Depot:Consortium Veritatis Journalist Award



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Nagrada Consortium veritatis / bratstvo resnice
Društvo novinarjev Slovenije (SDN), Wolfova 8/I, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, [[]]
Phone386 (0) 1 426 0363

These annual awards are bestowed by the Slovene Association of Journalists. Each year candidates are put forward by editorial desks, special journalist sections, the Association itself or other organisations and individuals. There is an award for a lifelong contribution to the development of Slovene journalism, an award for the best journalist photography, several awards for extraordinary achievements in journalism during the previous year (groups are also eligible for this) and some awards for young journalists who have been successfully working in the field for up to five years. The award is bestowed for work in the field of broadcasting or press.

Nagrada Consortium veritatis / bratstvo resnice +
Nagrada Consortium veritatis / bratstvo resnice +
Društvo novinarjev Slovenije (SDN), Wolfova 8/I, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia +
These annual awards are bestowed by the Slovene Association of Journalists. +
These annual awards are bestowed by the Slovene Association of Journalists. +
+386 / 1 426 0363 +
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