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Depot:Balcanis Magazine
Balcanis editorials have been established in every country, with a co-ordination office located in Ljubljana. Editors have worked continuously on widening the net of new contributors and authors. Balcanis is a member of the international organisations EUROZINE, the European cultural magazines network, the Balkan Association of Publishers (BAP), Blesok (Skopje, Macedonia), Društvo Balcanis (Beograd, Serbia), BUYBOOK (Sarajevo, Bosnia and Hercegovina) and ATTACK (Zagreb, Croatia). The magazine has been distributed and promoted in bookstores in Slovenia, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia, and is also supplied at kiosks in Serbia and Montenegro. Balcanis hopes to attract contributors from more countries in the future.
Up to 2003 Balcanis appeared five times a year in a printed form of about 140 pages and in an online version. The articles were first published in their original language, then appeared on the Internet translated into various other languages. Since 2003 the magazine has appeared less frequently.