgust Černigoj]], organised in cooperation with the [[Slovenian Culture and Information Centre, Vienna (SKICA)]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Vienna]], and [[Zala Gallery]], |
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Event | 2fc3928ef43d6844b3ff0b028b03b5df57926536ef8fe265f0570525d2293f63 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]] |
Related | [[Depot:Maja Osojnik Band]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Vienna]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-01-31 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Vienna]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
Url | http://turnthecorner.net/termine/2k14/jaenner2014/jaenner31/ |
Work_url | |
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Description | ''Atem(Los)'', a musical performance by [[Maja Osojnik Band|Maja Osojnik]], |
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Event | A23fb899852e9b59b87e1c9c6b76a1ac368300e2d861329974b14da4523855c8 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Film]], [[Support_services]] |
Related | [[Slovenian Film Centre]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/01]], [[Clermont-Ferrand]], [[France]] |
Festival | Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival |
Start | 2014-01-31 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-02-08 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Organizer_url | http://www.clermont-filmfest.com/ |
City | [[Clermont-Ferrand]] |
Country | [[France]] |
Url | http://www.clermont-filmfest.com/index.php?m=228&c=76#490 |
Work_url | |
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Description | The [[Slovenian Film Centre]] at the Short Film Market |
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January 2014
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