Depot:Directorate for Tourism, Ministry of the Economy



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Direktorat za turizem, Ministrstvo za gospodarstvo
Ministrstvo za gospodarstvo, Kotnikova 5, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, [[]]
Phone386 (0) 1 400 3200

Within the global framework, tourism is becoming one of the most important branches of the Slovene economy, linking together numerous economic activities. Moreover, it is a major spur to regional development, raising the economic value of biodiversity, natural values and cultural heritage, and facilitating increased social prosperity. The activities of the Ministry of the Economy in the area of tourism are aimed at creating the conditions for achieving the long-term competitiveness of the tourism sector and for increasing the current scope of tourism activities.

The Ministry of the Economy has a range of qualitative and quantitative goals orientated towards increasing the overall competitiveness of Slovenian tourism and the scope of tourism activities.

The main objectives are: (i) increasing recognition of Slovenia in the world market; (ii) increasing the number of overnight stays; (iii) higher foreign exchange inflows from tourism; (iv) promoting the investment cycle in tourism; (v) increasing the role of knowledge; (vi) improving the educational profile of employees in all areas and levels of development of Slovene tourism; and (vii) improving the spatial conditions for the development of tourism in areas that are strategically important for the development of tourism.

For the fulfilment of the primary strategic objectives in the area of the development of tourism the Ministry has determined five fundamental development policies: (i) spatial development policy; (ii) marketing policy; (iii) human resources development policy; (iv) investment policy; and (v) the policy of promoting the development of new products and raising quality in tourism.

Direktorat za turizem, Ministrstvo za gospodarstvo +
Direktorat za turizem, Ministrstvo za gospodarstvo +
Ministrstvo za gospodarstvo, Kotnikova 5, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia +
Within the global framework, tourism is becoming one of the most important branches of the Slovene economy, linking together numerous economic activities. +
Within the global framework, tourism is becoming one of the most important branches of the Slovene economy, linking together numerous economic activities. +
+386 / 1 400 3200 +
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