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The transnational project Culture-Gates: Exposing Professional Gate-keeping Processes in Music and New Media Arts was undertaken in 2003 by ERICarts in partnership with Mediacult (Vienna), Finn-EKVIT (Helsinki), the Zentrum für Kulturforschung (Bonn), and the Observatorio das Actividades Culturais (Lisboa).

Culture-Gates was a 15-month study for the European Union to investigate gate-keeping systems in cultural labour markets and the impact that gate-keepers have on the career development of women working in the fields of music and new media arts.

The website combines information on the results, recommendations, partners and sponsors from Culture-Gates and two previous projects on women in arts and media across Europe, co-ordinated by ERICarts: Pyramid or Pillars. Unveiling the Status of Women in Arts and Media Professions across Europe, also sponsored by the European Commission under its Equal Opportunities Programme, and Women in Cultural Policies, a study prepared for the UNESCO Conference on Culture and Development in 1998.

See also Culture-Biz

... more about "Culture-Gates"
Culture-Gates +
Culture-Gates +
The transnational project Culture-GatesThe transnational project Culture-Gates: Exposing Professional Gate-keeping Processes in Music and New Media Arts was undertaken in 2003 by ERICarts in partnership with Mediacult (Vienna), Finn-EKVIT (Helsinki), the Zentrum für Kulturforschung (Bonn), and the Observatorio das Actividades Culturais (Lisboa).atorio das Actividades Culturais (Lisboa). +
The transnational project Culture-Gates: EThe transnational project Culture-Gates: Exposing Professional Gate-keeping Processes in Music and New Media Arts was undertaken in 2003 by ERICarts in partnership with Mediacult (Vienna), Finn-EKVIT (Helsinki), the Zentrum für Kulturforschung (Bonn), and the Observatorio das Actividades Culturais (Lisboa).atorio das Actividades Culturais (Lisboa). +