Depot:Celje Tourist Association



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Turistično društvo Celje
Cesta na grad 78, SI-3000 Celje
Phone386 (0) 3 492 6920

Celje Tourist Association was established in 1871 with around 500 members, and for over 130 years it has taken care of Celje's parks, castles and other precious Celje heritage sites. The organisation organises a traditional Medieval Day at Celje Castle, known since 2003 as Under the stars of Celje Counts. In August 2002 the 'Celjani' Medieval Group was formed under its auspices to foster the medieval tradition. The Celje Tourist Association issues the newsletter The Beautiful City, which is 40 years old. It also confers the Rose Award on people who keep their premises neat and clean.

See also

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Turistično društvo Celje +
Turistično društvo Celje +
SI-3000 Celje +
Cesta na grad 78 +
Celje Tourist Association was established in 1871 with around 500 members, and for over 130 years it has taken care of Celje's parks, castles and other precious Celje heritage sites. +
Celje Tourist Association was established in 1871 with around 500 members, and for over 130 years it has taken care of Celje's parks, castles and other precious Celje heritage sites. +
+386 / 3 492 6920 +
Celje +
SI-3000 +
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