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Ustanova Fundacija Ana
Dolenjska cesta 105, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 427 4801

One of the first non-governmental foundations in independent Slovenia (its organisational form being the ustanova), the Ana Foundation was established in 1992 by Josip Jesih. A humanitarian and non-profit organisation, the Foundation gives grants to gifted pupils and students from poor families who have good records at school and have achieved excellent results in extracurricular activities.

To date grants have been awarded to pupils from grammar schools in Brežice, Škofja Loka, Vipava and Ljubljana, and from Celje Economics School, Črnomelj Elementary School, Ljubljana Medical School and the Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana. Funds have been donated by Slovene companies such as Mobitel d d, Loterija Slovenije d d and Riko d o o, and smaller amounts have been granted by Magistrat International d d, Delamaris Izola d d, Podravka d d, Oljarica, tovarna olja Kranj, Kolinska d d, TČR d d, Božena Lerota, Tobačna Ljubljana d d, Čuk grafika Postojna d o o and Bayer Pharma d o o.

In 2006-2007 the stipend was awarded to 13 pupils and students.

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Ustanova Fundacija Ana +
Ustanova Fundacija Ana +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Dolenjska cesta 105 +
One of the first non-governmental foundations in independent Slovenia (its organisational form being the ustanova), the Ana Foundation was established in 1992 by Josip Jesih. +
One of the first non-governmental foundations in independent Slovenia (its organisational form being the ustanova), the Ana Foundation was established in 1992 by Josip Jesih. +
+386 / 1 427 4801 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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