Department of Art History Library, University of Ljubljana
The collection has old and new bibliographies (Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA)), encyclopaedias, lexicons (Allgemeines Kuenstlerlexikon, Thieme-Becker Kuenstlerlexikon) and biographies (A Venturi, Storia dell’Arte Italiana). The library also holds some books of historical value, for example, Crux Triumphans et Gloriosa by Bossius (1617), Topographia Archiducatus Carinthiae (1688), Prospettiva de Pittori e Architetti (1799), and Albert Duerers Schriftlicher Nachlass (1908).
The Department of Art History has prepared a collection of photographic reproductions (also on CD-ROM), which enables comparative studies of Slovene, Austrian, and Italian medieval fresco painting, sculpture, and architecture.