Depot:Barbara Bulatovič



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Barbara Bulatovič
Krekov trg 7, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 40 459 962

The portal does not feature individual artists. The article made a part of the Slovenia Cultural Profile database.

Archival article

Barbara Bulatovič graduated from the ESNAM Puppetry School in France and undertook postgraduate studies at KLAM in Prague. Since 1995 she has worked as a freelance puppeteer. She makes puppets and conceives her own projects (King Alcohol, Juri Muri in Africa, Enchanted Place). Her plays have been presented at the Ana Desetnica International Street Theatre Festival, the Lutke International Puppet Festival in Ljubljana and the Lent Festival in Maribor, as well as at festivals in Sarajevo, Hradec Kralove and Burkina Faso. Barbara Bulatovič has also taken part in several collaborative projects, with Katja Povše of Icarus Flights, with Sebastjan Starič on the dance theatre performance Who is Nuts Here?, with Ana Monró Theatre, and with Jože Pengov Puppet Theatre. She has led many workshops in Izola, as well as organising Theatre of Objects and From the Mask to the Word workshops for children with impaired hearing.

See also

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Barbara Bulatovič +
Barbara Bulatovič +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Krekov trg 7 +
The portal does not feature individual artists. +
The portal does not feature individual artists. +
+386 / 40 459 962 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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