from a Virtual Visitor
Fine arts collections / Museum collections
- Who started the collection or when was it started? (intiator, outlet, etc)
- What are the highlights of the collection?
- Is the collection permanently exhibited? Partly – which part of it?
- Has (can) the collection travelled abroad? – Or, have some masterpieces of collection been included in exhibits abroad?(Example: Impressionists from the National Gallery of Slovenia in Villa Manin)
- Guided tours organised regularly or by request? Anything special for audiences?
- Photo gallery of museum artefacts – if online
Exhibition policy
(to be discerned from their archive – the list of exhibitions)
- How many exhibitions do they organise annually? (approx)
- What emphasis is put on:
- regular exhibitions from the collection?
- solo or group exhibition of Slovene artists (which ones – younger, older)?
- international exhibitions? (initiated by the gallery?)
- thematic exhibitions?
- Does the gallery have an open term for guest exhibits (some galleries have open announcements for one exhibit per year – Mala gallery, Likovni salon; Vžigalica – announcement for annual programme – Consult resource for public announcements and application conditions.International Centre of Graphic Arts, Ljubljana
- Do exhibitions tour around (in-country, internationally?)
- Any collaboration with guest curators? – name them, locate them if collaboration with other gallery (MGLC with Rene Block, MG with V. Misiano, etc).
- Any regular international cooperation with institutions?
- Any follow-ups – exchanges, etc? (this info is missing in this land)
- Do they work on target audiences, special groups, etc? What and why would be interesting for international audiences (press?, artists? – offering residences, workshops)
- Archive of past exhibitions (since 1980) – if it is worth visiting, and in English (there one can find detailed lists of all artists – might be referred to in the text)
- Websites of important exhibitions (if existing)
Comment - Lists of Artists
Festival policy
- When does the festival take place?
- Where? – in several towns, in several venues (open-air, small, big, alternative, etc)?
- What is its concept? (overview, thematic, etc, focus on artists from a particular country, focus on established, emerging, young, etc.)?
- Is the festival competitive – offering awards? – what kind of awards?
- For what kind of audiences is it meant or interesting (esp. for international – press?, artists? -offering workshops) - there are some festivals that keep in the city the artists for longer period, they mix, write blogs, etc (e.g., Mladi levi, City of Women)
- How to apply to participate – here can be a source if they go public with announcements and how?
- What other activities do they organise (workshops, etc.)
- Any follow-up? (Helena: "This info is missing in this land.")
Additional questions from Jana
- Who selects the programme? A curator? Guest? Artistic director? Committee? Jury? Who selects the jury?
- Are performances/events commissioned for the festival (premières/co-commissioning projects)?
- number of days, number of acts/events?
Periodicals policy
- When was the journal/magazine started?
- What concept does it have?
- Is it open for contributions – what are ... also English texts?
- Is the periodical partly bilingual or with abstracts in English?
- Do they cooperate in some international network? (example - Dialogi and Sodobnost partly published at
(work in process)
(work in process)