Depot:Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia Sunbury, Victoria



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Konzulat Republike Slovenije Sunbury, Victoria
6 Lachlan Court, Sunbury 3429 Victoria

Phone61 3 8390 9030, 61 408 332 753

The article was put into Depot as it is out of office since 2015.

The Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Sunbury (part of the Greater Melbourne) in Victoria in the south-east of Australia was opened in 2014.

The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Australia is located in Canberra.

See also

External links

Konzulat Republike Slovenije Sunbury, Victoria +
Konzulat Republike Slovenije Sunbury, Victoria +
Sunbury 3429 Victoria +
6 Lachlan Court +
The article was put into Depot as it is out of office since 2015. +
The article was put into Depot as it is out of office since 2015. +
+61 3 8390 9030, 61 408 332 753 +