Event | Aad9249c4c60f6f3c3c3dc977addde1d61a0e7ac53f5f3c48168eb524733e39a |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[New_media_art]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[KUD Mreža]], [[Slovenian Culture and Information Centre in Austria (SKICA)]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2023/12]], [[Echoraum]], [[Vienna]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2023-12-01 00:00:00 |
End | 2023-12-19 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2023]], [[Year_2023]] |
Venue | [[Echoraum]] |
Organizer_url | https://www.wienmodern.at/2023-inexhaustible-editions-sounding-spomenik-de-2575 |
City | [[Vienna]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
Url | https://echoraum.at/vernissage-inexhaustible-editions-sounding-spomenik/ |
Work_url | https://kudmreza.org/sounding-spomenik/ |
More_url | |
Description | A multimedia project "Sounding Monument - Sounding spomenik", including a photography exhibit, opening and closing concerts and a listening workshop with the founder, curator and producer Lászlo Juhász. Coproduction of echoraum of Wien Modern, in collaboration with [[KUD Mreža]] Edicija FriForma/Inexhaustible Editions and [[Slovenian Culture and Information Centre in Austria (SKICA)]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna]]. |
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Status | |
User |
Event | 6de6b04797af81c5b8fb3f050d6dffeed80b6e7594fbc97b6e85fba01fc897dd |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Photography]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Marko Lakovič]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Belgrade]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2023/12]], [[National Library of Serbia]], [[Belgrade]], [[Serbia]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2023-12-01 00:00:00 |
End | 2024-01-22 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2023]], [[Year_2024]] |
Venue | [[National Library of Serbia]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Belgrade]] |
Country | [[Serbia]] |
Url | https://nb.rs/desavanja/ |
Work_url | https://ambulantakus.si/gallery/temporary-exibition/ |
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Description | A photo exhibition ''Disappearing Tribes'' of [[Marko Lakovič]], a historian, sociologist and photographer. Supported by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Belgrade]] |
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Status | |
User |
Event | 45a831b37a28fdda46eb27a5596df0004dd6bfde3b551e8325d72982411cee36 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Embassies]], [[Visual_arts]] |
Related | [[Alenka Gregorič]], [[Zhou Yi]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Beijing]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2023/12]], [[Online]], [[Beijing]], [[China]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2023-12-02 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2023]], [[Year_2023]] |
Venue | [[Online]] |
Organizer_url | https://www.gov.si/en/representations/embassy-beijing/ |
City | [[Beijing]] |
Country | [[China]] |
Url | https://www.gov.si/novice/2023-12-22-pekinski-pogovori-st-4-9/ |
Work_url | https://www.ioam.org.cn/en/home/ |
More_url | https://www.gov.si/en/news/2022-12-09-the-launching-of-the-new-project-beijing-conversations-of-the-slovenian-embassy-to-china-in-collaboration-with-the-beijing-museum-of-contemporary-art-inside-out/ |
Description | Beijing conversations 8: "Interdependence: Beginning with Small institutions in Curatorial Practice". Conversation between art director of Cukrarna [[Alenka Gregorič]] and co-founder of the private CLC art gallery in Beijing [[Zhou Yi]]. The conversations were held online. Organized by [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Beijing]] and Beijing Museum of Contemporary Art "Inside-out". |
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Status | |
User |
Event | 63d26a5b04c51a41efa43ea2bc7189034c0679e4f660860a66d8d960d67ccfb1 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Slowind]], [[Aleksander Madjar]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Belgrade]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2023/12]], [[Kolarac Concert Hall]], [[Belgrade]], [[Serbia]] |
Festival | Bunt Festival of classical music |
Start | 2023-12-03 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2023]], [[Year_2023]] |
Venue | [[Kolarac Concert Hall]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Belgrade]] |
Country | [[Serbia]] |
Url | https://www.sokoj.rs/deseti-festival-bunt/ |
Work_url | |
More_url | https://slowind.org/en/ |
Description | A concert by the [[Slowind Quintet]] with a well-known pianist [[Aleksander Madjar]] as a guest. Supported by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Belgrade]] |
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Status | |
User |
Event | Ddd41284b8135a131128cd5e89bf9288a430745a72c42890e6152469295ed2e6 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Literature]] |
Related | [[Drago Jančar]], [[Slovenia – Guest of Honour Country at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2023]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2023/12]], [[Literaturhaus Salzburg, Musil-Institut d. Universität Klagenfurt]], [[Salzburg, Klagenfurt]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2023-12-04 00:00:00 |
End | 2023-12-05 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2023]], [[Year_2023]] |
Venue | [[Literaturhaus Salzburg]], [[ Musil-Institut d. Universität Klagenfurt]] |
Organizer_url | https://www.aau.at/blog/05-12-drago-jancar-als-die-welt-entstand/ |
City | [[Salzburg]], [[ Klagenfurt]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
Url | https://www.prolit.at/veranstaltung/drago-jancar-als-die-welt-entstand.html |
Work_url | |
More_url | |
Description | A renowned Slovenian writer [[Drago Jančar]] will be presenting his book "At the World's Beginning - Ob nastanku sveta". In collaboration with prolit and Musil-Institut d. Universität Klagenfurt and on the occasion of [[Slovenia – Guest of Honour Country at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2023]]. |
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Status | |
User |
Event | 4bbbd6290c11832aabaaa2d25b67952c5377ee2c41314b36f2fec36dc0f9083a |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Embassies]], [[Film]] |
Related | [[Alenka Suhadolnik]], [[Massimo Ambrosetti]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Beijing]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2023/12]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2023/12]], [[Beijing]], [[China]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2023-11-05 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2023]], [[Year_2023]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Beijing]] |
Country | [[China]] |
Url | |
Work_url | |
More_url | |
Description | A projection of a Slovenian-Italian film with introductory speeches by Slovenian ambassador mag. [[Alenka Suhadolnik]] and Italian ambassador [[Massimo Ambrosetti]]. Organized by [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Beijing]] and Italian Cultural Center. |
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Status | |
User |
Event | 449ab015e7816ecda1ad77f0ff24afbd13b1d7a48117122a30d984eb40eec542 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Theatre]] |
Related | [[Primož Forte]], [[Niko Grafenauer]], [[Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2023/12]], [[Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste]], [[Trieste]], [[Italy]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2023-12-06 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2023]], [[Year_2023]] |
Venue | [[Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste]] |
Organizer_url | https://www.teaterssg.com/ |
City | [[Trieste]] |
Country | [[Italy]] |
Url | https://www.teaterssg.com/event/pedenjped/ |
Work_url | |
More_url | |
Description | "Pedenjped", a play by [[Primož Forte]] about a well-known character from a children's book by [[Niko Grafenauer]]. Produced by [[Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste]]. |
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Status | |
User |
Event | D9eb1cf3930ec907132148871ec95c7b815ae6e406a66aabd5b1b81e5e5991e1 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Embassies]], [[Film]] |
Related | [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Prague]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2023/12]], [[Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University]], [[Brno]], [[Czech Republic]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2024-12-07 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Venue | [[Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University]] |
Organizer_url | https://www.muni.cz/ |
City | [[Brno]] |
Country | [[Czech Republic]] |
Url | |
Work_url | https://bsf.si/sl/film/vesna/ |
More_url | https://www.gov.si/predstavnistva/veleposlanistvo-praga/ |
Description | A projection of "Vesna" by director František Čáp, widely considered the first Slovene comedy film. On the occasion of France Prešeren's birth, 110th anniversary of Čáp's birth and the film's 70th anniversary, organised by Masaryk University and [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Prague]]. |
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Status | |
User |
Event | 19fb964772364534ba02d68d3b42d31e3be028b2a08785a7428cb10894e38b0a |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Film]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Slovenian Film Centre]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Belgrade]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2023/12]], [[Yugoslav Film Archive Belgrade]], [[Beograd, Novi Sad, Niš, Pančevo, Vršac, Smederevo, Kovin, Bor]], [[Serbia]] |
Festival | Days of Slovenian Film in Serbia |
Start | 2023-12-07 00:00:00 |
End | 2023-12-12 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2023]], [[Year_2023]] |
Venue | [[Yugoslav Film Archive Belgrade]] |
Organizer_url | https://www.film-center.si/en/ |
City | [[Beograd]], [[ Novi Sad]], [[ Niš]], [[ Pančevo]], [[ Vršac]], [[ Smederevo]], [[ Kovin]], [[ Bor]] |
Country | [[Serbia]] |
Url | https://drustvosava.org/dsf/program |
Work_url | |
More_url | |
Description | Festival of Slovenian film, with the main opening and photo exhibition in Yugoslavian Film Archive in Belgrade and film screenings in other Serbian cities. Organised by [[Slovenian Film Centre]] and supported by [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Belgrade]]. |
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Status | |
User |
Event | 23ac2b2cfebbff967b03dc0319871c2769b9dcadcec293d37567d884c51f0c34 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Embassies]], [[Visual_arts]], [[Museums]] |
Related | [[Jana Rošker]], [[Tang Wenming]], [[Katja Kolšek]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Beijing]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2023/12]], [[Online]], [[Beijing]], [[China]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2023-12-08 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2023]], [[Year_2023]] |
Venue | [[Online]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Beijing]] |
Country | [[China]] |
Url | https://www.gov.si/novice/2023-12-22-pekinski-pogovori-st-4-9/ |
Work_url | https://www.ioam.org.cn/en/home/ |
More_url | https://www.gov.si/en/news/2022-12-09-the-launching-of-the-new-project-beijing-conversations-of-the-slovenian-embassy-to-china-in-collaboration-with-the-beijing-museum-of-contemporary-art-inside-out/ |
Description | "Beijing Conversations 9: Globalisation of Chinese Philosophy" was an online event between dr. [[Jana Rošker]] and prof. [[Tang Wenming]], moderated by dr. [[Katja Kolšek]]. Organised by [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Beijing]] and the Beijing Museum of Contemporary Art "Inside-out". |
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Status | |
User |
Event | C7a9b380328a9c41e0bd17a90a4dfbebe1df929312c4be24a4aafbbf2bcf1503 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Dance]], [[Theatre]] |
Related | [[Srečko Kosovel]], [[Emanat Institute]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2023/12]], [[Marin Držić Theatre]], [[Dubrovnik]], [[Croatia]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2023-12-08 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2023]], [[Year_2023]] |
Venue | [[Marin Držić Theatre]] |
Organizer_url | https://kmd.hr/ |
City | [[Dubrovnik]] |
Country | [[Croatia]] |
Url | https://kmd.hr/predstave/sad-sam-lucky/ |
Work_url | https://emanat.si/si/produkcija/matija-ferlin--sad-sam-lucky/ |
More_url | |
Description | "SAD SAM Lucky", a solo dance performance by Matija Ferlin, inspired by the works of Slovenian poet [[Srečko Kosovel]]. Coproduction of [[Emanat Institute]], Rencontres chorégraphiques internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis, Centre National de la Danse, and Zagreb Dance Center, and supported by Ministry of Culture, Municipality of Ljubljana and the city of Pula. |
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Status | |
User |
Event | C304ee3b4ba907859f4637d597bd7e2dd057fdf94d943e5281edde0e96992c08 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Theatre]] |
Related | [[Slovene National Theatre Maribor]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2023/12]], [[Stadttheater Klagenfurt]], [[Klagenfurt]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2023-12-08 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2023]], [[Year_2023]] |
Venue | [[Stadttheater Klagenfurt]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Klagenfurt]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
Url | |
Work_url | https://www.sng-mb.si/event/frank-v/ |
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Description | "Frank V", a Slovenian production of the Swiss play by [[Slovene National Theatre Maribor]]. |
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Status | |
User |
Event | E24489d73b1bb20f7f4582c0aef4ce3c1a9b32b51ae4bd310721765872b0b14d |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]] |
Related | [[Štefan Kovač Mixed Choir Murska Sobota]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Budapest]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2023/12]], [[Saint Anne's Church]], [[Budapest]], [[Hungary]] |
Festival | World Choral Day |
Start | 2023-12-08 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2023]], [[Year_2023]] |
Venue | [[Saint Anne's Church]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Budapest]] |
Country | [[Hungary]] |
Url | https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=661018056181009&set=pcb.661018152847666 |
Work_url | |
More_url | |
Description | Performance of [[Štefan Kovač Mixed Choir Murska Sobota]]. Organised by [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Budapest]]. |
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Status | |
User |
Event | F9b8f4f9cabc6ad6d706a13ed5ad30ce9df260c40e684ce0c0e0e29eeb97be7e |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Dance]], [[Theatre]] |
Related | [[Sara Janašković]], [[Jan Rozman]], [[Emanat Institute]], [[Dance Theatre Ljubljana]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2023/12]], [[La Visiva]], [[Barcelona]], [[Spain]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2023-12-09 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2023]], [[Year_2023]] |
Venue | [[La Visiva]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Barcelona]] |
Country | [[Spain]] |
Url | |
Work_url | https://emanat.si/si/produkcija/izbrano-telo/ |
More_url | |
Description | A dance-and-performance research project "Selected Body - Izbrano telo" by Slovenian artists [[Sara Janašković]] and [[Jan Rozman]]. Coproduced by [[Emanat Institute]] and [[Dance Theatre Ljubljana]]. |
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Status | |
User |
Event | 1c956f9dd7d7450e652fe40978acffc764ebb67c618928bf49fc4fdec76b52fa |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[New_media_art]], [[Visual_arts]] |
Related | [[Danilo Milovanović]], [[Hana Ostan Ožbolt]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2023/12]], [[MQ Pop Up Schauraum]], [[Vienna]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2023-12-13 00:00:00 |
End | 2024-01-14 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2023]], [[Year_2024]] |
Venue | [[MQ Pop Up Schauraum]] |
Organizer_url | https://www.mqw.at/ |
City | [[Vienna]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
Url | https://www.mqw.at/institutionen/q21/programm/mq-artist-in-residence-dnlm-transiently |
Work_url | |
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Description | "Transiently", an exhibition by Slovenian artist [[Danilo Milovanović]] and a talk between him and the curator [[Hana Ostan Ožbolt]]. In collaboration with MQ and MQ Artist in Residence. |
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Status | |
User |
Event | 52076eb9ab2961778ff00309f4fc96cea55643903bdac7d42fbafb177d0c9fca |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Nina Kompare Volasko]], [[Ana Kresal]], [[Embassy to the Holy See Vatican]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2023/12]], [[Basilica dei Santi XII. Apostoli]], [[Rome]], [[Italy]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2023-12-14 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2023]], [[Year_2023]] |
Venue | [[Basilica dei Santi XII. Apostoli]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Rome]] |
Country | [[Italy]] |
Url | |
Work_url | |
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Description | A concert by the soprano [[Nina Kompare Volasko]] and the organ player [[Ana Kresal]], presenting a rich repertoire of Christmas songs by Slovenian and foreign composers, in partnership with the Music School of Logatec. Supported by the [[Embassy to the Holy See Vatican]] |
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Status | |
User |
Event | 39a282ecccdad8b5f3768553fd93fbf1602113a537d0f40524fc6d240a74ea49 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Hugo Wolf Chamber Choir]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna]], [[Slovenian Tourist Board]], [[Slovenian Culture and Information Centre in Austria (SKICA)]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2023/12]], [[Karlskirche]], [[Vienna]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2023-12-14 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2023]], [[Year_2023]] |
Venue | [[Karlskirche]] |
Organizer_url | https://drustvo-mostovi.com/ |
City | [[Vienna]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
Url | https://www.karlskirche.at/ |
Work_url | |
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Description | Advent concert of the [[Hugo Wolf Chamber Choir]]. In collaboration with [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna]], Cultural Society of German-speaking Women "Bridges", Wiener Karlskirche, [[Slovenian Tourist Board]], Maribor Tourist Board and [[Slovenian Culture and Information Centre in Austria (SKICA)]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna]]. |
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Status | |
User |
Event | C0f5f781b6523e090c57735441ad8aee0ebef6e82759e76581d241c3f1ad48e9 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Mak Grgić]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Sofia]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2023/12]], [[Sofia City Art Gallery]], [[Sofia]], [[Bulgaria]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2023-12-14 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2023]], [[Year_2023]] |
Venue | [[Sofia City Art Gallery]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Sofia]] |
Country | [[Bulgaria]] |
Url | |
Work_url | https://makgrgic.com/ |
More_url | |
Description | A concert by the Slovenian guitarist [[Mak Grgić]]. Supported by [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Sofia]] and Ministry of Culture. |
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Status | |
User |
Event | Ecd307529fe077cabbae841b81f67308bbbd62fa7dcc185700debd69c3c13e66 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Theatre]] |
Related | [[Žiga Divjak]], [[Ljubljana City Theatre (MGL)]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2023/12]], [[Beogradsko dramsko pozorište]], [[Belgrade]], [[Serbia]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2023-12-15 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2023]], [[Year_2023]] |
Venue | [[Beogradsko dramsko pozorište]] |
Organizer_url | https://www.bdp.rs/ |
City | [[Belgrade]] |
Country | [[Serbia]] |
Url | https://www.bdp.rs/predstave/buducnost?prostorterminid=180 |
Work_url | https://www.mgl.si/sl/predstave/bodocnost/ |
More_url | |
Description | "Future - Bodočnost", a stage adaptation of the novel Ministry for the Future, by Slovenian director [[Žiga Divjak]] and coproduced by [[Ljubljana City Theatre (MGL)]] and Belgrade Drama Theatre. |
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Status | |
User |
Event | D6670d32b87034dc6e41663d47f73a44488ac1203b3c8f67485bd557bf76c641 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Theatre]] |
Related | [[Ela Peroci]], [[Prešeren Theatre Kranj]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2023/12]], [[Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste]], [[Trieste]], [[Italy]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2023-12-16 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2023]], [[Year_2023]] |
Venue | [[Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste]] |
Organizer_url | https://pgk.si/ |
City | [[Trieste]] |
Country | [[Italy]] |
Url | https://www.teaterssg.com/event/muca-copatarica/ |
Work_url | https://pgk.si/repertoar/muca_copatarica/35 |
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Description | A play inspired by a well known Slovenian children's tale, "Muca Copatarica", by [[Ela Peroci]]. Produced by [[Prešeren Theatre Kranj]]. |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2023/12&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
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User |
Event | 6e3f658af552872c850a466a4d8b54440fd5f5629d45e05b08c7d6eef7cb6334 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Theatre]] |
Related | [[Maska Institute]], [[Mladinsko Theatre]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2023/12]], [[Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste]], [[Trieste]], [[Italy]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2023-12-21 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2023]], [[Year_2023]] |
Venue | [[Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste]] |
Organizer_url | https://www.teaterssg.com/ |
City | [[Trieste]] |
Country | [[Italy]] |
Url | https://www.teaterssg.com/event/6/ |
Work_url | https://mladinsko.com/sl/program/52/6/ |
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Description | "6", a Slovenian play. A coproduction of [[Maska Institute]] and [[Mladinsko Theatre]]. |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2023/12&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
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User |
Event | Fc8db9ab3d903ffacf5a7669bb22eda2ef269da29eb57e1214eff86b7aec03f9 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Kaja Draksler]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Berlin]], [[SKICA Berlin, Slovenian Cultural Centre]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2023/12]], [[Piano Salon Christophori]], [[Berlin]], [[Germany]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2023-12-24 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2023]], [[Year_2023]] |
Venue | [[Piano Salon Christophori]] |
Organizer_url | https://www.konzertfluegel.com/index.html |
City | [[Berlin]] |
Country | [[Germany]] |
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Description | A jazz piano concert by Slovenian jazz pianist and composer [[Kaja Draksler]]. Cooperation by Piano Salon Christophori, [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Berlin]] and [[Slovenian Cultural Centre in Berlin]]. |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2023/12&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | Ea79b227e3e544b7bf4e9eef0a1cc4911471b48083241b1a2c9c157611da23be |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Theatre]] |
Related | [[Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste]], [[Ptuj City Theatre]], [[Glasbena matica Ljubljana]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2023/12]], [[Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste]], [[Trieste]], [[Italy]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2023-12-27 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2023]], [[Year_2023]] |
Venue | [[Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste]] |
Organizer_url | https://www.teaterssg.com/ |
City | [[Trieste]] |
Country | [[Italy]] |
Url | https://www.teaterssg.com/event/kakor-v-nebesih/ |
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Description | "As It Is In Heaven - Kakor v nebesih", a Slovenian theatre adaptation of the Swedish film. A coproduction of [[Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste]], [[Ptuj City Theatre]] and [[Glasbena matica Ljubljana]]. |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2023/12&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 5686499b05698761b22bd76be6e2ba2758c8a69704426374542ee8b441781f91 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Theatre]] |
Related | [[Nataša Tič Ralijan]], [[Ljubljana City Theatre (MGL)]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2023/12]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2023/12]], [[Bleiburg]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2023-12-28 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2023]], [[Year_2023]] |
Organizer_url | https://www.mgl.si/ |
City | [[Bleiburg]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
Url | https://www.mgl.si/sl/predstave/sosedje/ |
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Description | First Slovene staging of the play "Neighbours - Sosedje", starring [[Nataša Tič Ralijan]]. Produced by [[Ljubljana City Theatre (MGL)]]. |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2023/12&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |