Depot:Europe House, Nova Gorica



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Evropska hiša, Nova Gorica
Erjavčeva 4, SI-5000 Nova Gorica
Phone386 (0) 5 302 2006

Founded as a member of the Fédération international des maisons de l'Europe (FIME,, Europe House, Nova Gorica is a non-governmental and non-profit information and educational institution that supports European integration processes by informing people, particularly young people, about news, standpoints and forms of integration in Europe. Europe Houses deal with the basic principles, social models and common characteristics of the EU - political pluralism, democracy, peace, social solidarity, cultural diversity, richness of common cultural heritage and the vital role of Europe. The main activity of Europe House, Nova Gorica is the organisation of meetings which facilitate the exchange of opinions and inform the public about different themes. The ‘Peace in Yugoslavia’ conference took place here in January 1992, and in recent years the centre has hosted numerous annual international seminars on new technology, involving partners from the Alps-Adriatic region. For some years, Europe House in Nova Gorica has enjoyed a successful collaboration with the European Academy of Friuli Venezia Giulia (Accademia europeista di FVG) in Gorizia, Italy. The centre also hosted a consultation meeting on the introduction of the Euro in December 2001 and an international conference entitled ‘Reality and Challenges of EU Enlargement’ in 2002.

See also Europe House, Ljubljana, Europe House, Maribor

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Evropska hiša, Nova Gorica +
Evropska hiša, Nova Gorica +
SI-5000 Nova Gorica +
Erjavčeva 4 +
+386 / 5 302 2006 +
Nova Gorica +
SI-5000 +
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