Event | 710864bcf58747b70a0de764c813b910a02347e1ad0fcfbdded3c4594af3727d |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]] |
Related | [[Freekind.]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[B72]], [[Vienna]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2024-11-01 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Venue | [[B72]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Vienna]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
Url | https://www.b72.at/program/9618/freekind |
Work_url | https://www.freekindmusic.com/ |
More_url | |
Description | A live performance by the Croatian Slovenian R&B and Jazz duo [[freekind.]]. |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2024/11&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 0654b996b767fb98ad7c24a7955793c97331241d2b972c3c3b5e9420406c2814 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Freekind.]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Cafe v Lese]], [[Prague]], [[Czech Republic]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2024-11-02 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Venue | [[Cafe v Lese]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Prague]] |
Country | [[Czech Republic]] |
Url | https://cafevlese.cz/events/freekind-si/ |
Work_url | https://www.freekindmusic.com/ |
More_url | |
Description | A live performance by the Croatian Slovenian R&B and Jazz duo [[freekind.]]. |
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Status | |
User |
Event | 5e2e65fdaf5d4658d338f0ce69b64291c03a01bffe60abbc0aff397d636a5854 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]] |
Related | [[Sašo Avsenik & Seine Oberkrainer]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Josef-Kohlmaier-Halle]], [[Limburg an der Lahn]], [[Germany]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2024-11-02 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Venue | [[Josef-Kohlmaier-Halle]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Limburg an der Lahn]] |
Country | [[Germany]] |
Url | https://www.stadthalle-limburg.de/nc/veranstaltungen/detailansicht.html?listevents%5Bshow%5D=3323&listevents%5Bmonth%5D=11&listevents%5Byear%5D=2024 |
Work_url | https://www.saso-avsenik.com/ |
More_url | |
Description | A live performance by [[Sašo Avsenik & Seine Oberkrainer]]. |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2024/11&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | A88314a409b1309992c5b6dd4a913ff4d93d0250ca780a26e73eafb5629c17db |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]] |
Related | [[Sašo Avsenik & Seine Oberkrainer]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Alte Mälzerei]], [[Mosbach]], [[Germany]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2024-11-03 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Venue | [[Alte Mälzerei]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Mosbach]] |
Country | [[Germany]] |
Url | https://www.maelzerei.de/newsreader-288/saso-avsenik-und-seine-oberkrainer.html |
Work_url | https://www.saso-avsenik.com/ |
More_url | |
Description | A live performance by [[Sašo Avsenik & Seine Oberkrainer]]. |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2024/11&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | Fe184d4bd3e0eaa093d3cc4cc73459f5f1d6ac9d4b3fbf6a4504a3193396fbbc |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]] |
Related | [[Freekind.]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Knust]], [[Hamburg]], [[Germany]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2024-11-04 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Venue | [[Knust]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Hamburg]] |
Country | [[Germany]] |
Url | https://www.knusthamburg.de/programm/freekind/ |
Work_url | https://www.freekindmusic.com/ |
More_url | |
Description | A live performance by the Croatian Slovenian R&B and Jazz duo [[freekind.]]. |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2024/11&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | De9ccb94a080f54400b3b52ef328947ca5444309f2270a7f45930b549166a089 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]] |
Related | [[Astrid & The Scandals]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Jazzclub Tonne]], [[Dresden]], [[Germany]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2024-11-05 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Venue | [[Jazzclub Tonne]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Dresden]] |
Country | [[Germany]] |
Url | https://www.jazzclubtonne.de/de/artists/astrid-the-scandals/ |
Work_url | |
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Description | A live performance by Trip-Hop group [[Astrid & The Scandals]], with Marcel Gidote's Holy Crab. |
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Status | |
User |
Event | Af007d4c54e6dd4779878bdd42befe33e30d9b5b893bd2576eec1aef6fd9a3ff |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]] |
Related | [[Freekind.]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Gretchen]], [[Berlin]], [[Germany]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2024-11-05 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Venue | [[Gretchen]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Berlin]] |
Country | [[Germany]] |
Url | https://www.gretchen-club.de/en/detail.php?id=2886 |
Work_url | https://www.freekindmusic.com/ |
More_url | |
Description | A live performance by the Croatian Slovenian R&B and Jazz duo [[freekind.]]. |
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Status | |
User |
Event | Dec256ad4bab18d944cd146ef181a882e1b5f4982ac07316baa925780c061018 |
Source | Culture.si |
Related | [[Astrid & The Scandals]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Jazz Tibet Club]], [[Olomouc]], [[Czech Republic]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2024-11-07 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Venue | [[Jazz Tibet Club]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Olomouc]] |
Country | [[Czech Republic]] |
Url | |
Work_url | |
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Description | A live performance by [[Astrid & The Scandals]]. |
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Status | |
User |
Event | 6b3b55b6e3fe854205729ac76cef15a4e69c685db3feb66bf7b8545944e08f48 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Film]] |
Related | [[Damjan Kozole]], [[Nebojša Slijepčević]], [[Lun Sevnik]], [[Slovenian Film Centre]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Tallinn]], [[Estonia]] |
Festival | Tallinn Black Nights |
Start | 2024-11-08 00:00:00 |
End | 2024-11-24 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Tallinn]] |
Country | [[Estonia]] |
Url | https://shorts.poff.ee/en/news/competition-titles-announced-for-poff-shorts-2024/ |
Work_url | |
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Description | The world premiere of "The Actor - Igralec" by [[Damjan Kozole]], Slovenian minority coproduction "The Man Who Could Not Remain Silent" by [[Nebojša Slijepčević]], and "The Sea in Between - Morje med nama" by [[Lun Sevnik]], screenings of the films supported by the [[Slovenian Film Centre]]. |
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Status | |
User |
Event | Ae619f946426115bff8b3d0a4ae452b2b5f704d27e9b6f727718233292a1ee4a |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]] |
Related | [[Freekind.]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Iceland Airwaves]], [[Reykjavik]], [[Iceland]] |
Festival | Iceland Airwaves Festival |
Start | 2024-11-09 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Venue | [[Iceland Airwaves]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Reykjavik]] |
Country | [[Iceland]] |
Url | https://icelandairwaves.is/artist/freekind/ |
Work_url | https://www.freekindmusic.com/ |
More_url | |
Description | A live performance by the Croatian Slovenian R&B and Jazz duo [[freekind.]]. |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2024/11&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 4d75dfe14420b658665b1cd615f159199a9bb7c3d2c6533532d585ce6a8004c1 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Literature]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Pia Prezelj]], [[SKICA Berlin, Slovenian Cultural Centre]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Berlin]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Literarisches Colloquium Berlin]], [[Berlin]], [[Germany]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2024-11-12 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Venue | [[Literarisches Colloquium Berlin]] |
Organizer_url | https://lcb.de/international |
City | [[Berlin]] |
Country | [[Germany]] |
Url | https://lcb.de/programm/hausgaeste-november-2024-1/ |
Work_url | |
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Description | The writer [[Pia Prezelj]] presents her work alongside German-Turkish author Sema Aslan and Australian author Ju Bavyka. Supported by the [[Slovenian Cultural Centre in Berlin]] and the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Berlin]]. |
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Status | |
User |
Event | 48d19ec9d1ce34c5025062a7a67182e0660013d6b02403b3070f530a7a035ad6 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Education]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Rok Stergar]], [[Centre for Slovene as a Second and Foreign Language]], [[Faculty of Arts]], [[University of Ljubljana]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in London]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (Masaryk Room)]], [[London]], [[United Kingdom]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2024-11-12 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Venue | [[UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (Masaryk Room)]] |
Organizer_url | https://www.ucl.ac.uk/ssees/ |
City | [[London]] |
Country | [[United Kingdom]] |
Url | https://www.ucl.ac.uk/ssees/events/2024/nov/food-supply-and-political-legitimacy-new-yugoslav-state |
Work_url | |
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Description | Historian [[Rok Stergar]] gives a talk on food supply and political legitimacy of the Yugoslavia: "I am a communist, f*uck King Peter and that snotty (Crown Prince) Aleksander". The event is organised by UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies and co-organised by the SSEES Study of Central Europe Seminar Series and the [[Centre for Slovene as a Second and Foreign Language]] at the [[Faculty of Arts]] of [[University of Ljubljana]], and supported by [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in London]]. |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2024/11&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 612014a361afcfdc3fbc421455a3598e5b435e322f76f0c9b0ba28f496a370f2 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Theatre]] |
Related | [[Prežihov Voranc]], [[Jernej Lorenci]], [[Prešeren Theatre Kranj]], [[Ptuj City Theatre]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Kulturno prosvetno društvo Šmihel - Kulturverein Šmihel]], [[Šmihel pri Pliberku - Sankt Michael ob Bleiburg]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2024-11-13 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Venue | [[Kulturno prosvetno društvo Šmihel - Kulturverein Šmihel]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Šmihel pri Pliberku - Sankt Michael ob Bleiburg]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
Url | https://www.smihel.at/aktualno/koledar.html |
Work_url | https://pgk.si/repertoar/boj_na_poziralniku/755 |
More_url | |
Description | A performance of "Boj na požiralniku", a stage adaptation of the eponymous short story by Slovenian writer [[Prežihov Voranc]], directed by [[Jernej Lorenci]] and produced by [[Prešeren Theatre Kranj]] and [[Ptuj City Theatre]]. |
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Status | |
User |
Event | C192009c4f9d7b60a7f2cc16bc993af9413e566ec88ab6d940be5f016e9f40bf |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Film]], [[Education]] |
Related | [[Slovenian Film Centre]], [[French Institute in Slovenia]], [[Jernej Kastelec]], [[Bela Film]], [[Ida Weiss]], [[Sonja Prosenc]], [[Monoo]], [[Rok Sečen]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée]], [[Paris]], [[France]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2024-11-14 00:00:00 |
End | 2024-11-15 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Venue | [[Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée]] |
Organizer_url | https://www.film-center.si/en/ |
City | [[Paris]] |
Country | [[France]] |
Url | https://www.cnc.fr/documents/36995/2099583/CNC-+coproduction+workshop+France+Balkans.pdf/af5dc934-3bac-7dca-65dd-2ff9a4b36d3b?t=1729085171472 |
Work_url | |
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Description | A coproduction workshop organised by the [[Slovenian Film Centre]] in collaboration with [[French Institute in Slovenia]] and Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée, with the two projects presented: "Horses - Konji" directed by [[Jernej Kastelec]] and produced by [[Bela Film]], [[Ida Weiss]], and "The Happiest Day - Najsrečnejši dan" directed by [[Sonja Prosenc]] and produced by [[Monoo]], [[Rok Sečen]]. The creators will be present at the workshop. |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2024/11&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | Dab2fea2bb398fa7525c516a9a08df6f7cb9f1b01280fe19633320daa4fb1997 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Literature]], [[Education]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Florjan Lipuš]], [[Nova revija Institute]], [[Slovenian Culture and Information Centre, Vienna (SKICA)]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Hotel Regina]], [[Vienna]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2024-11-14 00:00:00 |
End | 2024-11-16 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Venue | [[Hotel Regina]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Vienna]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
Url | https://www.institut-nr.si/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/MLADJE.pdf |
Work_url | |
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Description | A symposium about the important Slovenian-Carinthian literary magazine "mladje", specifically about the period its chief editor was Slovenian writer [[Florjan Lipuš]]. In collaboration with [[Nova revija Institute]], Slovenski znanstveni inštitut Celovec, Robert-Musil-Institut für Literaturforschung in Mladje Club. Supported by the [[Slovenian Culture and Information Centre, Vienna (SKICA)]] and the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna]]. |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2024/11&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 4d3366aae1fdf4759f258aea065184761cc638c5770f8e2d0c7d12ea1c365de7 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Photography]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Jošt Franko]], [[Slovenian Culture and Information Centre, Vienna (SKICA)]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Kunsthaus Graz]], [[Gradec]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2024-11-14 00:00:00 |
End | 2025-05-25 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2025]] |
Venue | [[Kunsthaus Graz]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Gradec]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
Url | https://www.museum-joanneum.at/kunsthaus-graz/unser-programm/ausstellungen/event/poetics-of-power-1 |
Work_url | https://jostfranko.com/nicht-fallen/ |
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Description | Visual artist and photographer [[Jošt Franko]] exhibits his interdisciplinary project "Nicht Fallen", as part of the group exhibition "Poetics of Power". In collaboration with Kunsthaus Graz and supported by the [[Slovenian Culture and Information Centre, Vienna (SKICA)]] and the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna]]. |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2024/11&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 3d9b107fd98606af66b21ce4c178967cc20f588dc059d72a37293d0e92f5798d |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Theatre]] |
Related | [[Laibach]], [[Mladinsko Theatre]], [[Cankarjev dom, Cultural and Congress Centre]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Théâtre National du Luxembourg]], [[Luxembourg]], [[Luxembourg]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2024-11-15 00:00:00 |
End | 2024-11-16 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Venue | [[Théâtre National du Luxembourg]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Luxembourg]] |
Country | [[Luxembourg]] |
Url | https://www.tnl.lu/saint-joan-of-the-stockyars |
Work_url | https://mladinsko.com/en/program/188/saint-joan-of-the-stockyards/ |
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Description | Two performances of "Saint Joan of the Stockyards - Sveta Ivana Klavniška" by Bertold Brecht, with original live music by [[Laibach]], produced by Emilia Romagna Teatro ERT, [[Mladinsko Theatre]], in collaboration with [[Cankarjev dom, Cultural and Congress Centre]], Théâtre National du Luxembourg, andErosAntEros – POLIS Teatro Festival, Teatro Stabile di Bolzano. |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2024/11&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 56f76d6c4de43ef94ff6e94247f3a326f28b4a0e52921428dca6c79c4d3c244a |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Photography]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Tanja Verlak]], [[Photon Gallery]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna]], [[Slovenian Culture and Information Centre, Vienna (SKICA)]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Slovenian Culture Center Korotan]], [[Vienna]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | ROTLICHT Festival |
Start | 2024-11-16 00:00:00 |
End | 2024-12-20 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Venue | [[Slovenian Culture Center Korotan]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Vienna]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
Url | https://skica.at/Skica#Artikel/K%C3%BCnstlerbox_deu_Tanja_Verlak:_Midnight_in_Mumbai_Fotoausstellung_im_Rahmen_des_Rotlicht_Festivals |
Work_url | |
More_url | https://korotan.org/ |
Description | [[Tanja Verlak]], one of the most recognised contemporary Slovenian photographers, exhibits her "Midnight in Mumbai - Polnoč v Mumbaju" cycle of black and white photography. In collaboration with Rotlicht Festival, [[Photon Gallery]], SKC Korotan, and supported by [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna]], [[Slovenian Culture and Information Centre, Vienna (SKICA)]]. |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2024/11&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | C275cf562b0f6b23dddc91a925f258d3dd20eabcc70a9df852f37b3f7f505d8a |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Theatre]] |
Related | [[Slovene People’s Theatre (SLG) Celje]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Trieste]], [[Italy]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2024-11-17 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Trieste]] |
Country | [[Italy]] |
Url | https://www.teaterssg.com/event/paradiz/ |
Work_url | https://slg-ce.si/domov/ostalo/seznam-iger/paradiz.html |
More_url | |
Description | A performance of "Paradise - Paradiž", a bitter comedy unrolling in a nursing home. Directed by Matteo Spiazzi and produced by [[Slovene People’s Theatre (SLG) Celje]]. |
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Status | |
User |
Event | 412f2fa2116a1dfe4e4a9c451cab72b9f2f3d8ba345167991e97668be3a9c16c |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Visual_arts]] |
Related | [[Maruša Sagadin]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Postgebäude]], [[Bad Ischl]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | European Capital of Culture Bad Ischl Salzkammergut |
Start | 2024-11-18 00:00:00 |
End | 2024-11-29 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Venue | [[Postgebäude]] |
Organizer_url | https://www.salzkammergut-2024.at/en/home/ |
City | [[Bad Ischl]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
Url | https://www.salzkammergut-2024.at/en/veranstaltungen/marusa-sagadin/ |
Work_url | http://www.sagadin.at/marusa/ |
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Description | Artist [[Maruša Sagadin]] is redesigning the foyer of the Alte Post with her playful, subversive sculptures: "Luv Birds in toten Winkeln". |
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User |
Event | 32b0d7067cef78e7d402ce562eb67f2e3579bfaf64c05606455c6fbc4cd33425 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Embassies]], [[Visual_arts]] |
Related | [[Jasna Samarin]], [[Zoran Srdić Janežič]], [[Slovenian Association of Fine Arts Societies (ZDSLU)]], [[Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia in Celovec/Klagenfurt]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia in Klagenfurt/Celovec]], [[Klagenfurt]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2024-11-19 00:00:00 |
End | 2025-04-30 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2025]] |
Venue | [[Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia in Klagenfurt/Celovec]] |
Organizer_url | https://www.culture.si/en/Consulate_General_of_the_Republic_of_Slovenia_in_Celovec/Klagenfurt |
City | [[Klagenfurt]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
Url | |
Work_url | https://zdslu.si/okno-umetnosti-k-sosedu/ |
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Description | An exhibition by painter [[Jasna Samarin]] and sculptor [[Zoran Srdić Janežič]] in the arts series "A Window onto our Neighbour - Okno k sosedu", organised by the [[Slovenian Association of Fine Arts Societies (ZDSLU)]] and co-organised by the [[Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia in Celovec/Klagenfurt]]. |
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Status | |
User |
Event | 2dd57441f820b2a2577e0587d5261b5f7784d9c0bf1412437311366c4a2e2c94 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Visual_arts]], [[Photography]], [[Embassies]], [[Cultural_Fund_MC-MFA]] |
Related | [[Ejti Štih]], [[Matjaž Krivic]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Brasília]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Santa Cruz de la Sierra]], [[Bolivia]] |
Festival | FotoFestival Manzana 1 |
Start | 2024-11-20 00:00:00 |
End | 2024-11-24 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Organizer_url | https://fotofestival.manzanauno.org.bo/ |
City | [[Santa Cruz de la Sierra]] |
Country | [[Bolivia]] |
Url | https://fotofestival.manzanauno.org.bo/ |
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Description | The international photo festival engaging local photographers and presenting the award-winning photographers and editors from around the world , exhibitions, workshops, projections, lectures, talks and tours, the event being orchestrated under the leadership director [[Ejti Štih]] and creative director [[Matjaž Krivic]]. Supported by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Brasília]]. |
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User |
Event | 9212f9e0612cef716fa25cd3fe5f2a7968abd69d8e7efc97861332cf037a7cd9 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Literature]] |
Related | [[Andrej Rahten]], [[Miljana Cunta]], [[Gaja Kos]], [[Ana Zavadlav]], [[Mohor's Society]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Messe Wien]], [[Vienna]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | Buch Wien |
Start | 2024-11-20 00:00:00 |
End | 2024-11-24 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Venue | [[Messe Wien]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Vienna]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
Url | https://www.buchwien.at/programm?kat=all |
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Description | Several Slovenian authors will be presenting their work: [[Andrej Rahten]], [[Miljana Cunta]], [[Gaja Kos]], and [[Ana Zavadlav]]. In collaboration with Buch Wien, Traduki, and [[Mohor's Society]]. |
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Status | |
User |
Event | 216374e3164fd8b8b4106631be83440823514fd632480a9b01184c245985293f |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Vlado Kreslin]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in London]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Conway Hall]], [[London]], [[United Kingdom]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2024-11-21 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Venue | [[Conway Hall]] |
Organizer_url | https://www.kreslin.com/en/ |
City | [[London]] |
Country | [[United Kingdom]] |
Url | https://www.conwayhall.org.uk/whats-on/event/vlado-kreslin-live-in-concert/ |
Work_url | https://www.kreslin.com/en/ |
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Description | A live performance by [[Vlado Kreslin]], one of the best known Slovenian musicians and songwriters, playing his own unique mix of Blues and folk music. Organised by IStros Books and Kreslin Publishing and supported by [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in London]]. |
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User |
Event | 319adaeb8f37efedbacc7312323843abd10920dfe6be8a1c7b31ef4aef6e6a8a |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Visual_arts]] |
Related | [[Ivo Prančič]], [[Milan Erič]], [[Jane Štravs]], [[Bazato Gallery]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Kursalon Hübner]], [[Vienna]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | Paper Positions Vienna |
Start | 2024-11-21 00:00:00 |
End | 2024-11-24 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Venue | [[Kursalon Hübner]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Vienna]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
Url | https://www.paperpositions.com/ |
Work_url | https://www.bazato.si/ |
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Description | Three Slovenian artists will be presenting their work: painter [[Ivo Prančič]], painter [[Milan Erič]], and photographer [[Jane Štravs]]. In collaboration with Paper Positions Vienna and [[Bazato Gallery]]. |
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Status | |
User |
Event | 4000673eb7385f053951aa09f3b446efd5c3cce7de11c832fa3ed1b610b53d49 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Vlado Kreslin]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Dublin]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[The Cobblestone]], [[Dublin]], [[Ireland]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2024-11-23 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Venue | [[The Cobblestone]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Dublin]] |
Country | [[Ireland]] |
Url | https://www.cobblestonepub.ie/cobblestone-backroom/vlado-kreslin |
Work_url | https://www.kreslin.com/pm/ |
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Description | A solo concert by a renowned singer and songwriter [[Vlado Kreslin]], who blends traditional Slovenian folk music with contemporary genres. Promoted by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Dublin]]. |
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User |
Event | 37c9ff423260522476b82c1f5b01b46c423c40a7a1ee5a9a5c4e37b0eafecdaa |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Photography]] |
Related | [[Gregor Podnar Gallery]], [[Primož Bizjak]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Galerie Gregor Podnar]], [[Vienna]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2024-11-27 00:00:00 |
End | 2025-01-23 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2025]] |
Venue | [[Galerie Gregor Podnar]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Vienna]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
Url | https://gregorpodnar.com/news-2/ |
Work_url | https://gregorpodnar.com/primoz-bizjak/ |
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Description | "Golden Cage / Goldener Käfig / Zlata kletka" is a solo photography exhibition in [[Gregor Podnar Gallery]], presenting two projects by photographer [[Primož Bizjak]] who focused on the city of Madrid, the city of München, and its zoo. |
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User |
Event | Adf8e35e8da74792ff9604e7e13fdfa37c94bdd8671252a471ac6bc610f96a51 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Film]] |
Related | [[Jurij Drevenšek]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Hamburg]], [[Germany]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2024-11-21 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Hamburg]] |
Country | [[Germany]] |
Url | https://www.deutscher-kurzfilmpreis.de/SharedDocs/Pressemitteilungen/DE/2024/11/2024-11-01-Deutscher-Kurzfilmpreis-2024.html?nn=107a99a6-5105-45f5-90c5-8d46aa14d8d8 |
Work_url | https://jurij-drevensek.com/ |
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Description | Slovenian actor [[Jurij Drevenšek]] will be present at the award ceremony for German short film award, Deutscher Kurzfilmpreis, due to his role in one of the nominated short films, "Skin on Skin". |
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User |
Event | A1332a19335ed8ad1569e37dc90ae8d33559fee3865468bc1380650de014421b |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Design]], [[Embassies]], [[Cultural_Fund_MC-MFA]] |
Related | [[Radovan Jenko]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in London]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[The Department Store Brixton]], [[London]], [[United Kingdom]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2024-11-25 00:00:00 |
End | 2024-12-01 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Venue | [[The Department Store Brixton]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[London]] |
Country | [[United_Kingdom]] |
Url | https://christopherthomasshake.com/viewing-room/33-to-fly-radovan-jenko-solo-show/ |
Work_url | https://www.aluo.uni-lj.si/en/sodelavke-sodelavci/radovan-jenko/ |
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Description | To Fly, a solo exhibition by acclaimed communication designer [[Radovan Jenko]] defying conventions and celebrating imperfection. Organised by GAO Architects. Supported by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in London]]. |
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User |
Event | Ae7a82f05c1490af9535c92cb9af2127e1ecd595cf3d28d50edfa11544b7579d |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]] |
Related | [[Zlatko Kaučič]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Pfarrheim Bad Ischl]], [[Bad Ischl]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | European Capital of Culture Bad Ischl Salzkammergut |
Start | 2024-11-28 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Venue | [[Pfarrheim Bad Ischl]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Bad Ischl]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
Url | https://www.salzkammergut-2024.at/en/veranstaltungen/europaeische-kulturhauptstaedte-zu-gast-kombo-bc-bravery-of-the-brave-2/ |
Work_url | https://www.salzkammergut-2024.at/en/home/ |
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Description | A live performance of [[Zlatko Kaučič]]'s percussion project, "Bravery of the Brave - Pogum pogumnih". In collaboration with Salzkammergut 2024 and Jazzfreunde Bad Ischl. |
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User |
Event | C867f0d3555f23f51bd2107199ad270df7506ee140c39634b9208f3af53d7383 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Film]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Ivan Grgolet]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in New Delhi]], [[Slovenian Film Centre]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[New Delhi, Kolkata, Hyderabad]], [[India]] |
Festival | EU Film Festival in India |
Start | 2024-11-07 00:00:00 |
End | 2024-12-15 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Organizer_url | https://www.eeas.europa.eu/delegations/india_en?s=167 |
City | [[New Delhi]], [[ Kolkata]], [[ Hyderabad]] |
Country | [[India]] |
Url | https://euffindia.com/ |
Work_url | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8AS-1DP5Q0 |
More_url | |
Description | A screening of "The Man without Guilt" directed by [[Ivan Grgolet]]. Co-organised and promoted by [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in New Delhi]] and supported by the [[Slovenian Film Centre]]. |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2024/11&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 9bb121f29757c8ac303f3a7e3f3fd8cd9302cb9c900ee476c76cb862bffaa165 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Film]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Ivan Grgolet]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Moscow]], [[Slovenian Film Centre]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Tashkent, Bukhara]], [[Uzbekistan]] |
Festival | European Film Festival in Uzbekistan |
Start | 2024-11-29 00:00:00 |
End | 2024-12-01 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Organizer_url | https://www.eeas.europa.eu/delegations/uzbekistan_en |
City | [[Tashkent]], [[ Bukhara]] |
Country | [[Uzbekistan]] |
Url | https://x.com/EU_Tashkent/status/1853697669568372746 |
Work_url | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8AS-1DP5Q0 |
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Description | A screening of "The Man without Guilt" directed by [[Ivan Grgolet]]. Co-organised and promoted by [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Moscow]] and supported by the [[Slovenian Film Centre]]. |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2024/11&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
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Event | 9ef599dc47a22a9ce42134cd608a1efad59314b99c5b728a941eeea7c8a4a902 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Theatre]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Bucharest]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Hungarian Theatre of Cluj]], [[Cluj-Napoka]], [[Romania]] |
Festival | Interferences International Theatre Festival |
Start | 2024-11-17 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Venue | [[Hungarian Theatre of Cluj]] |
Organizer_url | https://www.huntheater.ro/ |
City | [[Cluj-Napoka]] |
Country | [[Romania]] |
Url | https://www.huntheater.ro/en/shows/683/the-master-and-margarita/ |
Work_url | https://www.sng-ng.si/en/repertory/shows-archive/the-master-and-margarita/ |
More_url | https://www.facebook.com/Interferences.Festival/ |
Description | "The Master and Margarita" performance produced by the [[Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica]], co-organised by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Bucharest]]. |
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Status | |
User |
Event | 5567e24f4532d4792679a699c932b797eebf959cfee4d06dfce45fd4fb0819af |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Film]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Ivan Grgolet]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Beijing]], [[Slovenian Film Centre]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[National Cinema Centre, Cinestar 135 Hai Bà Trưng (HCMC)]], [[Hanoi]], [[Vietnam]] |
Festival | European Film Festival in Vietnam |
Start | 2024-11-24 00:00:00 |
End | 2024-11-28 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Venue | [[National Cinema Centre]], [[ Cinestar 135 Hai Bà Trưng (HCMC)]] |
Organizer_url | https://www.eeas.europa.eu |
City | [[Hanoi]] |
Country | [[Vietnam]] |
Url | https://www.eeas.europa.eu/euffvn2024-si_en |
Work_url | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8AS-1DP5Q0 |
More_url | https://www.eeas.europa.eu/euff-vietnam-2024_en?s=184 |
Description | A screening of "The Man without Guilt" directed by [[Ivan Grgolet]]. Co-organised and promoted by [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Beijing]] and supported by the [[Slovenian Film Centre]]. |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2024/11&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 725006feca3badc2c1577aa14361add9a7870ab42eff442b84d0a5b16b670afe |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Film]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Ivan Grgolet]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Seoul]], [[Slovenian Film Centre]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Seoul]], [[South Korea]] |
Festival | EUNIC x EU Film Festival |
Start | 2024-11-09 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Seoul]] |
Country | [[South_Korea]] |
Url | https://www.eeas.europa.eu/delegations/south-korea/celebrating-decade-european-cinema-10th-eunic-x-eu-film-festival-seoul_en?s=179 |
Work_url | |
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Description | A screening of "The Man without Guilt" directed by [[Ivan Grgolet]]. Co-organised and promoted by [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Seoul]] and supported by the [[Slovenian Film Centre]]. |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2024/11&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | Dc85ebb2bb8470d4690a61a8defa52e4ae77e41e83f92e18810a9236c4e1fa7c |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Film]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Ivan Grgolet]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Buenos Aires]], [[Slovenian Film Centre]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Lima]], [[Peru]] |
Festival | Festival de Cine Europeo de Lima |
Start | 2024-11-17 00:00:00 |
End | 2024-11-28 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Organizer_url | https://festivaldecineeuropeo.pe |
City | [[Lima]] |
Country | [[Peru]] |
Url | https://festivaldecineeuropeo.pe/Peliculas |
Work_url | |
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Description | A screening of "The Man without Guilt" directed by [[Ivan Grgolet]]. Co-organised and promoted by [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Buenos Aires]] and supported by the [[Slovenian Film Centre]]. |
Editcall | //www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Culture.si:Archive_of_events/2024/11&action=edit&startpos=&endpos=&hash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
Status | |
User |
Event | 39e88ec72875a4e2ab89213595bfe12655b729b921c23ee8087ca00e0b72bfd8 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Film]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Sonja Prosenc]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Ottawa]], [[Slovenian Film Centre]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Toronto, Vancouver, Ottawa]], [[Canada]] |
Festival | European Union Film Festival |
Start | 2024-11-14 00:00:00 |
End | 2024-11-30 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Organizer_url | https://www.cfi-icf.ca |
City | [[Toronto]], [[ Vancouver]], [[ Ottawa]] |
Country | [[Canada]] |
Url | https://www.cfi-icf.ca/euff24 |
Work_url | |
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Description | A screening of "Family Therapy" directed by [[Sonja Prosenc]]. Co-organised and promoted by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Ottawa]] and supported by the [[Slovenian Film Centre]]. |
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Status | |
User |
Event | 848c658c3c65ce893b5b18b0d0e750ceccda1f4bd5bd6cc5c5ce48087814a122 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Film]] |
Related | [[Jani Sever]], [[Sever & Sever Production]], [[Slovenian Film Centre]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Multikino 51]], [[Poznań]], [[Poland]] |
Festival | Ale Kino! International Young Audience Film Festival |
Start | 2024-11-25 00:00:00 |
End | 2024-11-28 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Venue | [[Multikino 51]] |
Organizer_url | https://alekino.com/en/ |
City | [[Poznań]] |
Country | [[Poland]] |
Url | https://alekino.com/en/movie/ciao-bella/ |
Work_url | https://bsf.si/en/movie/cao-bela/ |
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Description | The international premiere of "Ciao Bella" directed by [[Jani Sever]], [[Sever & Sever Production]], supported by the [[Slovenian Film Centre]]. |
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Status | |
User |
Event | Ff596247b7824c2113a766fc992641f4aae60c2bbf33fe3f2fe6742dfc4fbe09 |
Source | Culture.si |
Related | [[Andreja Rauch Podrzavnik]], [[Federacija Institute]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[SILK Fluegge Kliscope]], [[Linz]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2024-11-16 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Venue | [[SILK Fluegge Kliscope]] |
Organizer_url | https://www.silk.at/ |
City | [[Linz]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
Url | https://zavod.federacija.si/2024/11/15/posebna-izdaja-7/ |
Work_url | https://zavod.federacija.si/2024/11/15/posebna-izdaja-7/ |
More_url | |
Description | '''Special Edition''', a series of shorter movement and sound scenes, performed by [[Andreja Rauch Podrzavnik]] and her collaborators, produced by [[Federacija Institute]]. |
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Status | |
User |
Event | 33c8ab27de67c92ac483c7c8fbc5f2b15c282aed7dbc886af8dad63b76e97dea |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Theatre]], [[Literature]] |
Related | [[Edelman Jurinčič]], [[Andrejka Možina]], [[Patrizia Jurinčič Finžgar]], [[Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[S. K. P. D. "F. B. Sedej"]], [[San Floriano del Collio/Števerjan]], [[Italy]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2024-11-29 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Venue | [[S. K. P. D. "F. B. Sedej"]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[San Floriano del Collio/Števerjan]] |
Country | [[Italy]] |
Url | https://sedej.org/calendar/kaj-se-dogaja/ |
Work_url | https://www.teaterssg.com/event/kaplja-soli/ |
More_url | |
Description | A performance of "A Drop of Salt - Kaplja soli", a spoken tale about the sea, the salt and the myths surrounding both. Based on the poetry of [[Edelman Jurinčič]], with original music by [[Andrejka Možina]] and conceptualised by [[Patrizia Jurinčič Finžgar]]. Produced by [[Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste]]. |
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Status | |
User |
Event | 760ef977434c70a4baa6bfbb382999c7e9b1e74a17c0b1c5ff97846ef8cc28b8 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Theatre]] |
Related | [[Jaša Jamnik]], [[Šentjakob Theatre]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[K&K Center]], [[St. Johann im Rosental/Šentjaž v Rožu]], [[Austria]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2024-11-27 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Venue | [[K&K Center]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[St. Johann im Rosental/Šentjaž v Rožu]] |
Country | [[Austria]] |
Url | https://www.kkcenter.at/home/de |
Work_url | https://www.sentjakobsko-gledalisce.si/opisi_predstav/podrobnosti/144 |
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Description | A performance of "Waiting for Godot - Čakanje Godota", an iconic play by Samuel Beckett, directed by [[Jaša Jamnik]]. Produced by [[Šentjakob Theatre]]. |
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Status | |
User |
Event | Df251cf78bc1611a75156c5cc7a90bb932b7fb6c83123e232aa6432abeac46b8 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Theatre]] |
Related | [[Jasna Žmak]], [[Via Negativa]], [[City of Women International Festival of Contemporary Arts]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Prague]], [[Czech Republic]] |
Festival | Zero Point International Festival |
Start | 2024-11-23 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Prague]] |
Country | [[Czech_Republic]] |
Url | https://www.nultybod.cz/session/jasna-zmak-this-is-my-truth-tell-me-yours/?lang=en |
Work_url | https://vntheatre.com/projekti/this-is-my-truth-tell-me-yours/ |
More_url | |
Description | Dramaturge [[Jasna Žmak]] will be joining the festival with her solo project "this is my truth, tell me yours". Produced by [[Via Negativa]], Center for Drama Art Zagreb, and [[City of Women International Festival of Contemporary Arts]]. |
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Status | |
User |
Event | C201020fd7795d813d32cc50fb1e364b091d5a7b136be7479f65db2485171965 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Theatre]], [[Music]] |
Related | [[Marjan Nećak]], [[Koper Theatre]], [[Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste, Kulturni center Lojze Bratuž]], [[Trieste/Trst, Gorizia/Gorica]], [[Italy]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2024-11-22 00:00:00 |
End | 2024-11-30 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Venue | [[Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste]], [[ Kulturni center Lojze Bratuž]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Trieste/Trst]], [[ Gorizia/Gorica]] |
Country | [[Italy]] |
Url | https://www.teaterssg.com/event/nasa-familija/ |
Work_url | https://gledalisce-koper.si/repertoar/nasa-familija/ |
More_url | https://www.centerbratuz.org/dogodki.html |
Description | Five performances of "Our Family - Naša familija", a family musical, set to the music and directed by Macedonian-Slovenian composer and director [[Marjan Nećak]]. Produced by [[Koper Theatre]], [[Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste]], and Hrvatsko narodno kazalište Ivana pl. Zajca Rijeka. |
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Status | |
User |
Event | 6520a3104b05c7204c4b691b40db93ee962a6811439d8d1de402f572427083ec |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Dance]] |
Related | [[Slovene National Theatre Opera and Ballet Ljubljana]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Teatro Verdi]], [[Trieste/Trst]], [[Italy]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2024-11-30 00:00:00 |
End | 2024-12-06 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Venue | [[Teatro Verdi]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Trieste/Trst]] |
Country | [[Italy]] |
Url | https://www.teatroverdi-trieste.com/en/spettacoli/don-quixote/ |
Work_url | https://www.opera.si/en/programme/event/balet/don-quixote-2/?d=2177 |
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Description | Six performances of "Don Quixote", a romantic ballet by choregrapher Denis Matvienko, set to the music by Ludwig Minkus and inspired by the titular character of the classic novel "The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha" by Miguel de Cervantes. Produced by [[Slovene National Theatre Opera and Ballet Ljubljana]]. |
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Status | |
User |
Event | 08f6c5751de041a51dce8fceb865ec8491421d8e8987e5c3254115ac3f45b38c |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Theatre]], [[Literature]] |
Related | [[Eva Mahkovic]], [[Nataša Matjašec Rošker]], [[Slovene National Theatre Maribor]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Yugoslav Drama Theatre]], [[Belgrade]], [[Serbia]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2024-11-25 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Venue | [[Yugoslav Drama Theatre]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Belgrade]] |
Country | [[Serbia]] |
Url | www.jdp.rs |
Work_url | https://www.sng-mb.si/event/toxic/ |
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Description | A performance of "TOXIC", a stage adaptation [[Eva Mahkovic]]'s autofictional novel, by [[Nataša Matjašec Rošker]]. Produced by [[Slovene National Theatre Maribor]]. |
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Status | |
User |
Event | C91bb9c06ad0d8ae45bde66c0c0c74770968cecb93857783b5089d727d15f86e |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Theatre]], [[Music]] |
Related | [[Slovene National Theatre Maribor]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Yugoslav Drama Theatre]], [[Belgrade]], [[Serbia]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2024-11-26 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Venue | [[Yugoslav Drama Theatre]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Belgrade]] |
Country | [[Serbia]] |
Url | www.jdp.rs |
Work_url | https://www.sng-mb.si/event/amadeus/ |
More_url | |
Description | A live performance of "Amadeus", a pseudobiographic drama about Mozart by Peter Shaffer, directed by Aleksandar Popovski. Produced by [[Slovene National Theatre Maribor]]. |
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Status | |
User |
Event | 2bc0fe038a543a9b5dbac430569ebed4d0f11065c653dd29b2eaad12a5da7140 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Theatre]], [[Music]] |
Related | [[Slovene National Theatre Maribor]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Serbian National Theatre]], [[Novi Sad]], [[Serbia]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2024-11-29 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Venue | [[Serbian National Theatre]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Novi_Sad]] |
Country | [[Serbia]] |
Url | https://prodaja-snp-org-rs.translate.goog/sr/site/eventDetail/index/3952?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp |
Work_url | https://www.sng-mb.si/event/amadeus/ |
More_url | |
Description | A live performance of "Amadeus", a pseudobiographic drama about Mozart by Peter Shaffer, directed by Aleksandar Popovski. Produced by [[Slovene National Theatre Maribor]]. |
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Status | |
User |
Event | D4d524e03bc19e3af281e31ed6518580cc77a744b0c5a600dd37a14ee3cd5d6a |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Theatre]] |
Related | [[Bojan Jablanovec]], [[Via Negativa]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Gdansk]], [[Poland]] |
Festival | Perform[ing] Poland |
Start | 2024-11-29 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Gdansk]] |
Country | [[Poland]] |
Url | https://grotowski-institute.pl/wydarzenia/100-toastow-2/ |
Work_url | https://vntheatre.com/projekti/nerazresljivo/sto-zdravic/ |
More_url | |
Description | A performance of "100 Toasts - Sto zdravic", a collective celebration of what we love, what we think is great and what we do not accept. Written and choreographed by Anita Wach and [[Bojan Jablanovec]], produced by [[Via Negativa]] and coproduced by Festival Maat Lublin and Ja Ja Ja Ne Ne Ne Warszawa. |
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Status | |
User |
Event | B02e42bf28ae08c4e1ef7e5e54a2a18d6fe88c00941b3d33ee1929f38ad13dda |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[MRFY]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Skopje]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Youth Cultural Center Skopje]], [[Skopje]], [[North Macedonia]] |
Festival | PIN Music Conference and Showcase |
Start | 2024-11-30 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Venue | [[Youth Cultural Center Skopje]] |
Organizer_url | https://pinconference.mk/ |
City | [[Skopje]] |
Country | [[North_Macedonia]] |
Url | https://pinconference.mk/artist/mrfy/ |
Work_url | https://mrfy.net/ |
More_url | |
Description | A performance by [[MRFY]], a prominent Slovenian rock band. Financially supported and promoted by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Skopje]]. |
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Status | |
User |
Event | 52e73306a85619916cbbe4e59494ff7cf34706c0134a6295ab0fe6af1eac355b |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Terrafolk]], [[An Černej]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in London]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[ActOne Cinema]], [[London]], [[United Kingdom]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2024-11-25 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Venue | [[ActOne Cinema]] |
Organizer_url | https://www.actonecinema.co.uk |
City | [[London]] |
Country | [[United_Kingdom]] |
Url | https://www.actonecinema.co.uk/movie/terrafolk-live-concert/ |
Work_url | https://www.terrafolk.org/ |
More_url | |
Description | A concert by [[Terrafolk]], the Slovenian band that won the 2003 BBC World Music Audience Award, joined by the talented violinist Una Palliser and the rising star flautist [[An Černej]]. Promoted by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in London]]. |
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Status | |
User |
Event | 003e971de182b403ecce8ff60555d65faa69d4f1bbff39919e999e262d74023e |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Zoran Predin]], [[Miha Guštin - Gušti]], [[Avtomobili]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Belgrade]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Čačak, Niš, Leskovac, Beograd, Pančevo, Subotica]], [[Serbia]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2024-11-12 00:00:00 |
End | 2024-11-22 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Organizer_url | |
City | [[Čačak]], [[ Niš]], [[ Leskovac]], [[ Beograd]], [[ Pančevo]], [[ Subotica]] |
Country | [[Serbia]] |
Url | https://www.rts.rs/lat/magazin/muzika/5577841/zoran-predin-nikola-cuturilo-koncerti-rts-analogna-rasa.html |
Work_url | https://open.spotify.com/artist/7hobquRR8qCJHOHr8tpDJY |
More_url | http://predin.com/ |
Description | Concerts by "Analogna rasa" led by [[Zoran Predin]] and Nikola Čutrurilo, with occasional guests ([[Miha Guštin - Gušti]] and the Vuksanović brothers, [[Avtomobili]]). Financially supported and promoted by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Belgrade]]. |
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Status | |
User |
Event | 9581765b4b7ce455755f57f7030fde9d8182241fb6c70d4460070175fb5e73f9 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Joker Out]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Belgrade]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Dom omladine Beograda]], [[Belgrade]], [[Serbia]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2024-11-27 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Venue | [[Dom omladine Beograda]] |
Organizer_url | https://domomladine.org |
City | [[Belgrade]] |
Country | [[Serbia]] |
Url | https://domomladine.org/koncerti/koncert-joker-out-2024/ |
Work_url | https://jokeroutband.com/ |
More_url | |
Description | A concert by [[Joker Out]]. Promoted by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Belgrade]]. |
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Status | |
User |
Event | Ff0e1b18aa545df51e91fd33cc655c2c7edd520bffa8027de89c1b25659b44a2 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Visual_arts]], [[Embassies]] |
Related | [[Tamara Andrejek]], [[Pomurje Museum Murska Sobota]], [[SKICA Berlin, Slovenian Cultural Centre]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Berlin]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Wilhelm Busch – Deutsches Museum für Karikatur & Zeichenkunst]], [[Hannover]], [[Germany]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2024-11-30 00:00:00 |
End | 2025-03-30 00:00:00 |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2025]] |
Venue | [[Wilhelm Busch – Deutsches Museum für Karikatur & Zeichenkunst]] |
Organizer_url | https://www.karikatur-museum.de |
City | [[Hannover]] |
Country | [[Germany]] |
Url | https://www.karikatur-museum.de/programm/ausstellungen/ladislav-kondor/ |
Work_url | |
More_url | https://www.skica.de/Skica#Artikel/Bildende_Kunst_deu_Der_vergessene_Kosmopolit:_Ausstellung_des_slowenischen_Karikaturisten_Ladislav_Kondor |
Description | "Ladislav Kondor: The Forgotten Cosmopolitan", the first international presentation of caricatures by Ladislav Kondor (1901-1963), a Slovenian autodidact and a world traveler, curated by [[Tamara Andrejek]] and co-organised by [[Pomurje Museum Murska Sobota]]. In cooperation with the [[Slovenian Cultural Centre in Berlin]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Berlin]]. |
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Status | |
User |
Event | 71c55c4dcb1a1e5f4ec1dc5565254074bf4198267b7a32571b3729848375b4d9 |
Source | Culture.si |
Tag | [[Music]] |
Related | [[Lana Petrovič]], [[Neža Zupanc]], [[Miha Gantar]], [[Gašper Livk]], [[Domen Cizej]], [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in The Hague]], [[Culture.si:Archive of events/2024/11]], [[Landgraaf Theatre]], [[Limburg an der Lahn]], [[Netherlands]] |
Festival | |
Start | 2024-11-30 00:00:00 |
End | |
Years | [[Year_2024]], [[Year_2024]] |
Venue | [[Landgraaf Theatre]] |
Organizer_url | https://theaterlandgraaf.nl/ |
City | [[Limburg_an_der_Lahn]] |
Country | [[Netherlands]] |
Url | https://theaterlandgraaf.nl/programma/evenement/slovenski-kvintet/ |
Work_url | |
More_url | |
Description | Slovenian Evergreens performed by Slovenian Quintet that consists of young musicians studying in the Netherlands: [[Lana Petrovič]] (vocals), [[Neža Zupanc]] (flute), [[Miha Gantar]] (piano), [[Gašper Livk]] (double base) in [[Domen Cizej]] (drums). Coorganised by the [[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in The Hague]]. |
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Status | |
User |