Event | B4a4f0417a19a7bd91e59cf7caa7e01d077cc5ca8f496e3ec4d42a5972d6e9ab |
Source | |
Tag | [[Archives]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Archives of the Republic of Slovenia]], [[Radio-Television Slovenia (RTV Slovenia)]], [[Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Skopje]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Museum of the Macedonian Struggle and the State Archives of the Republic of Macedonia]], [[Skopje]], [[North Macedonia]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-01 00:00:00 |
End | 2017-01-03 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2017]] |
Venue | [[Museum of the Macedonian Struggle and the State Archives of the Republic of Macedonia]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Skopje]] |
Country | [[North Macedonia]] |
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Description | The exhibition ''Legacy Stories (Slovenia and the Succession after Yugoslavia)'', prepared by the [[Archives of the Republic of Slovenia]] in cooperation with [[Radio-Television Slovenia (RTV Slovenia)]] and the Slovenian [[Ministry of Foreign Affairs]] Diplomatic Archives, co-organised by the State Archive of the Republic of Macedonia and the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Skopje]], |
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User |
Event | 0bd33fa7c1ab32b37d3c86f43fe6bea6d4d29899f72bd4674d7e3f8f84b9f183 |
Source | |
Tag | [[Architecture]], [[Literature]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Museum of Architecture and Design]], [[Aljoša Dekleva]], [[Tina Gregorič]], [[Dekleva Gregorič Arhitekti]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in London]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[AA Bookshop]], [[London]], [[United Kingdom]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-01 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[AA Bookshop]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[London]] |
Country | [[United Kingdom]] |
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Description | The book launch of ''Home by Dekleva Gregorič Architects'', published by the [[Museum of Architecture and Design]], with [[Aljoša Dekleva]] and [[Tina Gregorič]] ([[Dekleva Gregorič Arhitekti]]), supported by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in London]], |
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User |
Event | F91ba03f8bff7b2a0ec974fd4deaeff878abc1097d03564f130a0e4e029afe89 |
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Tag | [[Music]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Igor Lumpert]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Happylucky no.1]], [[New York]], [[USA]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-01 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[happylucky no.1]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[New York]] |
Country | [[USA]] |
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Description | A concert by saxophonist [[Igor Lumpert]] and Forma Viva |
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Event | 3316aeec6d3f084850ca9df46f70321a9cb217e75706ef68b64ca5ad504575e7 |
Source | |
Tag | [[Literature]], [[Visual_arts]], [[Music]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Svetlana Makarovič]], [[Josip Osti]], [[Svetlana Slapšak]], [[Goran Vojnović]], [[Agata Tomažič]], [[Jure Eržen]], [[Boštjan Videmšek]], [[Mojca Kumerdej]], [[Sebastijan Pregelj]], [[Maja Gal Štromar]], [[Jože Suhadolnik]], [[Klemen Košir]], [[Metka Krašovec]], [[Alenka Sottler]], [[Hana Stupica]], [[Laibac]], [[Zoran Predin]], [[Slovenian Book Agency]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Pula]], [[Croatia]] |
Festival | Book Fair(y) Istria Festival of Books and Authors |
Start | 2016-12-01 00:00:00 |
End | 2016-12-11 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Pula]] |
Country | [[Croatia]] |
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Description | A presentation of the Ljubljana art and culture landscape with [[Svetlana Makarovič]], [[Josip Osti]], [[Svetlana Slapšak]], [[Goran Vojnović]], [[Agata Tomažič]], [[Jure Eržen]], [[Boštjan Videmšek]], [[Mojca Kumerdej]], [[Sebastijan Pregelj]], [[Maja Gal Štromar]], [[Jože Suhadolnik]], [[Klemen Košir]], [[Metka Krašovec]], [[Alenka Sottler]], [[Hana Stupica]], [[Laibac]]h and [[Zoran Predin]], co-organised by the [[Slovenian Book Agency]], |
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Event | 383caeda594923f0a1d2df3f2dd935b744a452b699df78d9876874611c8d2f39 |
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Tag | [[Museums]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Damjana Fortunat Černilogar]], [[Tolmin Museum]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Kulturni center Lojze Bratuž]], [[Gorizia/Gorica]], [[Italy]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-01 00:00:00 |
End | 2017-01-31 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2017]] |
Venue | [[Kulturni center Lojze Bratuž]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Gorizia/Gorica]] |
Country | [[Italy]] |
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Description | An exhibition about the Javorca Memorial Church of the Holy Spirit by [[Damjana Fortunat Černilogar]] ([[Tolmin Museum]]), |
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Event | 6d15b5d8553098f7aa71ca04df9f887b4f61ec32a82329d21c526b924514390a |
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Tag | [[Music]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Vlado Kreslin]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Washington]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Slovenian National Home]], [[Cleveland]], [[USA]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-02 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[Slovenian National Home]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Cleveland]] |
Country | [[USA]] |
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Description | A concert by [[Vlado Kreslin]], supported by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Washington]], |
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Event | 8cf0d2f15797df814ffaf74417fef6c4ca57b9789922c02d296e7b6b20dfeab1 |
Source | |
Tag | [[Archives]], [[Music]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[DIVA Station]], [[Luka Polutnik]], [[SCCA-Ljubljana Centre for Contemporary Arts]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Klub Booksa]], [[Zagreb]], [[Croatia]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-02 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[Klub Booksa]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Zagreb]] |
Country | [[Croatia]] |
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Description | A presentation of [[DIVA Station]] by [[Luka Polutnik]] ([[SCCA-Ljubljana Centre for Contemporary Arts]]) at a round table discussion in the framework of the international project Archive as Practice |
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Event | 7d22dd9e668673a6a28121fec4adb4ad96ece4c6bf12ccf0e46d0f9f3faa9b68 |
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Tag | [[Literature]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Stanka Hrastelj]], [[Mojca Kumerdej]], [[Nataša Kramberger]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Salon von Helmuth Pohren-Hartmann]], [[Berlin]], [[Germany]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-03 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[Salon von Helmuth Pohren-Hartmann]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Berlin]] |
Country | [[Germany]] |
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Description | A literary evening with writers [[Stanka Hrastelj]] and [[Mojca Kumerdej]] moderated by [[Nataša Kramberger]], organised by Periskop, |
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Event | 5bfdb0af6ca3e0a547b2a9f3de2de381c38f65f5b319be3d6ad2cf2931ad4ba7 |
Source | |
Tag | [[Archives]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[DIVA Station]], [[Barbara Borčić]], [[Emil Memon]], [[SCCA-Ljubljana Centre for Contemporary Arts]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[UnionDocs Center for Documentary Art]], [[New York]], [[USA]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-04 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[UnionDocs Center for Documentary Art]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[New York]] |
Country | [[USA]] |
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Description | A presentation of [[DIVA Station]] by curator [[Barbara Borčić]], artist [[Emil Memon]] ([[SCCA-Ljubljana Centre for Contemporary Arts]]) and film maker Powel Wojtasik and a screening of the curated programme ''DIVA Station Presents No 3'' |
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Event | 2a19722f0499e414924de443f1380ec1a6164c6cf1caed8e3b11862b65aa7a33 |
Source | |
Tag | [[Literature]], [[Embassies]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Milan Šelj]], [[Centre for Slovene as a Second and Foreign Language]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in London]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[University of Nottingham]], [[Nottingham]], [[United Kingdom]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-05 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[University of Nottingham]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Nottingham]] |
Country | [[United Kingdom]] |
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Description | A literary evening with poet [[Milan Šelj]] in the framework of the World Festival of Slovene Culture, organised in cooperation with the [[Centre for Slovene as a Second/Foreign Language]] and the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in London]], |
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User |
Event | E1fe965f9def74d803270ce77393982b1217aba86d2cde015f5284565adc917e |
Source | |
Tag | [[Literature]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Tatjana Jamnik]], [[Centre for Slovene as a Second and Foreign Language]], [[Polica Dubova Cultural and Artistic Association]], [[Literary Association IA]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Herbaciarnia Marzenie]], [[Sosnowiec]], [[Poland]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-05 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[Herbaciarnia Marzenie]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Sosnowiec]] |
Country | [[Poland]] |
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Description | A translation workshop and discussion with [[Tatjana Jamnik]] in the framework of World Festival of Slovene Culture, organised in cooperation with the [[Centre for Slovene as a Second/Foreign Language]], [[Polica Dubova Cultural and Artistic Association]] and [[Literary Association IA]], |
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Event | Ee25816aa1f9c93fb807014033d2c6cae8adf5bcc9c4ec0478f00b753414bee8 |
Source | |
Tag | [[New_media_art]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Mark Požlep]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Het Eilandje, BRDG]], [[Antwerp]], [[Belgium]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-05 00:00:00 |
End | 2016-12-09 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[Het Eilandje]], [[ BRDG]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Antwerp]] |
Country | [[Belgium]] |
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Description | ''Island'', a durational performance/installation in a public place by [[Mark Požlep]], |
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Event | A50fcbb7a409d28b7647389c2add9a050a3bf770d97f7494766e1bb9fbf094d1 |
Source | |
Tag | [[Literature]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Igor Pison]], [[Polona Libešar]], [[Neira Merčep]], [[Centre for Slovene as a Second and Foreign Language]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Frinzi Library]], [[Verona]], [[Italy]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-06 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[Frinzi Library]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Verona]] |
Country | [[Italy]] |
Url |'est_nell'ovest.pdf |
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Description | A talk with writer and director [[Igor Pison]] moderated by [[Polona Libešar]] and [[Neira Merčep]] at the symposium ''L’est nell’ovest'', in the framework of World Festival of Slovene Culture, organised in cooperation with the [[Centre for Slovene as a Second/Foreign Language]] |
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Event | 275976ab001f6536357df6da546357b6f25f1ac4200cb05eb9311b99d73cf8ae |
Source | |
Tag | [[Music]], [[Top]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Janez Matičič]], [[Katja Sinkovič]], [[Slovenian Culture and Information Centre, Vienna (SKICA)]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Mozarthaus]], [[Vienna]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-06 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[Mozarthaus]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Vienna]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
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Description | A concert with pianists [[Janez Matičič]] and [[Katja Sinkovič]], supported by the [[Slovenian Culture and Information Centre, Vienna (SKICA)]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna]], |
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Event | 38d862049d86a79254d83123aaff019ef468f02dad87b7d7bf501959c076bca3 |
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Tag | [[Literature]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Mateja Pezdirc Bartol]], [[Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana]], [[Centre for Slovene as a Second and Foreign Language]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Institut für Slawistik, University of Graz]], [[Graz]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-06 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[Institut für Slawistik]], [[ University of Graz]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Graz]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
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Description | A lecture on contemporary Slovene drama by [[Mateja Pezdirc Bartol]] ([[Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana]]) in the framework of World Festival of Slovene Culture, organised in cooperation with the [[Centre for Slovene as a Second/Foreign Language]], |
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User |
Event | 4d04794fe625d895f3eb7a16891ecd833189932ea7e459a15319d51b6150b8c2 |
Source | |
Tag | [[Literature]], [[Embassies]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Božidar Brezinščak Bagola]], [[Meta Klinar]], [[Barbara Korun]], [[Ivo Svetina]], [[Centre for Slovene as a Second and Foreign Language]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Zagreb]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Klub Booksa]], [[Zagreb]], [[Croatia]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-06 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[Klub Booksa]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Zagreb]] |
Country | [[Croatia]] |
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Description | A presentation of the anthology of Slovenian poetry ''Here and Now'' with [[Božidar Brezinščak Bagola]], Ivana Latković, [[Meta Klinar]], [[Barbara Korun]] and [[Ivo Svetina]] in the framework of World Festival of Slovene Culture, organised in cooperation with the [[Centre for Slovene as a Second/Foreign Language]] and the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Zagreb]], |
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User |
Event | 90c8298b77d05c0e439955a5a55966de76d1ed5cdaaa013dcd521fac1b99f50b |
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Tag | [[Literature]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Zoran Predin]], [[Centre for Slovene as a Second and Foreign Language]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Die Scherbe]], [[Graz]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-06 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[Die Scherbe]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Graz]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
Url | |
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Description | A concert by [[Zoran Predin]] in the framework of World Festival of Slovene Culture, organised in cooperation with the [[Centre for Slovene as a Second/Foreign Language]], |
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Event | 23431c53731ab2611118121f15206d62e672fc6ffce67b982892168bc4e6e085 |
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Tag | [[Visual_arts]], [[Film]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Matjaž Tančič]], [[Marko Kumer - Murč]], [[Centre for Slovene as a Second and Foreign Language]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Beijing Foreign Studies University]], [[Beijing]], [[China]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-06 00:00:00 |
End | 2016-12-16 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[Beijing Foreign Studies University]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Beijing]] |
Country | [[China]] |
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Description | ''Living Legends'', a multimedia exhibition by [[Matjaž Tančič]] and [[Marko Kumer - Murč]] in the framework of the World Festival of Slovene Culture, organised in cooperation with the [[Centre for Slovene as a Second/Foreign Language]] and the School of European Languages and Cultures, |
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Status | |
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Event | C6000148ffffb03bd016ceb113b004a87658f2ab9f362b4dd7e4c636a9b1fc32 |
Source | |
Tag | [[Visual_arts]], [[Film]], [[Education]], [[Photography]] |
Related | [[Matjaž Tančič]], [[Centre for Slovene as a Second and Foreign Language]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Beijing Foreign Studies University]], [[Beijing]], [[China]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-06 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[Beijing Foreign Studies University]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Beijing]] |
Country | [[China]] |
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Description | ''Living Legends and Beyond: A Taste of 3D Photography'', a talk with [[Matjaž Tančič]] in the framework of the World Festival of Slovene Culture, organised in cooperation with the [[Centre for Slovene as a Second/Foreign Language]], the School of European Languages and Cultures and Time Capsule Bookstore, |
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User |
Event | 8f298c544e9eff2b9dbeaaef2ed8121f1775a2025055cab8ea776e2de6434ac4 |
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Tag | [[Film]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Sara Kern]], [[Cvinger Film]], [[Urša Djukić]], [[Sever & Sever Production]], [[Kaja Križnik]], [[Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television (AGRFT)]], [[Špela Čadež]], [[Finta]], [[Žiga Virc]], [[Tomaž Gorkič]], [[Blade Production]], [[Olmo Omerzu]], [[Arsmedia]], [[Žiga Virc]], [[Studio Virc]], [[SKICA Berlin, Slovenian Cultural Centre]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Berlin]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Filmkunst 66]], [[Berlin]], [[Germany]] |
Festival | Periskop Film Festival |
Start | 2016-12-06 00:00:00 |
End | 2016-12-07 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[Filmkunst 66]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Berlin]] |
Country | [[Germany]] |
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Description | ''Neues Slowenisches Kino'': screenings of ''Good Luck, Orlo!'', directed by [[Sara Kern]] ([[Cvinger Film]]), ''Bon Appétit, La Vie!'', directed by [[Urša Djukić]] ([[Sever & Sever Production]]), ''Little Fish'', directed by [[Kaja Križnik]] ([[Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television (AGRFT)]]), ''Nighthawk'' by [[Špela Čadež]] ([[Finta]]), ''A New Home'', directed by [[Žiga Virc]], ''Idyll'', directed by [[Tomaž Gorkič]] ([[Blade Production]]), ''Family Film'', directed by [[Olmo Omerzu]] ([[Arsmedia]]), and ''Houston, We Have a Problem''!, directed by [[Žiga Virc]] ([[Studio Virc]]), , organised by Periskop and supported by the [[Slovenian Cultural Centre in Berlin]] ([[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Berlin]]), |
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Event | 6e881e0ee25ccb61339cc8fd570788fc1a281b6493bb6c68d055213850b89f09 |
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Tag | [[Theatre]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica]], [[Mini Theatre]], [[Ptuj City Theatre]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Centre Dramatique National]], [[Orléans]], [[France]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-06 00:00:00 |
End | 2016-12-10 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[Centre Dramatique National]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Orléans]] |
Country | [[France]] |
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Description | ''The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant'', produced by the [[Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica]], [[Mini Theatre]] and [[Ptuj City Theatre]], |
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Event | 550b55bc52f0dd678fb6bb78f11de0df86de17d982006e294916666417172949 |
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Tag | [[Visual_arts]], [[Top]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Vesna Bukovec]], [[Eva Petrič]], [[Tilen Žbona]], [[Vasja Nagy]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Washington]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Galería TuM]], [[Xochimilco]], [[Mexico]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-07 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[Galería TuM]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Xochimilco]] |
Country | [[Mexico]] |
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Description | ''Art in a Suitcase'', an exhibition featuring works by [[Vesna Bukovec]], [[Eva Petrič]] and [[Tilen Žbona]] and curated by [[Vasja Nagy]], supported by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Washington]], |
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Event | 810b342adc05ffa4a3eb4473df8cd03fd25517bb9a313486c8243ad4a8df1b66 |
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Tag | [[Theatre]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Ljubljana City Theatre]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Klagenfurt City Theatre]], [[Klagenfurt/Celovec]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-08 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[Klagenfurt City Theatre]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Klagenfurt/Celovec]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
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Description | ''One Thousand and One Nights'', produced by the [[Ljubljana City Theatre]], |
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Event | E754612760683e21eb0b7054400589098520a765704d1d5bb45a9980eb0755f7 |
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Tag | [[Literature]], [[Embassies]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Tone Škrjanec]], [[Mateja Bizjak Petit]], [[Centre for Slovene as a Second and Foreign Language]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Paris]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Le centre Jeanne Hachette]], [[Ivry-sur-Seine]], [[France]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-08 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[Le centre Jeanne Hachette]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Ivry-sur-Seine]] |
Country | [[France]] |
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Description | A literary evening with writer [[Tone Škrjanec]] moderated by [[Mateja Bizjak Petit]] at the Biennale Internationale des poètes en Val de Marne, in the framework of World Festial of Slovene Culture, organised in cooperation with the [[Centre for Slovene as a Second/Foreign Language]] and the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Paris]], |
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User |
Event | 9c11cefaa25b87df5b48fa75483a9b7260e61a8dff2bc65b3a65934e21de6153 |
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Tag | [[Support_services]] |
Related | [[Mateja Lazar]], [[Creative Europe Desk Slovenia]], [[Motovila Institute]], [[Andreja Hribernik]], [[Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Koroška]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Tbilisi Techpark]], [[Tbilisi]], [[Georgia]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-08 00:00:00 |
End | 2016-12-09 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[Tbilisi Techpark]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Tbilisi]] |
Country | [[Georgia]] |
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Description | [[Mateja Lazar]] of the [[Creative Europe Desk Slovenia]] ([[Motovila Institute]]) and [[Andreja Hribernik]] ([[Koroška Gallery of Fine Arts]]) at the Creative Georgia Forum |
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User |
Event | B4293bec0454a591a87d1ccef40e66daae32e6a074e068e6cdbdb8d49a8b3d62 |
Source | |
Tag | [[Visual_arts]], [[Embassies]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Paris]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Le Carrousel du Louvre]], [[Paris]], [[France]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-08 00:00:00 |
End | 2016-12-11 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[Le Carrousel du Louvre]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Paris]] |
Country | [[France]] |
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Work_url | |
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Description | Eleven Slovene artists presented at the Salon des Beaux Arts, supported by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Paris]], |
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Event | Cf0fc9b2b1eac4b902c0fbb5aeec058964915bad9e8a8a80f53e7fdf6a489867 |
Source | |
Tag | [[Theatre]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Mladinsko Theatre]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Ludowy Theatre]], [[Kraków]], [[Poland]] |
Festival | Divine Comedy International Theatre Festival |
Start | 2016-12-09 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[Ludowy Theatre]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Kraków]] |
Country | [[Poland]] |
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Description | ''Princess Dramas'', produced by the [[Mladinsko Theatre]] |
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Event | D6a0d13ecb95a3bf992df334cc936d9f88125f54aa4fdf3ba3fc02e40cebb3b7 |
Source | |
Tag | [[Visual_arts]], [[Top]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Vesna Bukovec]], [[Eva Petrič]], [[Tilen Žbona]], [[Vasja Nagy]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Washington]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Centro de artes y oficios tepito]], [[Mexico City]], [[Mexico]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-09 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[Centro de artes y oficios tepito]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Mexico City]] |
Country | [[Mexico]] |
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Description | ''Art in a Suitcase'', an exhibition featuring works by [[Vesna Bukovec]], [[Eva Petrič]] and [[Tilen Žbona]] and curated by [[Vasja Nagy]], supported by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Washington]], |
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User |
Event | Be74695165ca7f1b55ae258c83f3b547f916e63bee7888a0137ba8ef6f4e7b8d |
Source | |
Tag | [[Music]], [[Top]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Ingenium Ensemble]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Budapest]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Matthias Church]], [[Budapest]], [[Hungary]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-09 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[Matthias Church]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Budapest]] |
Country | [[Hungary]] |
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Description | A Christmas concert in honour of the 25th anniversary of Slovenia’s independence by the [[Ingenium Ensemble]], organised in cooperation with the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Budapest]], |
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Event | 07bffc52d952956ca5b52ec9283288cc16e0021b9e3d13715bff3a8f897ed3b0 |
Source | |
Tag | [[Visual_arts]], [[Design]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Institute]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum für Gegenwart]], [[Berlin]], [[Germany]] |
Festival | Friends with Books Art Book Fair |
Start | 2016-12-09 00:00:00 |
End | 2016-12-11 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum für Gegenwart]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Berlin]] |
Country | [[Germany]] |
Url | |
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Description | The [[P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Institute]] presents new editions of Slovene artist books |
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Event | 2bbf4d127b3c34a472e0bca84534cf1e0d3d2fc94cffea55720389f662d8d3f3 |
Source | |
Tag | [[New_media_art]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Robertina Šebjanič]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Gallery 54]], [[Gothenburg]], [[Sweden]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-09 00:00:00 |
End | 2016-12-11 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[Gallery 54]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Gothenburg]] |
Country | [[Sweden]] |
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Work_url | |
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Description | ''Inägor & utmarker'', an exhibition featuring works by [[Robertina Šebjanič]], |
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Event | C8888835ced1082a37a18ce9ebea34c55d35f7290f12d45cd8eb4bb350693263 |
Source | |
Tag | [[Film]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[France Štiglic]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Washington]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[AFI Silver Theatre and Cultural Center]], [[Silver Spring]], [[USA]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-09 00:00:00 |
End | 2016-12-12 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[AFI Silver Theatre and Cultural Center]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Silver Spring]] |
Country | [[USA]] |
Url | |
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Description | Screenings of a restored version of ''Valley of Peace'', directed by [[France Štiglic]], supported by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Washington]], |
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Event | 07dc29055a44119d19daab5d2e020c37dca5c69cae02a5328bbd5d212e8d9cbb |
Source | |
Tag | [[Literature]], [[Embassies]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Tone Škrjanec]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Paris]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Maison de la Poésie de Nantes]], [[Nantes]], [[France]] |
Festival | MidiMinuitPoésie Festival |
Start | 2016-12-10 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[Maison de la Poésie de Nantes]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Nantes]] |
Country | [[France]] |
Url | |
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Description | A talk with writer [[Tone Škrjanec]] supported by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Paris]], |
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Event | E4141e85e678f7dba7596e47c874c52f9e0499c4de39e19533a26c04d3bf8aa5 |
Source | |
Tag | [[Visual_arts]], [[Top]], [[Film]] |
Related | [[Irwin]], [[OHO Group Award]], [[Matej Stupica]], [[Lenka Đorojević]], [[Galleria A plus A]], [[Aksioma Institute]], [[Video Production Kregar Studio (VPK Studio)]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[European Cultural Centre Palazzo Mora]], [[Venice]], [[Italy]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-10 00:00:00 |
End | 2016-12-17 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[European Cultural Centre Palazzo Mora]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Venice]] |
Country | [[Italy]] |
Url | |
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Description | A group exhibition featuring works by [[Irwin]], the [[OHO Group Award|OHO Group]], [[Matej Stupica]] and [[Lenka Đorojević]] presented by [[Galleria A plus A]], and a screening of ''Ron’s Story'', produced by the [[Aksioma Institute]] and [[Video Production Kregar Studio (VPK Studio)]], at the Venice International Art Performance Week |
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User |
Event | 5533d0e65b1d4193c6283ae336d6550e8736bb0bffda6205c70a7d7b7305fca1 |
Source | |
Tag | [[Visual_arts]], [[Literature]], [[Photography]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Urban Cerjak]], [[Davorin Lenko]], [[Andrej Hočevar]], [[Martina Burger]], [[Slovene National Theatre Opera and Ballet Ljubljana]], [[Luka Ortar]], [[Slovene National Theatre Maribor]], [[Vladimir Mlinarić]], [[Academy of Music]], [[SKICA Berlin, Slovenian Cultural Centre]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Berlin]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Lettrétage]], [[Berlin]], [[Germany]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-11 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[Lettrétage]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Berlin]] |
Country | [[Germany]] |
Url | |
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Description | ''TAKE IT SLO(w) SONNTAG'', or ''Ein kultureller Brunch'' events including a photo exhibition by [[Urban Cerjak]], a literary reading and discussion with [[Davorin Lenko]], a reading with poet [[Andrej Hočevar]] and the music programme: the lieder interpreted by [[Martina Burger]] (soprano) from [[Slovene National Theatre Opera and Ballet Ljubljana]], [[Luka Ortar]] (bass-baritone) ([[SNG Maribor]]), and [[Vladimir Mlinarić]] (piano) from Ljubljana [[Academy of Music]], organised by Periskop in cooperation with the [[Slovenian Cultural Centre in Berlin]] ([[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Berlin]]), |
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Status | |
User |
Event | 66db56029f45b510b32444ad8ae1f08e21f2879b27f77332ac62406c6273a5bc |
Source | |
Tag | [[Film]], [[Embassies]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Žiga Virc]], [[Studio Virc]], [[Slovenian Culture and Information Centre, Vienna (SKICA)]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Top Kino]], [[Vienna]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-12 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[Top Kino]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Vienna]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
Url | |
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Description | Screenings of ''Houston, We Have a Problem!'', directed by [[Žiga Virc]] ([[Studio Virc]]), supported by the [[Slovenian Culture and Information Centre, Vienna (SKICA)]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna]], |
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Status | |
User |
Event | 1fed5203829438f03688c945f5c98fd8634030ec294cf1c56c6dcc7375d3169c |
Source | |
Tag | [[Music]], [[Embassies]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Lana Trotovšek]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in London]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Bolivar Hall]], [[London]], [[United Kingdom]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-13 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[Bolivar Hall]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[London]] |
Country | [[United Kingdom]] |
Url | |
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Description | A concert with violinist [[Lana Trotovšek]] and pianist Maria Canyigueral, supported by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in London]], |
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User |
Event | 34cf991a6cbb8d592fdd23b1ca1436d6dbcf8d0808b7ce8ac4b1a6f2522a2901 |
Source | |
Tag | [[Visual_arts]], [[Embassies]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Brane Širca]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Paris]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Cité internationale des arts]], [[Paris]], [[France]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-13 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[Cité internationale des arts]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Paris]] |
Country | [[France]] |
Url | |
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Description | Open Studio with artist [[Brane Širca]], supported by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Paris]], |
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Status | |
User |
Event | E53012f4d55cfa5be396eaca8877ff9dd47281d48c9b4930420942661585a695 |
Source | |
Tag | [[Literature]], [[Embassies]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Aleš Šteger]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Aspinwall House - Fort Kochi]], [[Kochi]], [[India]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-13 00:00:00 |
End | 2016-12-14 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[Aspinwall House - Fort Kochi]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Kochi]] |
Country | [[India]] |
Url | |
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Description | Poet [[Aleš Šteger]] at the Kochi-Muziris Biennale 2016 |
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User |
Event | 05a7d72696b64bd7add9ba5ae7b7ef09ed323d2e5fd72dc53753a4e89846bd31 |
Source | |
Tag | [[Visual_arts]] |
Related | [[Irwin]], [[OHO Group Award]], [[Matej Stupica]], [[Lenka Đorojević]], [[Galleria A plus A]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Galleria A plus A]], [[Venice]], [[Italy]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-13 00:00:00 |
End | 2017-02-28 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2017]] |
Venue | [[Galleria A plus A]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Venice]] |
Country | [[Italy]] |
Url | |
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Description | ''The Material Body of Art'', a group exhibition featuring works by [[Irwin]], the [[OHO Group Award|OHO Group]], [[Matej Stupica]] and [[Lenka Đorojević]] presented by [[Galleria A plus A]], |
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Status | |
User |
Event | B6550fba8013b55c3f29de85b5fb0af0504a4061935e2579102c5df7824abd68 |
Source | |
Tag | [[Literature]], [[Education]] |
Related | [[Staša Pavlović]], [[Centre for Slovene as a Second and Foreign Language]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Brussels]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Ghent University]], [[Ghent]], [[Belgium]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-14 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[Ghent University]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Ghent]] |
Country | [[Belgium]] |
Url | |
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Description | ''Slavic motives in Slovene literature'', a workshop by [[Staša Pavlović]], organised by lectureship in Ghent and [[Centre for Slovene as a Second and Foreign Language]], supported by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Brussels]] |
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Status | |
User |
Event | Ef14f8a8cf262a00dfc603002fb358befedae9eb737c7b6723b3cdfae0c4a7a4 |
Source | |
Tag | [[Music]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[It's Everyone Else]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Rhiz Vienna]], [[Vienna]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-14 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[Rhiz Vienna]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Vienna]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
Url | |
Work_url | |
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Description | A concert by [[It's Everyone Else]] |
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Status | |
User |
Event | 5f71270458a43848a21a37bd6c9c314551bfbf584ea6ad615b4a1c7695367966 |
Source | |
Tag | [[Music]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Academic Choir Tone Tomšič, University of Ljubljana]], [[SKICA Berlin, Slovenian Cultural Centre]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Berlin]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[St. Elisabeth Church - Schöneberg]], [[Berlin]], [[Germany]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-14 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[St. Elisabeth Church - Schöneberg]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Berlin]] |
Country | [[Germany]] |
Url | |
Work_url | |
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Description | A concert by the [[Academic Choir Tone Tomšič, University of Ljubljana]], organised in cooperation with the [[Slovenian Cultural Centre in Berlin]] ([[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Berlin]]), |
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Status | |
User |
Event | Ac8827d57ba06a46db403469977c32d272b5b4edccb4def4a83a1068e37f3eb7 |
Source | |
Tag | [[Museums]], [[Top]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Slovene Ethnographic Museum]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Washington]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Slovenian Museum and Archives]], [[Cleveland, Ohio]], [[USA]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-14 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[Slovenian Museum and Archives]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Cleveland]], [[ Ohio]] |
Country | [[USA]] |
Url | |
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Description | ''Cocta - Slovenian Pop Drink for All Ages'' exhibition, provided by the [[Slovene Ethnographic Museum]] and supported by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Washington]], |
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User |
Event | 997c2f69b035d2429a677d1c1f4b51979319381ab423b56b7af02763f6a0985f |
Source | |
Tag | [[Literature]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Suzana Tratnik]], [[Alja Adam]], [[Veronika Dintinjana]], [[Slovenian Book Agency]], [[Centre for Slovenian Literature]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[La Qarmita]], [[Granada]], [[Spain]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-14 00:00:00 |
End | 2016-12-15 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[La Qarmita]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Granada]] |
Country | [[Spain]] |
Url | |
Work_url | |
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Description | Events featuring writers [[Suzana Tratnik]], [[Alja Adam]] and [[Veronika Dintinjana]], organised in cooperation with the [[Slovenian Book Agency]] and [[Centre for Slovenian Literature]], |
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Status | |
User |
Event | 0ecc71202e3462c5e373bbef1d2a35793e6139b859e6b6e813b34befdad09d74 |
Source | |
Tag | [[Music]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Academic Choir Tone Tomšič, University of Ljubljana]], [[Academy of Music]], [[SNG Opera and Ballet]], [[SKICA Berlin, Slovenian Cultural Centre]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Berlin]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[St. Elisabeth Church, Schöneberg]], [[Berlin]], [[Germany]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-15 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[St. Elisabeth Church]], [[ Schöneberg]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Berlin]] |
Country | [[Germany]] |
Url | |
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Description | A New Year concert by the [[Academic Choir Tone Tomšič, University of Ljubljana]] and the Ljubljana [[Academy of Music]] baroque orchestra and the [[SNG Opera and Ballet]] soloists, organised by the [[Slovenian Cultural Centre in Berlin]] ([[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Berlin]]), |
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Status | |
User |
Event | B6d8a433a8073808512b2eb82b6b63409518ed40be554e25ca8d82442fda0c0c |
Source | |
Tag | [[Music]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[The Canyon Observer]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Attack!]], [[Zagreb]], [[Croatia]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-15 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[Attack!]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Zagreb]] |
Country | [[Croatia]] |
Url | |
Work_url | |
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Description | A concert by [[The Canyon Observer]] |
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Status | |
User |
Event | 15d762c7c12c259e6e92e02112634cab903783b30241365d54b4295386391ea6 |
Source | |
Tag | [[Music]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Tanja Sonc]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Stadthaus Winterthur, Volkshaus Zürich]], [[Winterthur, Zürich]], [[Switzerland]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-15 00:00:00 |
End | 2016-12-19 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[Stadthaus Winterthur]], [[ Volkshaus Zürich]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Winterthur]], [[ Zürich]] |
Country | [[Switzerland]] |
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Description | Concerts featuring violinist [[Tanja Sonc]] |
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Status | |
User |
Event | 5d324c90d66582251e4ef955aadd8eec8f0251270b360a1e65e859378fe9424b |
Source | |
Tag | [[Music]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Academic Choir Tone Tomšič, University of Ljubljana]], [[Academy of Music]], [[SNG Opera and Ballet]], [[SKICA Berlin, Slovenian Cultural Centre]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[St. Norbert Church, Schöneberg]], [[Berlin]], [[Germany]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-16 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[St. Norbert Church]], [[ Schöneberg]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Berlin]] |
Country | [[Germany]] |
Url | |
Work_url | |
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Description | A New Year concert by the [[Academic Choir Tone Tomšič, University of Ljubljana]] and the Ljubljana [[Academy of Music]] baroque orchestra and the [[SNG Opera and Ballet]] soloists, organised by the [[Slovenian Cultural Centre in Berlin]], |
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Status | |
User |
Event | 6f00440a384c92bb375425461ed969b3f4ad746b3761c8bf633ed4cc6163735f |
Source | |
Tag | [[Music]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[The Canyon Observer]], [[Inhibis]], [[Scatter]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Klub Prostor]], [[Čakovec]], [[Croatia]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-16 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[Klub Prostor]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Čakovec]] |
Country | [[Croatia]] |
Url | |
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Description | Concerts by [[The Canyon Observer]], [[Inhibis]], and [[Scatter]] |
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Event | 8fff5aec5812ae30e368d6f53de11f02ae61cab86e82471cb75dd023f8f98ac4 |
Source | |
Tag | [[Theatre]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Slovene National Theatre Maribor]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Croatian National Theatre Varaždin]], [[Varaždin]], [[Croatia]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-16 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[Croatian National Theatre Varaždin]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Varaždin]] |
Country | [[Croatia]] |
Url | |
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Description | ''Reasons to Be Happy'', produced by [[Slovene National Theatre Maribor]], |
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User |
Event | 0ad359c84ded8f74871ebd3d7c782af101330736ff924ab9df4d8056be506b15 |
Source | |
Tag | [[New_media_art]], [[Music]] |
Related | [[Sonica International Festival of Transitory Art]], [[Martin Bricelj Baraga]], [[MoTA Museum of Transitory Art]], [[Random Logic]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Spazio Aereo]], [[Porto Marghera]], [[Italy]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-16 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[Spazio Aereo]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Porto Marghera]] |
Country | [[Italy]] |
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Description | [[Sonica International Festival of Transitory Art]] presented its program, including also the NEUNUNDNEUNZIG installation by [[Martin Bricelj Baraga]] and Olaf Bender, produced by [[MoTA Museum of Transitory Art]], and [[Random Logic]] |
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Status | |
User |
Event | 20f042bbc61d2a9a5d52fd68ce79dcb83ed207a4116a2412d058d3b637e53a13 |
Source | |
Tag | [[Visual_arts]], [[Embassies]], [[Photography]], [[Music]] |
Related | [[Lana Bregar]], [[Jaka Bulc]], [[Tina Umer]], [[Photon Gallery]], [[Kino Šiška Centre for Urban Culture]], [[Slovenian Culture and Information Centre, Vienna (SKICA)]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna]], [[Katja Šulc]], [[DJ teoP (White Trash)]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Photon Gallery]], [[Vienna]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-16 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[Photon Gallery]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Vienna]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
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Description | ''Different Worlds'', an exhibition featuring works by [[Lana Bregar]], [[Jaka Bulc]] and [[Tina Umer]], produced by [[Photon Gallery]] in cooperation with the [[Kino Šiška Centre for Urban Culture]], and supported by the [[Slovenian Culture and Information Centre, Vienna (SKICA)]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna]], accompanied by a musical performance by vocalist [[Katja Šulc]] and [[DJ teoP (White Trash)]], |
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Event | 3790d3a945268be6ab8f86a7182844c2eb6addc18630cf85244528ca72e941ce |
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Tag | [[Support_services]], [[Film]] |
Related | [[Sabina Briški]], [[Creative Europe Desk Slovenia]], [[Motovila Institute]], [[Tomaž Virc]], [[Studio Virc]], [[Jožko Rutar]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Europe House Zagreb]], [[Zagreb]], [[Croatia]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-17 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[Europe House Zagreb]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Zagreb]] |
Country | [[Croatia]] |
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Description | [[Sabina Briški]] [[Creative Europe Desk Slovenia]] ([[Motovila Institute]]), [[Tomaž Virc]] ([[Studio Virc]]) and [[Jožko Rutar]] at the ''This is How WE Do it!'' regional event of the MEDIA Creative Europe coordinators |
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Event | 63c6aaeec05aecfd42e60274d341f57d6ad2d000b6a03c08e9e5ebb6c304093c |
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Tag | [[Music]], [[Embassies]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Katalena]], [[Slovenian Culture and Information Centre, Vienna (SKICA)]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Schubert Theater]], [[Vienna]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-19 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[Schubert Theater]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Vienna]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
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Description | A concert by [[Katalena]], supported by the [[Slovenian Culture and Information Centre, Vienna (SKICA)]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna]], |
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Event | E79bac0e3de49d0a8b81c91da84e1c81fa7ef86dac22f9b3b1d8673ce10887a1 |
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Tag | [[Theatre]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Slovene National Theatre Maribor]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste]], [[Trieste/Trst]], [[Italy]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-20 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Trieste/Trst]] |
Country | [[Italy]] |
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Description | ''Forever Young'', produced by the [[Slovene National Theatre Maribor]], |
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Event | 98542269fd8d83e8b775c2c5bec3c05831bc833622ac43ce8715230874f355c2 |
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Tag | [[Music]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Trio Rêverie]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Paris]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Cité internationale des Arts]], [[Paris]], [[France]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-20 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[Cité internationale des Arts]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Paris]] |
Country | [[France]] |
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Description | A concert by [[Trio Rêverie]], supported by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Paris]], |
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Event | 2df8d2c10b3d57130486b23c5ad2e02e7efdb0d6450916f915d21ebe156fe905 |
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Tag | [[Film]], [[Embassies]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Barbara Zemljič]], [[A Atalanta]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Moscow]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Zarya Cinema]], [[Kaliningrad]], [[Russia]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-20 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[Zarya Cinema]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Kaliningrad]] |
Country | [[Russia]] |
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Description | A screening of ''Panic'', directed by [[Barbara Zemljič]] ([[A Atalanta]]), at the EU Film Festival, supported by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Moscow]], |
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Event | 42273b45b2d28bff3f0e00b293c6ccd68cbdfbb8195a7b274496b64a4c8f0155 |
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Tag | [[Visual_arts]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Tanja Lažetić]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Institute of Contemporary Art Zagreb]], [[Zagreb]], [[Croatia]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-22 00:00:00 |
End | 2017-01-05 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2017]] |
Venue | [[Institute of Contemporary Art Zagreb]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Zagreb]] |
Country | [[Croatia]] |
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Description | ''If we weren’t here … look, immediately the grass is growing'', an exhibition of works by [[Tanja Lažetić]], |
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Event | 4ec753c347a9d7029b1015de433c00f726b05264276ff334ce52346ca4b1daca |
Source | |
Tag | [[Visual_arts]], [[Embassies]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Tomaž Izidor Perko]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Washington]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Washington]], [[Washington]], [[USA]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-22 00:00:00 |
End | 2017-02-07 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2017]] |
Venue | [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Washington]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Washington]] |
Country | [[USA]] |
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Description | An exhibition of portraits by [[Tomaž Izidor Perko]], organised by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Washington]], |
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Event | 41cc88de4d50276583177b0f66a0141b8e938c642d245e63068cba121a03fcdf |
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Tag | [[Music]], [[Embassies]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Matija Solce]], [[Nika Solce]], [[Tilen Stepišnik]], [[Žiga Šercer]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in New Delhi]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Balgandharva Rang Mandir, Cuckoo Club]], [[Mumbai]], [[India]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-27 00:00:00 |
End | 2016-12-28 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[Balgandharva Rang Mandir]], [[ Cuckoo Club]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Mumbai]] |
Country | [[India]] |
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Description | Concerts by ''ZAMEE'' with [[Matija Solce]], [[Nika Solce]], [[Tilen Stepišnik]] and [[Žiga Šercer]], supported by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in New Delhi]], |
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Event | 1b59c9a359234904df3c0e02e8697c2d9cf24673456d418e0e5b96aabe1a9863 |
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Tag | [[Music]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Boštjan Perovšek]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Croatian National History Museum]], [[Zagreb]], [[Croatia]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-28 00:00:00 |
End | 2017-07-31 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2017]] |
Venue | [[Croatian National History Museum]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Zagreb]] |
Country | [[Croatia]] |
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Description | ''The Sound of Bugs'', an exhibition with sound and soundscape design by [[Boštjan Perovšek]], |
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Event | 361d14ca97f9a4fda40f36d66775bd15545c386f02b5806ab5d866aa38c2a1fe |
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Tag | [[Music]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Gramatik]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[The Fillmore]], [[Philadelphia]], [[USA]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-30 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[The Fillmore]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Philadelphia]] |
Country | [[USA]] |
Url | |
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Description | A performance by [[Gramatik]] |
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User |
Event | 0c786c9a02b399f23bf97640fbca3708ac94f363281ba1129fcf9b9481b702a8 |
Source | |
Tag | [[Music]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Gramatik]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Webster Hall]], [[New York]], [[USA]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-31 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[Webster Hall]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[New York]] |
Country | [[USA]] |
Url | |
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Description | A performance by [[Gramatik]] |
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Status | |
User |
Event | 058b8a8ddd8961f114264d71819b9824975d4b8e2628f9fba48e8859979b0316 |
Source | |
Tag | [[Music]], [[Top]] |
Related | [[Lana Trotovšek]], [[ of events/2016/12]], [[Church of Saint Johns]], [[Vilnius]], [[Lithuania]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2016-12-31 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2016]], [[Year_2016]] |
Venue | [[Church of Saint Johns]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Vilnius]] |
Country | [[Lithuania]] |
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Description | Concerts by the Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra featuring violinist [[Lana Trotovšek]] |
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