Depot:Contemporary Culture and Science Institute (ZSKZ Ljubljana)



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Zavod za sodobno kulturo in znanost (ZSKZ, Ljubljana)
Maurerjeva 8, SI-1000 Ljubljana

The Contemporary Culture and Science Institute (ZKSZ Ljubljana) operates as Artreflect, a project for young enthusiasts from the fields of Visual Arts and the Social Sciences. Its general aim is to promote alternative, progressive ways of expressing and reflecting social reality. Artreflect currently organises exhibitions at the Kodeljevo Castle in Ljubljana. The first project was an exhibition Objective Delight, involving photographers from Slovenia and Israel. An international project of 2005, Green, as I love you, greenly, an exhibition of seven Slovene painters of the younger generation, was set in Orangeriet, Leufsta Manor and at Kodeljevo Manor, as part of the Art on the Road project instigated by the Municipality of Tierp (Tierp Kommun) in Sweden. Recent projects included collaboration with China (Plan of Coincidence, an exhibition of Chinese and Slovene photographers) and Austria (Reverberations of the Body, an exhibition of contemporary Austrian art).

See also

External links

Zavod za sodobno kulturo in znanost (ZSKZ, Ljubljana) +
Zavod za sodobno kulturo in znanost (ZSKZ, Ljubljana) +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Maurerjeva 8 +
The Contemporary Culture and Science Institute (ZKSZ Ljubljana) operates as Artreflect, a project for young enthusiasts from the fields of Visual Arts and the Social Sciences. +
The Contemporary Culture and Science Institute (ZKSZ Ljubljana) operates as Artreflect, a project for young enthusiasts from the fields of Visual Arts and the Social Sciences. +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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