
Your imput


If you have spotted an error in an article, by all means let us know! Especially important to us are names of personnel, artists, etc. (and their functions), titles of books, performances, films, publications, projects, etc. (Slovenian name and English translation), current contact information, and Internet links. If possible, please include a link to the source of the information or to a web page where the information can be verified.

Missing information

Given that you are reading the beta version of, it is possible that we have not updated certain articles or that more current information is just plain missing. We particularly appreciate information about current or recent international cooperation projects and news about upcoming programmes, exhibitions, events, etc., and links to websites related to an organisation and its cultural activities. Dates and venues for Slovene cultural events happening outside of Slovenia will be added to our calendar of Culture from Slovenia worldwide.

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Send an e-mail with your contribution or other feedback to the editors. We welcome also general questions or messages not related to a particular article. Please contact us by e-mail at the Editorial desk.

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Attach the photos or images to be added to an article's gallery to your e-mail to the editors, or send us the link to the server. Be sure to attach information about the author, title, date of creation, and usage rights for Creative Commons. Please name the file uniquely, for example by prefixing it either with the article name, photographer's name or date information.