Depot:Agregat Magazine


Agregat webzine was a magazine existing from 2003 to 2007, followed by the webzine. It was published by the Agregat Association for Contemporary Polemics.

Below you can read the archival article. Please be aware that certain links and contact information may no longer be valid.


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Agregat : revija za sodobno družbenopolitično polemiko

Archival article

Agregat Webzine was an online magazine open for submissions of texts from the field of humanities and social sciences that are politically and theoretically engaged. Authors of shorter prose, poetry, comics, illustration and photos are also invited to submit their work. In Summer 2007 the theme was Ecology.

External links

Agregat Magazine archived in Cobiss

... more about "Agregat Magazine"
Agregat : revija za sodobno družbenopolitično polemiko +
Agregat : revija za sodobno družbenopolitično polemiko +
Agregat webzine was a magazine existing from 2003 to 2007, followed by the webzine. +
Agregat webzine was a magazine existing from 2003 to 2007, followed by the webzine. +
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