Event | 85df0a255c154a2a65904aa27dd43f99a7fe67d76f7d5ad3d2afa0515e60941e |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Literature]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Ottawa]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[University of Alberta - Wirth Institut for Austrian and Central European Studies]], [[Edmonton]], [[Canada]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-01 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[University of Alberta - Wirth Institut for Austrian and Central European Studies]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Edmonton]] |
Country | [[Canada]] |
Url | http://ottawa.veleposlanistvo.si/index.php?id=1217&L=1&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=20617&tx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=38&cHash=ea36636e0a80bd41a8b83501559026a7 |
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Description | A literary and film event in honour of Boris Pahor, organised by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Ottawa]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | C1430067c005b816a7814e518012c557cdc79c13d673019b88a5e5e220759d3d |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Visual_arts]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Jurij Borštnik]], [[Slovenian Culture and Information Centre, Vienna (SKICA)]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Schleifmühlgasse 12-14]], [[Vienna]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-01 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Schleifmühlgasse 12-14]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Vienna]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
Url | http://12-14we.tumblr.com/ |
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Description | ''The Measure of Profit – Healing or Killing?'', a sculpture presentation by [[Jurij Borštnik]], supported by the [[Slovenian Culture and Information Centre, Vienna (SKICA)]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 255f159b9ff1380251ddc45554b5595a6ac67098bcbd9157b5773aab3d929a12 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Theatre]] |
Related | [[Mladinsko Theatre]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste]], [[Trieste/Trst]], [[Italy]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-01 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Trieste/Trst]] |
Country | [[Italy]] |
Url | http://www.teaterssg.com/event/ |
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Description | ''Oliver Twist'', produced by [[Mladinsko Theatre]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 330492b6881420517e167d7916c48476d908f95e6a8aa2bac5106e73a82aa870 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Literature]] |
Related | [[Anja Golob]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Slowenischer Lesesaal, Graz]], [[Graz]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-01 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Slowenischer Lesesaal]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Graz]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
Url | https://www.facebook.com/603109756437249/photos/pcb.603153909766167/603153233099568/?type=1 |
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Description | A literary evening with Slovene poet [[Anja Golob]] |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 6faad8102984b67f93f989d50a10447e515bf9367ef81b5dd96d5fd184d21ab6 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Visual_arts]], [[Education]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Jani Pirnat]], [[Domestic Research Society]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Shinbun-onna Gallery]], [[Osaka]], [[Japan]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-02 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Shinbun-onna Gallery]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Osaka]] |
Country | [[Japan]] |
Url | https://www.facebook.com/events/711439865545269/?ref=22 |
Work_url | |
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Description | [[Jani Pirnat]] presents the activities of the [[Domestic Research Society]] |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 659456efb34eca990fd5a8802d78fb459ae331e9dde993a487c07d91f1d232c4 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Visual_arts]] |
Related | [[Jernej Forbici]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[European Court of Auditors]], [[Luxembourg]], [[Luxembourg]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-02 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-04-30 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[European Court of Auditors]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Luxembourg]] |
Country | [[Luxembourg]] |
Url | http://www.epeka.si/index.php/en/novice/548-jernej-forbici-zaspi-zdaj-v-ognju-in-zamegljena-prihodnost.html |
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Description | ''Blurry Future'' exhibition by [[Jernej Forbici]] |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | Bac358e0d22dea408bb576d8203ab271a9178487c42f580283469c07d8b77363 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]] |
Related | [[Laibach]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Rome, Trezzo]], [[Italy]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-02 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-04-03 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Rome]], [[ Trezzo]] |
Country | [[Italy]] |
Url | http://www.laibach.org/future-events/ |
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Description | Concerts by [[Laibach]] in the framework of the world tour promoting the release of the new album ''Spectre'' |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 5c5aab7f1643fa8a62a3391f9249b7cb2add45f7dc33ea437e7799944a4047d9 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Theatre]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Slavko Grum]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Brussels]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Larf]], [[Ghent]], [[Belgium]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-02 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-04-03 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Larf]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Ghent]] |
Country | [[Belgium]] |
Url | http://bruselj.veleposlanistvo.si/index.php?id=1328&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=20491&tx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=23&cHash=b2bd48b201b75c3a9de6464a7bf747a7 |
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Description | [[Slavko Grum]]'s play ''An Event in the Town of Goga'', directed by a lecturer of the Slovenian language at the Ghent University Pavel Ocepek, supported by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Brussels]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 3b60f768dbf196730ed40ac26e2c95d3642b0321dc7488e729f003f0cf5e22e3 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Theatre]], [[Education]] |
Related | [[Barbara Novakovič Kolenc]], [[Slovenian Theatre Institute]], [[Muzeum Institute]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Colloredo-Mansfeld Palace]], [[Prague]], [[Czech Republic]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-02 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-04-04 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Colloredo-Mansfeld Palace]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Prague]] |
Country | [[Czech Republic]] |
Url | http://www.pq.cz/res/data/358/037834.pdf |
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Description | [[Barbara Novakovič Kolenc]]'s lecture ''Pendulum Movements and the Dynamics of Spaces in the Arts', at the ''SharedSpace: Spatial Curation Symposium'', Prague Quadrienal of Performance Design and Space, [[National Theatre Museum of Slovenia]] and [[Muzeum Institute]] |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 936cb6f6700b6127fa2f86f90ed72c940009e21d71f70b6e64464f6f4ed01725 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Literature]] |
Related | [[Aleš Šteger]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Capital Normal University Library]], [[Beijing, Yangzhou]], [[China]] |
Festival | Yangzhou Poetry Festival |
Start | 2014-04-02 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-04-11 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Capital Normal University Library]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Beijing]], [[ Yangzhou]] |
Country | [[China]] |
Url | http://www.peking.veleposlanistvo.si/index.php?id=1723&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=20821&cHash=68a441794c186686f6d46441f91cc65f |
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Description | Literary readings Lectures by [[Aleš Šteger]] organised by the Centre of Poetry Research and readings |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
1cc65f | category = Literature }}
Event | Cea35ec153866f0987e2af3a207872398a8da47074153d142d89cf41c5224a65 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Theatre]] |
Related | [[Slovenian National Theatre Drama Ljubljana]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Zagreb Youth Theatre]], [[Zagreb]], [[Croatia]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-03 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Zagreb Youth Theatre]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Zagreb]] |
Country | [[Croatia]] |
Url | http://www.zekaem.hr/vijesti-iz-zekaema/predstava-svadba-rudija-seliga-u-reziji-jerneja-lorencija-gostuje-u-zagrebackom--kazalistu-mladih/?news_id=352 |
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Description | Rudi Šeligo's ''The Marriage'', produced by the [[Slovene National Theatre Drama Ljubljana]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 959bcb3ea799e0367a809484ac8e10c897def78458d892b18d826411aef10edb |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Visual_arts]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Jasmina Cibic]], [[Slovenian Culture and Information Centre, Vienna (SKICA)]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Academy of Fine Arts]], [[Vienna]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-03 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-04-04 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Academy of Fine Arts]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Vienna]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
Url | http://www.akbild.ac.at/Portal/akademie/aktuelles/konferenzen/akbild_event.2014-02-27.0636487465/?backurl=http://www.akbild.ac.at/Portal/akademie/aktuelles/konferenzen/konferenzen/atct_topic_view |
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Description | ''On Productive Shame, Reconciliation and Agency'', a symposium also featuring Slovene artist [[Jasmina Cibic]], supported by the [[Slovenian Culture and Information Centre, Vienna (SKICA)]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | A72d005219daa4a7b0135ead47419d748c1d57370f52748a28ee3c965788d2d1 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Theatre]] |
Related | [[Mladinsko Theatre]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste]], [[Trieste/Trst]], [[Italy]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-04 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Slovene Permanent Theatre]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Trieste/Trst]] |
Country | [[Italy]] |
Url | http://www.teaterssg.com/event/ |
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Description | ''A Chrysantemum on the Piano'', produced by [[Mladinsko Theatre]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 9cc4a46e7f50d5a540a8db60cd4c3d51ce1290b592b8211804c0618f1718c62d |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Literature]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Milan Dekleva]], [[Milan Jesih]], [[Andrej Skubic]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Moscow]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Library for Foreign Literature - Rudomino]], [[Moscow]], [[Russia]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-04 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Library for Foreign Literature - Rudomino]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Moscow]] |
Country | [[Russia]] |
Url | http://moskva.veleposlanistvo.si/index.php?id=901&L=0&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=20609&tx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=36&cHash=047c380b719d951ac797059930e5444b |
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Description | A literary evening with Slovene authors [[Milan Dekleva]], [[Milan Jesih]], and [[Andrej Skubic]], supported by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Moscow]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | Fd7a25c25220b58ead77b2e567e3e3e0f922b5e23fa8dc91d190237c577408ca |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]] |
Related | [[Laibach]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Frankfurt am Main, Dresden, Berlin, Hamburg]], [[Germany]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-04 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-04-08 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Frankfurt am Main]], [[ Dresden]], [[ Berlin]], [[ Hamburg]] |
Country | [[Germany]] |
Url | http://www.last.fm/music/Laibach/+events/2014 |
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Description | ''Spectre'', a concert tour by [[Laibach]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 943d789361b487ef9157cdecae37e87c1e87ba92eaf26e7d938f131b467462ff |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Film]] |
Related | [[Ema Kugler]], [[Zank]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Houston]], [[USA]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-04 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-04-13 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Houston]] |
Country | [[USA]] |
Url | http://worldfest.org/remi-winners/ |
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Description | ''Echoes of Time'', a feature film by experimental artist [[Ema Kugler]], produced by [[Zank]], featured at the Worldfest, Houston International Film Festival, winning the Remi special jury award |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | F7333728e8e9acbc52f3edb4d51d55e991f101ad8e817c018c2adaa44ea469f1 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Visual_arts]], [[Embassies]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Goran Medjugorac]], [[Katja Oblak]], [[Jurij Borštnik]], [[Eva Petrič]], [[Anja Šmajdek]], [[Vasja Nagy]], [[Slovenian Culture and Information Centre, Vienna (SKICA)]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Schleifmühlgasse 12-14]], [[Vienna]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-04 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-04-26 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Schleifmühlgasse 12-14]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Vienna]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
Url | http://12-14.org/2014-Sledi_Spuren/ |
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Description | The exhibition ''Sledi / Spuren'' also featuring art by [[Goran Medjugorac]], [[Katja Oblak]] & [[Jurij Borštnik]], [[Eva Petrič]], and [[Anja Šmajdek]], also curated by [[Vasja Nagy]], supported by the [[Slovenian Culture and Information Centre, Vienna (SKICA)]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 53e0c2f7e372855ff9dcc1444ff9167284975ee7e71bbcd01b12fb98741e0ae7 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Visual_arts]], [[Literature]] |
Related | [[Stripburger]], [[David Krančan]], [[Jakob Klemenčič]], [[Strip Core]], [[Forum Ljubljana]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Le Garage L.]], [[Forcalquier]], [[France]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-04 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-04-29 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Le Garage L.]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Forcalquier]] |
Country | [[France]] |
Url | https://www.facebook.com/events/224153814448986/ |
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Description | [[Stripburger]]'s exhibition ''Attention, work!'', accompanied by a visit from comics artists [[David Krančan]] and [[Jakob Klemenčič]] ([[Strip Core]], [[Forum Ljubljana]]), |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 96f031dca3cd51c47dad5e45e35426dec7f6b7e1f0eb2f34f3c42ea1658ca01e |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Theatre]], [[Puppetry]] |
Related | [[Ptuj City Theatre]], [[Labirint Theatre]], [[Association of Puppeteers]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[K&K Center]], [[St. Johann im Rosental/Šentjanž v Rožu]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-05 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[K&K Center]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[St. Johann im Rosental/Šentjanž v Rožu]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
Url | http://www.slo.at/kalender/kalender_sl.php?glob_month=4&glob_year=2014&glob_day=5 |
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Description | ''Thumbelina'', produced by [[Ptuj City Theatre]], [[Labirint Theatre]], and [[Association of Puppeteers]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 6cc1114ef640c4dff1b9a33a5f019af29a3da9b87fbbe8c3eaf81aa9d13002ea |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Film]] |
Related | [[Rok Biček]], [[Triglav Film]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[St Anthony Main Theatre]], [[Minneapolis]], [[USA]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-05 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-04-09 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[St Anthony Main Theatre]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Minneapolis]] |
Country | [[USA]] |
Url | http://mspfilm.org/films-and-events/class-enemy/?f=233 |
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Description | A screening of the film ''Class Enemy'', directed by [[Rok Biček]] and produced by [[Triglav Film]], at the MSPIFF 2014, |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 3370c635667ee4fd217dfda8996bb3309781257ed5e41c42561b38f5a38b3209 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Visual_arts]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Eva Petrič]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Slovenian Culture and Information Centre, Vienna (SKICA)]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna]], [[Klagenfurt/Celovec]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-05 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-08-31 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Museum Moderner Kunst Kärnten]], [[ supported by the Slovenian Culture and Information Centre]], [[ Vienna (SKICA)]], [[ Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Klagenfurt/Celovec]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
Url | http://www.mmkk.at/30753_EN-MMK |
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Description | ''IN-between-SPACE'', a multimedia art installation by [[Eva Petrič]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 19bc03308ee8c5fda279e1630457c6096b9d1d0d6fa2abf9b38b36bf63e0ecda |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Film]] |
Related | [[Rok Biček]], [[Triglav Film]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[New York]], [[USA]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-06 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[New York]] |
Country | [[USA]] |
Url | http://www.firsttimefest.com/2014competition |
Work_url | |
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Description | A screening of the film ''Class Enemy'', directed by [[Rok Biček]] and produced by [[Triglav Film]] and a talk with the director at the First Time Fest, |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | E2146372994af9592ced543b5069f9b09f01adbea1aa2ad1e2c8ae987f08fcdf |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Film]] |
Related | [[Marko Šantić]], [[Radio-Television Slovenia (RTV Slovenia)]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Washington]], [[Slovenian Film Centre]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Museum of the Moving Image]], [[New York]], [[USA]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-06 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Museum of the Moving Image]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[New York]] |
Country | [[USA]] |
Url | http://www.movingimage.us/visit/calendar/2014/04/06/detail/seduce-me-zapelji-me |
Work_url | |
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Description | A screening of the film ''Seduce Me'', directed by [[Marko Šantić]] and produced by [[Radio-Television Slovenia (RTV Slovenia)]], in the framework of Panorama Europe series, supported by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Washington]] and [[Slovenian Film Centre]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 4a57de00170dea905861cd1315147d3f35b1a70e5776dddb620ae61c2a86a04f |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Literature]], [[Education]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Zvone Štrubelj]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Brussels]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Brussels]], [[Brussels]], [[Belgium]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-07 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Brussels]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Brussels]] |
Country | [[Belgium]] |
Url | http://bruselj.veleposlanistvo.si/index.php?id=1328&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=20559&tx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=23&cHash=b9cfa9fb1ee57f7ec898d0fe1cbc7235 |
Work_url | |
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Description | ''Primož Trubar and Europe'', a talk with Dr. [[Zvone Štrubelj]], supported by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Brussels]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | B58761295c2a235819b017f6c6373ccdf2f6d9064e86b24fded09d5132a2371f |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Theatre]], [[Puppetry]] |
Related | [[Maribor Puppet Theatre]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Split City Puppet Theatre]], [[Split]], [[Croatia]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-07 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Split City Puppet Theatre]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Split]] |
Country | [[Croatia]] |
Url | http://www.gkl-split.hr/mali-marulic-program |
Work_url | |
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Description | ''The Knight with an Iron Heart'', produced by the [[Maribor Puppet Theatre]], at the Small Marulič Festival |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 475296c1403fb3740aee200cec49e3f01c36563a8c994b9acc4b3a2c5290debe |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Literature]], [[Music]], [[Embassies]], [[Film]], [[Visual_arts]] |
Related | [[Nikolaj Pirnat]], [[Klara Gomboč]], [[Beletrina Publishing Institute]], [[Vertigo]], [[E-motion Film]], [[Ars Media]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Madrid]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Granada]], [[Spain]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-07 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-04-30 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Granada]] |
Country | [[Spain]] |
Url | https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=651191001621517&set=a.553174574756494.1073741828.553166288090656&type=1&theater |
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Description | A month of Slovene culture in Granada, including: the exhibition of illustrations ''Don Quijote de La Mancha'' by [[Nikolaj Pirnat]], a concert by violinist [[Klara Gomboč]], a literary evening with Mojca Kumerdej (co-organised by the [[Beletrina Publishing Institute]]), and screenings of films ''The Alexandrians'', ''Spare Parts'' ([[Vertigo]], [[E-motion Film]]), and ''Rooster's Breakfast'' ([[Ars Media]]), supported by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Madrid]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | C331db0be44567c09db6a290f79c559ea27e5eb458292fb869ce3fb335f8cdc1 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Literature]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Andrej Makuc]], [[Centre for Slovene as a Second and Foreign Language]], [[Slovene Writers’ Association]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Kyiv]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[“Ye” Bookshop]], [[Lviv, Kyiv]], [[Ukraine]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-08 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-04-10 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[“Ye” Bookshop]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Lviv]], [[ Kyiv]] |
Country | [[Ukraine]] |
Url | https://book-ye.com.ua/calendar/lviv/zustrich-zi-slovenskym-pysmennykom-andreyem-makutsom/ |
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Description | Literary evening with writer, editor and professor [[Andrej Makuc]], supported by the [[Centre for Slovene as a Second and Foreign Language]], [[Slovene Writers’ Association]] and the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Kiev]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 82b06977614a4704196271b94358dd01308ac206a6d491b410523bc78d791c42 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Theatre]] |
Related | [[Marko Mandić]], [[Bojan Jablanovec]], [[Via Negativa]], [[Slovenian National Theatre Drama Ljubljana]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Royal Theatre Zetski Dom]], [[Cetinje]], [[Montenegro]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2013-04-08 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2013]], [[Year_2013]] |
Venue | [[Royal Theatre Zetski Dom]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Cetinje]] |
Country | [[Montenegro]] |
Url | https://www.facebook.com/ZetskiDom/photos/a.119095404882340.8487.118870438238170/324051327720079/?type=1&theater |
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Description | ''MandićMachine'', a solo performance by [[Marko Mandić]], directed by [[Bojan Jablanovec]] and produced by [[Via Negativa]] and the [[Slovene National Theatre Drama Ljubljana]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 17a63b856318ff8e034107c951ebfaf501841ed2a91994b836601bb200516b65 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]], [[Embassies]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Slovenian Culture and Information Centre, Vienna (SKICA)]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Essl Museum]], [[Klosterneuburg]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-09 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Essl Museum]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Klosterneuburg]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
Url | http://www.essl.museum/jart/prj3/essl/main.jart?content-id=1373442328821&rel=de&article_id=1382947214091&event_id=1382947214109&reserve-mode=active |
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Description | A concert by the saxophone quartet Mobilis, supported by the [[Slovenian Culture and Information Centre, Vienna (SKICA)]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 2f2575773d71c22929fa9fcd1c90dc1a3105b99d6247a2969f0e6e4f884efcd0 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Education]], [[Architecture]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Ana Kučan]], [[Studio AKKA]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Washington]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[The Center for Architecture]], [[New York]], [[USA]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-09 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[The Center for Architecture]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[New York]] |
Country | [[USA]] |
Url | http://cfa.aiany.org/index.php?section=calendar&evtid=6996 |
Work_url | |
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Description | [[Ana Kučan]], a professor of Landscape Architecture at the University of Ljubljana, discusses the work of [[Studio AKKA]], supported by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Washington]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | Cfc8c93f0d2e8227279caa7d64c89d0236994d2ad1d7c68b51657b6d6a8bfb33 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Visual_arts]], [[Education]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Rome]], [[Archives of the Republic of Slovenia]], [[Boris M. Gombač]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Casa della Memoria e della Storia]], [[Rome]], [[Italy]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-09 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-05-30 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Casa della Memoria e della Storia]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Rome]] |
Country | [[Italy]] |
Url | http://www.rome.embassy.si/fileadmin/user_upload/dkp_42_vri/docs/CARTOLINA_PADRE.pdf |
Work_url | |
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Description | The exhibition ''Ko je umrl moj oče - Quando morì mio padre'', organised by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Rome]] and [[Archives of the Republic of Slovenia]], opening with the symposium ''La smemoria del campi del Duce'' bringing together a number of historians including dr. [[Boris M. Gombač]] |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | F8eb5ea03439e2140a1bdd1e18ebeba1058b5aa454b24f9b5127e7d83d420cad |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]] |
Related | [[Laibach]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Babel]], [[Malmö]], [[Sweden]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-10 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Babel]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Malmö]] |
Country | [[Sweden]] |
Url | http://babelmalmo.se/konsert/140410/ |
Work_url | |
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Description | A concert by [[Laibach]] in the framework of the world tour promoting the release of the new album ''Spectre'' |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 9420e703331ea0a7fdb69651fdcbad36fe122746ae6c2c45ca69fd24b6860978 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Theatre]] |
Related | [[Kolektiv Narobov]], [[Federacija Institute]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Lyon]], [[France]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-10 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-04-12 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Lyon]] |
Country | [[France]] |
Url | http://www.combatsabsurdes.com/?page_id=677 |
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Description | ''Should I stay or should I go?'' by [[Kolektiv Narobov]] ([[Federacija Institute]]) at the Festival Stay or Go |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 84741c3d9c58448b45acea31792b0004a6c159fe645a0598bfd20545efcf6733 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Film]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Miroslav Mandić]], [[Gustav Film]], [[Martin Turk]], [[Bela Film]], [[Janez Burger]], [[Radio-Television Slovenia (RTV Slovenia)]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Prague]], [[Slovenian Film Centre]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Prague, Plzeň, Havířov]], [[Czech Republic]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-10 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-04-25 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Prague]], [[ Plzeň]], [[ Havířov]] |
Country | [[Czech Republic]] |
Url | http://www.eurofilmfest.cz/en/download-catalogue/alphabetical-list-of-films.html |
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Description | ''Adria Blues'', directed by [[Miroslav Mandić]] ([[Gustav Film]], Filmostovje, Senca Studio), ''Feed Me With Your Words'', directed by [[Martin Turk]] ([[Bela Film Ltd]]), and ''The Elderly Parasite or Who is Marko Brecelj?'', directed by [[Janez Burger]] ([[Radio-Television Slovenia (RTV Slovenia)]]), at the 21st Days of European Film, supported by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Prague]] and [[Slovenian Film Centre]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | Bec9766a6b2e5342b008f138442d847d69041f74819001f996a0284809f814f2 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Film]], [[Visual_arts]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Jasmina Cibic]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Washington]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[LMAKprojects]], [[New York]], [[USA]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-10 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-05-11 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[LMAKprojects]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[New York]] |
Country | [[USA]] |
Url | http://www.moving-image.info/artistjasminacibic/ |
Work_url | |
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Description | Screenings of the film ''Fruits of Our Land'' by [[Jasmina Cibic]], supported by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Washington]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | B9ae50f10e3c18db38d4fbac6847faf659f62cd40368d3a574e2240af99fbf16 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]] |
Related | [[Laibach]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Zwischenbau]], [[Rostock]], [[Germany]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-11 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Zwischenbau]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Rostock]] |
Country | [[Germany]] |
Url | http://www.last.fm/event/3873871+Laibach+at+Zwischenbau+on+11+April+2014 |
Work_url | |
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Description | ''Spectre'', a concert tour by [[Laibach]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | D7bd2b4906adb879053c291bb131408f9f205df75e79f91cb26016ca27bd708e |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Theatre]], [[Puppetry]] |
Related | [[Ljubljana Puppet Theatre]], [[Prešeren Theatre Kranj]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[City Theatre Žar ptica]], [[Zagreb]], [[Croatia]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-11 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-04-16 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[City Theatre Žar ptica]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Zagreb]] |
Country | [[Croatia]] |
Url | http://zar-ptica.hr/program-naj-naj-naj-festivala/ |
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Description | ''Little Luna and Big Luna'', produced by [[Ljubljana Puppet Theatre]] and the [[Prešeren Theatre Kranj]], at the 14th International Naj, naj, naj Festival |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 40649126d5ed120112f4a1cc2d628f79ab1b20e4eab994aad4bb46df88868a44 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Theatre]] |
Related | [[Prešeren Theatre Kranj]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Bosnian Natioanl Theatre Zenica]], [[Zenica]], [[Bosnia and Herzegovina]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-11 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Bosnian Natioanl Theatre Zenica]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Zenica]] |
Country | [[Bosnia and Herzegovina]] |
Url | https://www.facebook.com/BNP.Ze/photos/a.324244837680680.65372.323392574432573/498850783553417/?type=1&stream_ref=10 |
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Description | ''Doubt'', produced by the [[Prešeren Theatre Kranj]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | E5cf10c17411b63d8222dc2bf58a45f842bf039c9447083fa857f481f344cee8 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]] |
Related | [[Cadlag]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Subterrarium]], [[Vienna]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-11 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Subterrarium]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Vienna]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
Url | http://www.songkick.com/concerts/19971143-cadlag-at-subterrarium |
Work_url | |
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Description | A concert by [[Cadlag]] |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 7a92cab80b28fd751f6b1032fdc2b0ee4aac5c4e67c52704b308bd8dcf04fe80 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Torul]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Teatr, Black Dog]], [[Moscow, Volgograd]], [[Russia]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-11 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-04-12 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Teatr]], [[ Black Dog]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Moscow]], [[ Volgograd]] |
Country | [[Russia]] |
Url | http://moskva.veleposlanistvo.si/index.php?id=901&L=&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=20610&tx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=900&cHash=eb082b51a9012cabab2e1bf3c1b899e1 |
Work_url | |
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Description | Concerts by [[Torul]] |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 005c72cb8254933eea9c34866c7d7e79594598a514bee4dbab72b5113309eae8 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Film]] |
Related | [[Marko Šantić]], [[Radio-Television Slovenia (RTV Slovenia)]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Wiesbaden]], [[Germany]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-11 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-04-12 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Wiesbaden]] |
Country | [[Germany]] |
Url | http://issuu.com/goeastfilmfestival/docs/goeast_ph_2014_web |
Work_url | |
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Description | A screening of the film ''Seduce Me'', directed by [[Marko Šantić]] and produced by [[Radio-Television Slovenia (RTV Slovenia)]], at the 14th Festival of Central and Eastern European Film |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | D74f5c5d97b49f61f13fcd79204a259e4073cb414a8bb5c3683efb378ea23f44 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Visual_arts]], [[New_media_art]] |
Related | [[Maja Smrekar]], [[Aksioma Institute]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Pogon Jedinstvo]], [[Zagreb]], [[Croatia]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-11 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-04-13 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Pogon Jedinstvo]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Zagreb]] |
Country | [[Croatia]] |
Url | http://kontejner.org/news-91 |
Work_url | |
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Description | ''History of the Future'', a multimedia installation by [[Maja Smrekar]], co-organised by [[Aksioma Institute]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | C85eb5600f75d7388253e9c600a7a61323ab5ad578d59acd029a02631843f6a3 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Visual_arts]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Eva Petrič]], [[Slovenian Culture and Information Centre, Vienna (SKICA)]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Künstlerhaus]], [[Vienna]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-11 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-04-20 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Künstlerhaus]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Vienna]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
Url | http://www.k-haus.at/de/ausstellung/228/eva-petric.html |
Work_url | |
More_url | |
Description | The exhibition and a presentation of the book ''TransapParent'' by [[Eva Petrič]], supported by the [[Slovenian Culture and Information Centre, Vienna (SKICA)]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 6a5035863937be10268ea3855a70ae7d74c26c4552b64d2962a162f0dbb63b7c |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]] |
Related | [[Cadlag]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Boro Klub]], [[Brno]], [[Czech Republic]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-12 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Boro Klub]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Brno]] |
Country | [[Czech Republic]] |
Url | http://www.songkick.com/festivals/229351-noise-fest/id/19971103-noise-fest-2014#lineup |
Work_url | |
More_url | |
Description | A concert by [[Cadlag]] at the Noise Fest 2014 |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | E041d8bd7ba3fd047aa08f42c403deb5fcd0b3ca66e892e4f65e06977ee93c02 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Visual_arts]], [[New_media_art]], [[Top]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Jaša]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Washington]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Pioneer Works - Center for Art and Innovation]], [[New York]], [[USA]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-12 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-04-14 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Pioneer Works - Center for Art and Innovation]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[New York]] |
Country | [[USA]] |
Url | http://pioneerworks.org/events/ |
Work_url | |
More_url | |
Description | ''Crystal C'', an ongoing performance and installation by [[Jaša]], supported by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Washington]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | Aceed0a8fa27195631d981acb92311f2a33d1070cbdf59b0a79573a00dcb4668 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]] |
Related | [[RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra]], [[Slovenian Culture and Information Centre, Vienna (SKICA)]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Wiener Musikverein]], [[Vienna]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-12 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Wiener Musikverein]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Vienna]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
Url | http://www.musikverein.at/konzerte/konzertprogramm.php?idx=133337 |
Work_url | |
More_url | |
Description | A concert by the [[RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra]], supported by the [[Slovenian Culture and Information Centre, Vienna (SKICA)]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 4262451ef3b89bf12dedeb300cbc2a5f08db49d04ae8034626ede205848cd2f4 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]] |
Related | [[Laibach]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Poznań, Gdansk]], [[Poland]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-12 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-04-13 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Poznań]], [[ Gdansk]] |
Country | [[Poland]] |
Url | http://www.laibach.org/future-events/ |
Work_url | |
More_url | |
Description | Concerts by [[Laibach]] in the framework of the world tour promoting the release of the new album ''Spectre'' |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | D4d770624c6a6b70982abd327b23f694ffcda0b7c39e7259af913243085ecea1 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Film]] |
Related | [[Rok Biček]], [[Triglav Film]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Saint-Quentin]], [[France]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-12 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-04-14 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Saint-Quentin]] |
Country | [[France]] |
Url | http://www.cinejeune02.com/edition.html |
Work_url | |
More_url | |
Description | A screening of the film ''Class Enemy'', directed by [[Rok Biček]] and produced by [[Triglav Film]], at the Ciné-Jeune Film Festival |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | E91f23a3ac957e873467d739e0e27d578fa8b7a216595c36771cd82b9576fcae |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Visual_arts]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Rome]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Villa Manin]], [[Passariano di Codroipo]], [[Italy]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-12 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-06-22 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Villa Manin]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Passariano di Codroipo]] |
Country | [[Italy]] |
Url | http://www.villamanin-eventi.it/mostra_la_magia_dell_arte.php |
Work_url | |
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Description | The exhibition ''The Magic of Art - the Protagonists of Slovene Contemporary Art 1986-2013'', supported by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Rome]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 0a79b962d5759a955aebbb536092b92bb0abd2b00200bbe31fae2812df46d686 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Theatre]] |
Related | [[Slovene National Theatre Maribor]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Croatian National Theatre]], [[Zagreb]], [[Croatia]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-13 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Croatian National Theatre]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Zagreb]] |
Country | [[Croatia]] |
Url | http://hnk.hr/novosti/drama/sng_maribor_gostovalo_s_opasnim_vezama |
Work_url | |
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Description | ''Dangerous Liaisons '', produced by the [[Slovene National Theatre Maribor]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 4250091105feb20ffc7b546da3a3a9b8e2cdbcbd926756a2500f197c05342cee |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]] |
Related | [[Irena Koblar]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Washington]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[American Art Museum]], [[Washington]], [[USA]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-13 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[American Art Museum]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Washington]] |
Country | [[USA]] |
Url | http://americanart.si.edu/calendar/event.cfm?trumbaEmbed=eventid%3D109043432%26view%3Devent%26-childview%3D%26returnUrl%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Famericanart.si.edu%252Fcalendar%252Ffeatured%252F |
Work_url | |
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Description | A concert by pianist [[Irena Koblar]], supported by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Washington]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | Fcf7b7d934f893b6c23f393cae4f6064df00e50bc7cdf0285f9f3419b39098c4 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]], [[Education]] |
Related | [[Jože Kotar]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Zagreb]], [[Croatia]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-14 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-04-17 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Zagreb]] |
Country | [[Croatia]] |
Url | http://www.zimm.com.hr/en-klarinet-prof-joze-kotar.php |
Work_url | |
More_url | |
Description | A clarinet course by [[Jože Kotar]] at the ZIMM 2014 - Zagreb International Music Meeting |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 9845e1b268bbb72ab11950c4a0299757311d4c7dc4a2dcf8a596e15101d11a05 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]] |
Related | [[Laibach]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Arena]], [[Vienna]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-15 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Arena]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Vienna]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
Url | http://arenavie.com/web/?page_id=264®event_action=register&event_id=337 |
Work_url | |
More_url | |
Description | ''Spectre'', a concert tour by [[Laibach]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 7ff602456c0b5e0740c18e32330524304dea2092c148820b530b2ba46bb909a5 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Visual_arts]], [[Photography]] |
Related | [[Bojan Salaj]], [[Branko Cvetkovič]], [[Tomaž Gregorič]], [[Tanja Lažetić]], [[Dejan Habicht]], [[Zmago Lenardič]], [[Jasna Hribernik]], [[Kolektiva Institute]], [[Polonca Lovšin]], [[Anja Medved]], [[Photon Gallery]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Photon Galerie, Brotfabrik]], [[Vienna]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-15 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-06-15 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Photon Galerie]], [[ Brotfabrik]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Vienna]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
Url | http://www.photongallery.at/at/razstave.asp?SiteID=124&GID=730 |
Work_url | |
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Description | ''City Perspectives'' exhibition featuring [[Bojan Salaj]], [[Branko Cvetkovič]], [[Tomaž Gregorič]], [[Tanja Lažetić]] and [[Dejan Habicht]], [[Zmago Lenardič]] and [[Jasna Hribernik]], [[Kolektiva Institute]], [[Polonca Lovšin]] and [[Anja Medved]] produced by [[Photon Gallery]] |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 901953517abb58606dd672d0d5dfc09f051027dffb52e75e5eadd31325e741a8 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Theatre]] |
Related | [[Slovenian National Theatre Drama Ljubljana]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste]], [[Trieste/Trst]], [[Italy]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-15 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Slovene Permanent Theatre]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Trieste/Trst]] |
Country | [[Italy]] |
Url | http://www.teaterssg.com/event/ |
Work_url | |
More_url | |
Description | ''Hamlet'', produced by the [[Slovene National Theatre Drama Ljubljana]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | Ca428fa6ec7ca3ef56e39b058f25db8a21f234c0e4ceba742c2ea738692f141e |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Academy of Music]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Budapest]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music]], [[Budapest]], [[Hungary]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-15 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Budapest]] |
Country | [[Hungary]] |
Url | http://budimpesta.veleposlanistvo.si/fileadmin/user_upload/dkp_22_vbp/Zeneakadema_meghivo_1_-page-001.jpg |
Work_url | |
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Description | A concert by Duo Furioso and Trio Rêverie ([[Academy of Music]]), supported by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Budapest]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | Ccf24c928dba219c91bf7c25c2eb5cc2fb7de6ea958b1e0e4798d4f01e4295d9 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]] |
Related | [[Laibach]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[A38]], [[Budapest]], [[Hungary]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-16 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[A38]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Budapest]] |
Country | [[Hungary]] |
Url | http://www.a38.hu/en/program/laibach-slo |
Work_url | |
More_url | |
Description | A concert by [[Laibach]] in the framework of the world tour promoting the release of the new album ''Spectre'' |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 04e06c87134c2a2dfeee9edb2f9c2faba3a1576cbac7802ee33db5239ac2185d |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]] |
Related | [[It's Everyone Else]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Wakuum]], [[Graz]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-16 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Wakuum]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Graz]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
Url | https://www.facebook.com/events/621082447965739/ |
Work_url | |
More_url | |
Description | A concert by [[It's Everyone Else]] |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | C83558eef1a15f6b3145f2d52579c3d93a8989f988bc91bdb8212558b0ccf02a |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]] |
Related | [[Laibach]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Olomouc, Prague]], [[Czech Republic]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-17 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-04-18 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Olomouc]], [[ Prague]] |
Country | [[Czech Republic]] |
Url | http://www.laibach.org/future-events/ |
Work_url | |
More_url | |
Description | Concerts by [[Laibach]] in the framework of the world tour promoting the release of the new album ''Spectre'' |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | Ec641f29280187633c247e72c77e3e5cbd088ad231f036fdce5bcf977f6d1988 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Dance]], [[Music]] |
Related | [[Matej Kejžar]], [[Pekinpah Association]], [[Leja Jurišić]], [[Teja Reba]], [[Pekinpah Association]], [[Bunker Institute]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Les Subsistances]], [[Lyon]], [[France]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-17 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-04-19 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Les Subsistances]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Lyon]] |
Country | [[France]] |
Url | http://www.les-subs.com/en/evenement/spider/ |
Work_url | |
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Description | ''This is not a hit'', a dance performance by [[Matej Kejžar]] ([[Pekinpah Association]]), and ''The Second Freedom'', a dance performance by [[Leja Jurišić]] & [[Teja Reba]] ([[Pekinpah Association]], [[Bunker Institute]]), at Spider Festival Lyon |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | B44a8476d59c3b6c3b6308872afbadb6b97210f9f57bba8ef4926021874f4fbb |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]] |
Related | [[Slovene Philharmonic Orchestra]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Royal Opera House Muscat]], [[Muscat]], [[Oman]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-17 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-04-19 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Royal Opera House Muscat]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Muscat]] |
Country | [[Oman]] |
Url | http://www.rohmuscat.org.om/Performances/Details?id=157 |
Work_url | |
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Description | ''Romeo and Juliet'', performed by the Bavarian State Ballet and the [[Slovene Philharmonic Orchestra]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 54ad14d4b80484afcc2a1927da8cebe29e520c8d999d9257de4af42df4a523e9 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Film]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Vertigo]], [[Staragara]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Beijing]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Beijing]], [[China]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-17 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-04-23 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Beijing]] |
Country | [[China]] |
Url | http://www.bjiff.com/screeningexhibitions/index.shtml |
Work_url | |
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Description | ''Circles'', co-produced by [[Vertigo]], and ''Zoran, My Nephew the Idiot'', co-produced by [[Staragara]], at the 4th Beijing Film Festival, supported by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Beijing]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 7b3270512610b6fc79e586d93800add28c1d875a8a839bcfd779f09f2acd8094 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]] |
Related | [[N'Toko]], [[It's Everyone Else]], [[Emanat Institute]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Attack]], [[Zagreb]], [[Croatia]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-18 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Attack]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Zagreb]] |
Country | [[Croatia]] |
Url | http://www.attack.hr/program/petak---18-04-2014---kruzer---lgbtiq-party-otvoren-za-sve |
Work_url | |
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Description | A concert by [[N'Toko]], [[It's Everyone Else]], and Wanda & Nova deViator ([[Emanat Institute]]) |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 6dd5deb3512ea0ff875b6f92ddd2fdb012f2c875cf59276f4b77e662ab67410b |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Theatre]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Ljubljana City Theatre (MGL)]], [[ŠKUC Association]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[CC El Olivar]], [[Lima]], [[Peru]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-18 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-04-21 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[CC El Olivar]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Lima]] |
Country | [[Peru]] |
Url | http://www.limacultura.pe/agenda-cultural/gola-naked |
Work_url | |
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Description | ''Naked'', produced by [[Ljubljana City Theatre (MGL)]] and the [[ŠKUC Association]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 29405bc598552035346ee45f683b661e36f1a5d06045206065d7c191387a8653 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]] |
Related | [[N'Toko]], [[It's Everyone Else]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Arena]], [[Vienna]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-19 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Arena]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Vienna]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
Url | http://arenavie.com/web/?page_id=264®event_action=register&event_id=410 |
Work_url | |
More_url | |
Description | A concert by [[N'Toko]] and [[It's Everyone Else]] |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 005f186ebf6867c1265c172a080161042807a6aa5c5b138f9fe9dc063bf41741 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Film]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Matjaž Ivanišin]], [[Radio-Television Slovenia (RTV Slovenia)]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[New York]], [[USA]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-21 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-04-26 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[New York]] |
Country | [[USA]] |
Url | http://tribecafilm.com/filmguide/53208b83c07f5df7d2000a11-karpotrotter |
Work_url | |
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Description | ''Karpotrotter'', directed by [[Matjaž Ivanišin]] and produced by Studio Legen and co-produced by [[Radio-Television Slovenia (RTV Slovenia)]], at the Tribeca Film Festival |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 3a9a893c7d045435d74c11bad52a5f5baf763e170756225861bc7fd23f259640 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]] |
Related | [[Marjana Lipovšek]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Escuela Superior de Música Reina Sofía]], [[Madrid]], [[Spain]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-22 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Escuela Superior de Música Reina Sofía]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Madrid]] |
Country | [[Spain]] |
Url | http://www.escuelasuperiordemusicareinasofia.es/ESMRS_EventosFicha.aspx?idEvento=11992 |
Work_url | |
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Description | A workshop by mezzo-soprano [[Marjana Lipovšek]] |
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Status | |
User |
Event | 831d04738d6c36418526c5660b05f02b324cf2021c4ad298d8572f7e5d38f5d3 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Theatre]] |
Related | [[Slovene People’s Theatre (SLG) Celje]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Croatian National Theatre]], [[Varaždin]], [[Croatia]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-23 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Croatian National Theatre]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Varaždin]] |
Country | [[Croatia]] |
Url | http://www.hnkvz.hr/index.php?p=detail&article=643 |
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Description | ''Contractions'', directed by Jure Novak and produced by the [[Slovene People’s Theatre (SLG) Celje]], |
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Status | |
User |
Event | E622628e32604dafc6190d013b6a1837fa0b7e3b79d79a8e0dd9be07331b825e |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Dance]], [[Embassies]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Fičo Balet]], [[Goran Bogdanovski]], [[Slovenian Culture and Information Centre, Vienna (SKICA)]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Linz]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | Tanzhafen Festival |
Start | 2014-04-23 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-04-27 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Organizer_url | http://tanzhafenfestival.com |
City | [[Linz]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
Url | http://redsapata.com/projekte/tanzhafenfestival-2014-2/ |
Work_url | |
More_url | https://www.meinbezirk.at/tag/tanzhafenfestival-2014 |
Description | A production by [[Fičo Balet]] and [[Goran Bogdanovski]]'s workshop, promoted also by the [[Slovenian Culture and Information Centre, Vienna (SKICA)]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 7d67b995a1c5f110ecd22c17d0d745d6ed2af7804b63035b30de4bc327f8bc41 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Jure Cerkovnik]], [[Permanent Representation of the Republic of Slovenia to the European Union]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Brussels]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Permanent Representation of the Republic of Slovenia to the European Union]], [[Brussels]], [[Belgium]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-24 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Permanent Representation of the Republic of Slovenia to the European Union]], [[ Brussels]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Brussels]] |
Country | [[Belgium]] |
Url | http://bruselj.veleposlanistvo.si/index.php?id=1328&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=20747&tx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=23&cHash=913d96c45e1aa5ba0614028a6b5fdd15 |
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Description | A concert by guitarist [[Jure Cerkovnik]], supported by the [[Permanent Representation of the Republic of Slovenia to the European Union, Brussels]] and [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Brussels]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 2068701c97f53659425a0d0d4880b81e674bd4bbc47dc2f96c3e647bbfe3df8c |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Črt Sojar Voglar]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Brussels]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Musée des Instruments de Musique]], [[Brussels]], [[Belgium]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-24 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Musée des Instruments de Musique]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Brussels]] |
Country | [[Belgium]] |
Url | http://musique-en-liberte.be/festival-leurope-en-musique-2014/ |
Work_url | |
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Description | A presentation of the work of Slovene composer [[Črt Sojar Voglar]] at the Festival ''L'Europe en Musique'', supported by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Brussels]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 684fb729331ad45888ea6ce52dd944bf90ee0e6563c3b4757a47821694f31e4a |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Theatre]] |
Related | [[Mini Theatre]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Zagreb Youth Theatre]], [[Zagreb]], [[Croatia]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-24 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-04-25 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Zagreb Youth Theatre]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Zagreb]] |
Country | [[Croatia]] |
Url | http://www.zekaem.hr/predstave/snajper/?id=81 |
Work_url | |
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Description | ''Sniper'', co-produced by [[Mini Theatre]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 7e964f4806febdb177efb8038525e489b4e5125ede55dad4e867e5d2745df905 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]] |
Related | [[Ljubljana Music and Ballet Conservatory]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Théâtre de Vevey and Auditorium Stravinski]], [[Montreux]], [[Switzerland]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-24 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-04-26 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Théâtre de Vevey and Auditorium Stravinski]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Montreux]] |
Country | [[Switzerland]] |
Url | http://www.choralfestival.ch/PDF/MCF2014_flyer.pdf |
Work_url | |
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Description | Carmen Manet and the Choir of the [[Ljubljana Music and Ballet Conservatory]] at the 50th Choral Festival |
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Status | |
User |
Event | 36649157667c2d233b31f2f179ddec99ab00ee21f8245058a0e7b18bd1f57975 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]], [[Support_services]] |
Related | [[SIGIC, Slovene Music Information Centre]], [[Cankarjev dom, Cultural and Congress Centre]], [[Druga godba Ljubljana]], [[Jazz Cerkno Festival]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Bremen]], [[Germany]] |
Festival | jazzahead! Festival and Trade Fair |
Start | 2014-04-24 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-04-27 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Organizer_url | https://jazzahead.de/en |
City | [[Bremen]] |
Country | [[Germany]] |
Url | http://www.jazzahead.de/nc/messe/aussteller/ |
Work_url | |
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Description | A national stand presenting Slovene jazz music, organised by [[SIGIC, Slovene Music Information Centre]], in addition to stands organised by [[Cankarjev dom]], [[Druga godba Ljubljana]], and [[Jazz Cerkno Festival]] |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | D800dd0c5195b87567aadb18659948c7bf21566bbd4d7cb8edbe0bdb719ff797 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[N'Toko]], [[It's Everyone Else]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[WORM]], [[Rotterdam]], [[Netherlands]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-25 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[WORM]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Rotterdam]] |
Country | [[Netherlands]] |
Url | http://www.worm.org/home/view/event/11825 |
Work_url | |
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Description | A concert by [[N'Toko]] and [[It's Everyone Else]] |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | B91c69392646798c9b82708391c5b054f6fa3ddbfd9ef86eea88baae46301834 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Literature]], [[Embassies]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Jasmin B. Frelih]], [[Aleš Debeljak]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Budapest]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Budapest]], [[Hungary]] |
Festival | International Book Festival Budapest |
Start | 2014-04-25 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-04-26 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Organizer_url | http://www.bookfestival.hu |
City | [[Budapest]] |
Country | [[Hungary]] |
Url | http://www.konyvfesztival.com/2014/kozonseg/index_angol.html |
Work_url | |
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Description | [[Jasmin B. Frelih]] presenting his work at the European First Novel Festival, and [[Aleš Debeljak]] attending the European Writers' Meeting, supported by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Budapest]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 8380b5c166747234defc3b5cc2c755aa4d7b69cf54bdc7fb5c041d433e495699 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Film]], [[Embassies]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Marko Naberšnik]], [[Arsmedia]], [[Nejc Gazvoda]], [[Perfo Production]], [[Klemen Dvornik]], [[Radio-Television Slovenia (RTV Slovenia)]], [[Studio Arkadena]], [[Goran Vojnović]], [[Arsmedia]], [[Slovenian Culture and Information Centre, Vienna (SKICA)]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Urania Cinema]], [[Vienna]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-25 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-04-27 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Urania Cinema]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Vienna]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
Url | http://www.letsceefilmfestival.com/news-detail/items/175.html |
Work_url | |
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Description | Slovene Film Days: ''Shanghai Gypsy'', directed by [[Marko Naberšnik]] ([[Arsmedia]]), ''Dual'', directed by [[Nejc Gazvoda]] ([[Perfo Production]]), ''Bread and Circuses'', directed by [[Klemen Dvornik]] ([[Radio-Television Slovenia (RTV Slovenia)]] and [[Studio Arkadena]]), and ''Piran-Pirano'', directed by [[Goran Vojnović]] ([[Arsmedia]]), co-organised Let's CEE, Cineplexx International and by the [[Slovenian Culture and Information Centre, Vienna (SKICA)]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | Ca00374d5487aab168c2896c970b344431114595cc24364eea4ad48bd2a161f0 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Film]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Špela Čadež]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Brussels]], [[Belgium]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-25 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-05-01 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Brussels]] |
Country | [[Belgium]] |
Url | http://bsff.be/en/ci2014-2/ |
Work_url | |
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Description | ''Boles'', directed by [[Špela Čadež]], at the Brussels Short Film Festival |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 3e4d25f8b2636783ca92d357e91d1c0227c6876f2b5f0d8bbab8fb42956d2304 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Film]], [[Visual_arts]] |
Related | [[Jasmina Cibic]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[The Gallery of Matica Srpska]], [[Novi Sad]], [[Serbia]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-25 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-06-18 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[the Gallery of Matica Srpska]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Novi Sad]] |
Country | [[Serbia]] |
Url | http://www.galerijamaticesrpske.rs/2014/pejzazi-iz-zbirke-josipa-broza-tita.html |
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Description | ''For Our Economy and Culture'' by [[Jasmina Cibic]] as a part of the exhibition ''Art and Authority: Landscape from the Collection of Josip Broz Tito'' |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 5862ea0b095bfeebde98d0c7fc69dc26589a3f2e48d53b7a54e81b39c516cfeb |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Visual_arts]] |
Related | [[Jože Cijuha]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[SANU Gallery]], [[Belgrade]], [[Serbia]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-25 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-06-21 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[SANU Gallery]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Belgrade]] |
Country | [[Serbia]] |
Url | http://www.sanu.ac.rs/English/GalerijaSANU/GalerijaSANU.aspx?arg=446 |
Work_url | |
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Description | An exhibition by [[Jože Cijuha]] |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | Cad1f0bfd6c5d74d4ae855c6ef06699d00f17c55df23682123a23664314b3cd2 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Visual_arts]] |
Related | [[Irwin]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[NuN]], [[Berlin]], [[Germany]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-26 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[NuN]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Berlin]] |
Country | [[Germany]] |
Url | http://www.nun-berlin.com/exhibitions/corpse-of-art |
Work_url | |
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Description | ''Corpse of Art'', a mixed-media installation by [[Irwin]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 05ec9db27e75bdeb3e4672c2a722c6d9343f70fa17102b8c9a71dd65f967f086 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Theatre]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Mini Theatre]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Croatian National Theatre]], [[Split]], [[Croatia]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-26 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Croatian National Theatre]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Split]] |
Country | [[Croatia]] |
Url | http://www.hnk-split.hr/Marulicevi-dani/24.-Marulicevi-dani/Predstave/Snajper |
Work_url | |
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Description | ''Sniper'', co-produced by [[Mini Theatre]], at the 24th Marulič Days festival of Croatian drama |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | Af015a7f9857269e8bb3bdf71f6e871097d5f5593b0061f4cb5812ed02901948 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Design]], [[Top]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Slovenian Culture and Information Centre, Vienna (SKICA)]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Vienna]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-26 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-04-27 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Vienna]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
Url | http://designeast.eu/2014/04/slovenian-designers-at-edelstoff-design-fair/ |
Work_url | |
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Description | Slovenian designers Nataša Kovač, Polona Pačnik, Vanja Mihelič, Polona Šerc, Mito Mihelič, Teja Kleč, Špela Leskovic, Almira Sadar, and Milanka Fabjančič showcasing their products at the Edelstoff Design Fair, supported by the [[Slovenian Culture and Information Centre, Vienna (SKICA)]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 857efa2da771605dee5ab72a72c2d39747e7755d0ab6c17b1592d164e29533a4 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Dance]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Kaja Lorenci]], [[Ivan Mijačević]], [[Katja Legin]], [[Ivan Mijačević]], [[Federacija Institute]], [[Dance Theatre Ljubljana]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Močvara]], [[Zagreb]], [[Croatia]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-27 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Močvara]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Zagreb]] |
Country | [[Croatia]] |
Url | http://tala.hr/platforma-hr/2014/ |
Work_url | |
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Description | ''Awaiting Resonance'', a dance performance by [[Kaja Lorenci]] and [[Ivan Mijačević]], performed by [[Katja Legin]] and [[Ivan Mijačević]], produced by [[Federacija Institute]] and co-produced by [[Dance Theatre Ljubljana]], at the 15th International Festival Platforma.hr |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 7ca864c11a6ea940b93ad45b9317a6ea5502bf8e72c13881d90d58f6675db54b |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Depot:Maja Osojnik Band]], [[Slovenian Culture and Information Centre, Vienna (SKICA)]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Ursulinensaal (OÖ Kulturquartier)]], [[Linz]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-27 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Ursulinensaal (OÖ Kulturquartier)]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Linz]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
Url | http://www.crossingeurope.at/programm/programm2013/film.html?L=0&movie=5425 |
Work_url | |
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Description | ''Traversing Balkan'', music by Rdeča raketa ([[Maja Osojnik Band]]), at the Festival Crossing Europe, supported by the [[Slovenian Culture and Information Centre, Vienna (SKICA)]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 44c37dbcddfae757d8a0bb217b3a6994b5499df7efffd36a759b09cc584d41d1 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Film]] |
Related | [[Goran Vojnović]], [[Arsmedia]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Pristina]], [[Kosovo]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-27 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Pristina]] |
Country | [[Kosovo]] |
Url | http://www.prifest.org/programi_a6_web.pdf |
Work_url | |
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Description | ''Chefurs Raus!'', directed by [[Goran Vojnović]] ([[Arsmedia]]), at the PriFest Film Festival |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 7a965db02f160227d114490d4d938cd9c14669be71fbd9390c4e1ea02ffedeb9 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Film]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Marko Šantić]], [[Radio-Television Slovenia (RTV Slovenia)]], [[Matevž Luzar]], [[PAKT Media]], [[Goran Vojnović]], [[Arsmedia]], [[Matjaž Ivanišin]], [[Slovenian Film Centre]], [[Špela Čadež]], [[Jure Dolenc]], [[Maja Prelog]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Plzeň]], [[Czech Republic]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-27 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-05-05 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Plzeň]] |
Country | [[Czech Republic]] |
Url | http://datakal.filmfestfinale.cz/webaccess/films/en/program.aspx |
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Description | Slovenia as a guest country at the 27th Film Festival Plzeň with screenings of ''Seduce Me'', directed by [[Marko Šantić]] ([[Radio-Television Slovenia (RTV Slovenia)]]), ''Good to go'', directed by [[Matevž Luzar]] ([[PAKT Media]]), ''Chefurs Raus!'', directed by [[Goran Vojnović]] ([[Arsmedia]]), ''Karpotrotter'', directed by [[Matjaž Ivanišin]] (Studio Legen). Section ''Long Night of Short Films (CR vs. Slovenia)'' co-organised by the [[Slovenian Film Centre]] presenting ''Boles'', directed by [[Špela Čadež]], ''Wanted'', directed by [[Jure Dolenc]], ''Wild East'', directed by [[Maja Prelog]], and ''Lunch on the Grass'', directed by Viktor and Daria Radić, |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | D325b018763dd78eed3746ba0c0722f070db97285c021e45a80103b7a972a41b |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Visual_arts]], [[Embassies]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Matej Andraž Vogrinčič]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Brussels]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[BRDG]], [[Antwerp]], [[Belgium]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-27 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-05-18 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[BRDG]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Antwerp]] |
Country | [[Belgium]] |
Url | https://www.facebook.com/events/266956170132155/ |
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Description | ''Untitled (road tape)'', a site-specific intervention by visual artist [[Matej Andraž Vogrinčič]], supported by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Brussels]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | F7cde4ff4e0ab59fc2ab795da2f1b007ef191ac7ee87b47a9f99be0311dbb888 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Film]], [[Literature]] |
Related | [[Špela Čadež]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Brussels]], [[Brussels]], [[Belgium]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-28 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Brussels]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Brussels]] |
Country | [[Belgium]] |
Url | http://www.seeaparis.com/programme-2014.html |
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Description | A cultural evening with [[Špela Čadež]] and a presentation of her short film ''Boles'' |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | C56f9d5d2bf1add8154f6e2bfb13510d9f21090e87219fd96e159f9c681362fc |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Literature]] |
Related | [[Tomaž Šalamun]], [[Marko Sosič]], [[Evgen Bavčar]], [[Martin Krpan]], [[Zdenka Štimac]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Mille Pages de Champagne-sur-Oise Bibliothèque]], [[Champagne-sur-Oise]], [[France]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-30 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Mille Pages de Champagne-sur-Oise Bibliothèque]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Champagne-sur-Oise]] |
Country | [[France]] |
Url | http://editions-franco-slovenes-cie.e-monsite.com/album-photos/nos-evenements/ |
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Description | Literary evening presenting [[Tomaž Šalamun]] and [[Marko Sosič]] moderated by [[Evgen Bavčar]], the first French edition of [[Martin Krpan]] presented by [[Zdenka Štimac]], Editions franco-slovènes & Cie, |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | Bf26f44dec1b995df9b3796ea81c449d5de769ed3dc0b3b5c22962f526f692ff |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Sabina Cvilak]], [[Bernarda Bobro]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Opéra national de Lorraine]], [[Nancy]], [[France]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-29 00:00:00 |
End | 2014-05-08 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Opéra national de Lorraine]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Nancy]] |
Country | [[France]] |
Url | http://www.opera-national-lorraine.fr/saison13-14/les-operas/172-la-clemence-de-titus |
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Description | Sopranos [[Sabina Cvilak]] and [[Bernarda Bobro]] in the ''La clemenza di Tito'', produced by the Lorraine National Opera, |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 59c9bc39522b8ee8399dc3556f1b3421a1e5106dd3f515be4706cde2d4a12e92 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Emil Memon]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Washington]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[The Spectrum]], [[New York]], [[USA]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-30 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[the Spectrum]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[New York]] |
Country | [[USA]] |
Url | http://avantmusicnews.com/2014/03/31/the-spectrum-in-april/ |
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Description | A concert by [[Emil Memon]], supported by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Washington]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | A22c3f8d2ceac7ef37bfe198c7e141a84944b8c9e87eddddc7e1e1d0ff1048c2 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Katja Šulc]], [[Neja Tomšič]], [[Igor Matković]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Paris]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Centre international de Récollets]], [[Paris]], [[France]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-30 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Centre international de Récollets]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Paris]] |
Country | [[France]] |
Url | https://www.facebook.com/217349648440513/photos/a.219932571515554.1073741827.217349648440513/278995468942597/?type=1&theater |
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Description | A cultural evening with Slovene musician [[Katja Šulc]] joined by [[Neja Tomšič]] (poetry, visual arts) and [[Igor Matković]] (trumpet), supported by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Paris]], |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | A795dfe3b98dd633c6e9008fb411b7e019cb75cdce226eaca14033330d3950f8 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Theatre]] |
Related | [[Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica]], [[Koper Theatre]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2014/04]], [[Croatian National Theatre]], [[Split]], [[Croatia]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2014-04-30 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2014]], [[Year_2014]] |
Venue | [[Croatian National Theatre]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Split]] |
Country | [[Croatia]] |
Url | http://www.hnk-split.hr/Marulicevi-dani/24.-Marulicevi-dani/Predstave/Filumena-Marturano |
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Description | ''Filumena Marturano'', produced the [[Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica]] and [[Koper Theatre]], at the 24th Marulič Days festival of Croatian drama |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2014/04&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |